According to the Taiwan United News Network reported on February 21, mainland fishing vessels turned over the water to fall into the water.Frequent body.

The funeral industry said that the family members believed that the Taiwan Strait patrol department had no sincerity in handling, and there were many scars on the remains. They suspected that the cause of death was doubtful, so they refused the cremation.However, prosecutors speculate that drowning should die during the test.

According to the Taiwan "Central News Agency" reported on February 21, the tension of disputes in the Jinxia waters, the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun said on the 21st that the DPP authorities have the responsibility to reduce the risk of cross -strait confrontation, seek all possible dialogue, avoid the dialogue and avoidCross -strait conflicts.The Kuomintang is also responsible for asking the government to reduce maliciousness, otherwise cross -strait relations will form malicious spirals, which will become more and more serious.

Zhu Lilun said at the Kuomintang on the afternoon of the 21st that the Kuomintang also expressed the meaning of mourning to the victims based on humanity., AC solution to the problem.

The Taiwan United Daily article on February 21 stated that the Corporation of the mainland speedboat was brewed 2 deaths. The situation of the Taiwan Strait was warmed. After nearly a week, the Lufang family members arrived at Golden Gate on the 20th.

The article says that the "Sea Patrol Agency" first named the other party's refusal to check the snake and the tail of the tail.After changing your mouth, under the high speed, the hull has "contact" many times.The first dishonesty of the "Sea Patrol Agency" has caused himself to fall into a dilemma.

The article also said that the two lives are involved, and it also involves sensitive and complex and subtle political relations on both sides of the strait. The handling of the "Sea Patrol Agency" is not only difficult to explain to the deceased, but also hurt Taiwan's credibility.