It is worth noting that the flood of Chinese formalism occurs after large -scale and long -term centralization and system construction.Proper collection of power helps to correct the scattered "Kowloon Water", but too much will lead to the proliferation of bureaucracy and formalism, and become formalism: "People look at you and village cadres are busy showing you."

Recently in China, "formalism" has become a hot word in officialdom and system.It refers to the phenomenon of various forms of dedication, diligent and hard work; the basic affairs remain unchanged, but the workload has increased significantly; it is a grass -roots first -tier cadre and employees who are exhausted in the Wenshan Huihai.Submit the reporting materials, welcome the inspection of superiors, and various assessment and evaluation creation.It caused universal effort. In October last year, a 23 -year -old female teacher in Henan was required to commit suicide by various formalism of the school.

On January 29 this year, the central government of the Mainland Government held a special meeting of "central level rectification formatism as a special work mechanism for the grassroots burden reduction", and proposed that key rectification in 10 areas: rectification of "political performance projects", "image project", "face engineering project", "face engineering project""And other issues; solve the problems in the sub -reducing meeting, supervision and inspection; improve the practical effectiveness of learning and investigation; correction" formalism on the fingertips "; crack the simple" one -size -fits -all "approach in the revitalization of the countryside; solve various demonstration activitiesExisting problems; solve the problem of adjusting grassroots cadres; clean up the normative festival forum exhibitions; improve the assessment methods; clean up the "abuse of listing" of grass -roots organizations.

Lack of rational and common sense

Formatism is not only because of its time and effort, waste of resources, but also due to the absence of rationality and common sense, causing a bad political atmosphere.There are many cases revealed in various media, such as beef and hairs. For example, in order to implement the country's "retreat from forests" to ensure the safety of food security, many places cut trees and destroy the greening and ecological belts that have been built for decades. HoweverMost of the land is abandoned because farmers are unwilling to plant food crops, prefer to plant economic crops or work in the city.This result is different from policy intentions.

For the rural areas to prevent poverty, it is a political task, and dare not sloppy.The daily task of rural poverty alleviation cadres is to visit, calculate income, report data, and evaluate the risk of poverty alleviation. It is considered to have a few more chickens who have raised poverty alleviation households.It is not enough to do not work, because there is an unannounced visitor of the Discipline Inspection Commission on it. At the same time, the roster of the poor households will be turned over to take rural cadres like elementary school students.

There is also a indicator of the procuratorate as "no arrest rate", that is, the case from the public security report every year, the ratio of how many arrests or not prosecuted (it seems to reflect humanized justice), and the assessment rankings must be evaluated.Therefore, some county procuratorates reached a tacit understanding with the Public Security Bureau, and the latter used some cases that had only been punished by administrative penalties as criminal cases to the procuratorate, and then the procuratorate was issued."" ".

These reports of statistics, reporting materials, summary reports, etc., generally do not have the following.The main purpose of doing these is to leave a record to prepare for future review and random inspection. The proprietary term is "traceism."The current formalism is marked by the times, digital, and programmatic, forming the so -called "formalism on the fingertips".People are gradually accustomed to being restrained by algorithms and systematic, stereotypes and regulations.Rural cadres have various applications on their mobile phones. Each corresponding to one department work, agriculture, water conservancy, land, rural revitalization, party building, housing construction, public security and other departments have their own software.The same reporting requirements.

In addition to these passive formalism, there are also active types that cater to superiors: some cadres are enthusiastic about superficial articles in order to achieve their performance and get promoted.And it must be different from the competitive unit, or better.The comparison and competition rankings caused by this gave birth to a large number of internal rolls and internal consumption, which made the following fatigue.A large amount of invalid labor was packaged exquisitely, presented, propagated, and was ironic as "carving on shit".

The root cause of "layer layer"

Formatism is born in cope with bureaucracy.The essence of bureaucracy is the will from top to bottom in the official standard of power.Formatism is mainly manifested in the intention of excessive bureaucratic bureaucrats around the superiors. The essence is to shoot horses and protect themselves.The reason why formalism is a feast of power is first manifested as the need to obey below, absolute loyalty, emphasize various consciousness centered on leaders, and use this as the main standard for promoting cadres.For example, the "people" in "serving the people" to "overall situation" caused heated discussion.Obviously, the interpretation of what is the "overall situation" is on it, and the definition of vagueness is also the requirement of exercising the scepter.In the official culture of "Wei Shang", singing high -profile and loyalty is an essential survival skill.

Second, institutionalized political learning, as well as those who are used to unify ideas, unify will, unify action, and continuous theme education movements and outplacement learning classes, resulting in a high -pressure environment for political correctI have to do a prescribed action.Different from the Mao Zedong era, the current political learning and the daily work and life of party members and cadres often do not meet each other, and it is easy to become a field to deal with the errand or exam.

