The U.S. Senate passed a package of foreign aid facilities. In the plan of a total value of 95 billion US dollars (about S $ 130 billion), it includes the requesting Chinese short video application TIKTOK to be drowned from byte.bill.

On Tuesday (April 23), the US Senate approved the foreign aid plan passed by the House of Representatives a few days ago with a 79 -voting and 18 votes against the voting results.

Johnson, Speaker of the Republican House of Representatives, suddenly changed his position last weekend. He was rarely joined forces with Democrats to pass four bills with overwhelming votes. In addition to the TIKTOK bill, it also included partners in Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan and the United States.Assistance items.

These four bills were merged into a package of bills in the Senate.

Two U.S. officials told Reuters that President Biden promised that as soon as the bill was sent to his desk, he would immediately sign into law.His government is already preparing a $ 1 billion military aid plan for Ukraine, which is the first assistance plan in a Paris Act.

The Senate conducted a procedural vote on the bill earlier that day, and passed the debate time of the four bills to promote the bill with 80 votes to a majority of 19 votes.After the procedural voting was approved, the Senate's two -party leaders expected that Congress had reversed the situation, allowing Russian President Putin and other foreign rivals to realize that the US government would continue to support Ukraine and other foreign partners.

San Mo, the leader of the majority of the Senate, said: "This is a historical turning point. Western democracy may face the biggest threat since the end of the Cold War."

The minority leader of the Senate McConnell is a firm advocate to assist Ukraine. He said at a press conference that when the Democratic Party entered the White House, the Republican Party often adopted an isolated attitude, but on the 23rdVote for supporting the promotion bill.

He said: "I think we have reversed the dilemma of the isolationist movement."