Source: Bloomberg

As the Chinese stock market plummeted reduced the value of the stock, investors have been looking for a higher return, and the scale of Chinese stocks held by foreign investors in 2023 declined for the second consecutive year.

The data released by the People's Bank of China on Wednesday shows that as of the end of last year, overseas institutions and individuals holding 2.8 trillion yuan in domestic stocks, a decrease of 13%compared to 12 months ago, and nearly 30 decreased by nearly 30 from the end of 2021 at the end of 2021%.The data shows that the value of domestic bonds held by overseas entities last year increased by nearly 8%.

On Wednesday, data and other indicators show that as investors look for alternatives in other markets such as India and Japan, global funds continue to withdraw capital from China in 2023.Bloomberg's data shows that selling for a new year, in January, overseas investors sold stocks worth 14.5 billion yuan ($ 2 billion) through the Hong Kong stocks interconnected nets in January.

The data of the second half of last year was announced after a long delay that has not been explained.Prior to the release of the latest data, the segmentation data about the last domestic RMB financial assets such as overseas entity holding stocks was in August last year, when the People's Bank of China announced the data of the second quarter of 2023.In recent years, data in the third quarter is usually announced in October or November, and the last quarter data is usually announced in January or February of the following year.

The data released by the People's Bank of China did not explain to the postponing announcement.Bloomberg News asked the central bank earlier by the lack of statistics.

In China, the lack of transparency in data is a problem. Some statistical data stopped publishing without explanation, especially when this information is considered to be not conducive to economy and market.As Beijing attaches great importance to national security, which has caused investors to worry about increasingly worrying, this opaque sometimes hinders investors' ability to evaluate China's economic health.

There are other rare situations such as resumed data that has been released for a long time.After the policy maker spent several months to adjust and improve the statistical method, the National Bureau of Statistics of China resumed the release of a youth unemployment rate last month.Chinese youth unemployment rate hit a record high last summer.

The German Think Tank Makato China Research Center said that China has strengthened control over its sensitive enterprises and economic data, increasing the challenges of enterprises, governments, and researchers to understand the future development of key areas of China.

The think tank said in a recent report that in 2022, only 68%of the Chinese State Council was released publicly, lower than 88%in 2015.

The People's Bank of China also stopped issuing questionnaire survey reports by urban reserves, entrepreneurs, and bankers after June last year.The previous survey showed that the proportion of residents who planned to increase savings increased, and the level of confidence in future employment and income was lower than before the epidemic.

The People's Bank of China did not reply to the commentary requests issued by Bloomberg's previous investigation report on the survey report.

In September last year, China Settlement, which was held by the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, stopped issuing the number of new investors and the total stock market transaction in the monthly report.Before stopping the above data, Chinese senior leaders called for active capital markets and boosting investor confidence, but failed to prevent the stock market from falling.

China's settlement has not responded to evaluation request.