Third, to ensure that the task of completing the superior is the bottom line, and the excess task is the goal. Both are required to increase and do not go to the superior tasks.The root cause of the system has a unique multiplication effect on the multi -layered pyramid structure.Although the people suffer in the epidemic, it cannot be governed under the current system.

Fourth, assessment and evaluation, inspection and inspection can best show authority.For example, when leaders of counties and cities formulate assessment methods, all departments are scrambling to stuff the work tasks of their departments into the assessment indicators, try to increase the weight of the headquarters in the assessment, increase the scope of assessment and improve the assessment standards, so as to brush the sense of presenceOr expand power and improve status.These motivations are not necessarily related to doing a good job, and only formalism can be dealt with below.

Fifth, in order to give a good impression on the superiors, he has to have political achievements, and it is better than competitors.This requires that in addition to the layers of oversupply and exceeding the task, people must be refreshing.For example, in order to improve the assessment scores, the first is to ensure that the basic work cannot be deducted, and the other is to strive for additional work, such as undertaking pilot tasks, striving for major county -level projects, and self -set up work innovation to obtain extra points.To renovate, this year's innovation is different from last year. Unlike last year, different from competitive units, or the same practice, but the name is different, when the name is the same, the material promotion must be different.The creation activities with a variety of names have become meaningless toss, consume manpower and material resources, and manufacture formalism.

These are official games, and there is no necessity with the well -being of the people.In formalist masterpieces, when playing officials and official game games, they often ignore the practical problems of the people, causing widespread dissatisfaction among the masses of cadres.

Formatism Anti -formalism

This is another strange circle of the centralized system except for one -size -fits -all, layer plus or multiplication effect.For example, some netizens saw 10 aspects of the above -mentioned formalism of the above -mentioned formalism, and formulated the following action plan with official habits: "In the next step, you must quickly study and implement, include performance assessment, standardized management, do a good timetable, do a good job of timetableTask graphs, rectify the layout in a timely manner, strengthen inspections and inspections, and increase grassroots supervision " -proper formalism!

Another example, the Central Cyber ​​Security and Information CommitteeSeveral opinions of the office issued by the office on the prevention and treatment of "formalism on the fingertips" include five parts:

1. "Guidance Thought": "Guided by Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, in -depth implementation of the party's 20th spirit, comprehensively implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the bureaucracy of the formalism of force ring, adhere to the partyComprehensive leadership "; Second, strengthen construction management: strengthen unified planning, strengthen the review of projects, highlight convenient collection, restrict compulsory functions, and prevent" empty shells "and" zombies ";Ranking, multiple reports; 4. Strengthen safety management: improve the safety system and strengthen classification and protection; 5. Strengthen organizational protection: compact the main responsibility, consolidate the responsibility of the ground, and implement the supervision responsibility."Restrictions, strengthening, strengthening, prominent, preventive, sound, compacking, consolidation, implementation, supervision", etc. are all instruction verbs, which can be called "upper verbs".They did not leave the autonomous space below, but left enough room for the flexible explanation to the top, which can be quantified into various indicators. The following can only be cope with formalism.

The most direct evidence is one of the 10 aspects of the above -mentioned central special conferences: "Solving the problems in the sub -reducing meeting and supervision and inspection". In other words, it is to correct the formalism that appears in formalism.The method can only be formalism.

Who is the initiator?

Bulletin is an inevitable result of centralized and only.The US military, the French civilian system, the bureaucratic bureaucratic agencies of Brazil, and Italy, and the privilege class of the Soviet Union are all formalist in the hardest hit areas.It is worth noting that the flood of Chinese formalism occurs after large -scale and long -term centralization and system construction.Proper centralization helps to correct the scattered "Kowloon Water", but too much will lead to the proliferation of bureaucracy and formalism.Even "people -centered" have become formalism: "People look at you, and village cadres are busy showing you."According to reports, some poor farmers were used to break: the cadres Xiacun condolences to the poor households and sent a lot of daily necessities. Unexpectedly, some poor households were too low in military coats."You are also" "some cadres" know that petitioners are unreasonable, and they do everything possible to please them. As long as they can stop them from petitioning, they are willing to be extorted by them, because the petitioning numbers themselves are an assessment indicator.

Bulletin is the bureaucratic authoritarian authority.The right to be restricted has become more trembling with a highly centralized bureaucracy.The lack of minimum rights protection of the lower level. Except for formalism and abundant negative means, there are no channels for positive resistance to the front.Here, power rather than the system is singing the protagonist.This is a wonderful irony for "losing power into the cage of power", because the official standard system without democratic connotation is essentially serving power, so it is impossible to control power.Only political reform can eradicate formalism.