The rapid progress of artificial intelligence also highlights the tentacles of the business giants of the American technology giant, extending to more social corners, and the dominant position in science and technology has been further established and consolidated.For the U.S. government, supervision of them is undoubtedly urgent, and how to supervise them will inevitably receive high attention.

Two powerful artificial intelligence (AI) models were released in the United States last week, and the scientific and technological circles at home and abroad were inspiring, but the hot discussion wave also followed; at the same time, it once again caused discussions from all walks of life to develop these toolsIs the American technology giant, have it been so big that it is not too big, and should be further supervised?Trump, who is likely to become a Republican presidential candidate, has not proposed any powerful regulatory proposition at this stage.The close relationship makes the future supervision prospects of science and technology giants is not optimistic.

Chinese people in various places are also immersed in the mid -February atmosphere of the Spring Festival holiday. Ultraman, CEO of the artificial intelligence research company invested by Microsoft, released a video generation model Sora.SORA can generate videos, images, audio, and various texts from different perspectives without manual editing.The key progress of advanced technology is that the power of training data and the ability to build a lack of discussion can be described as much stronger than the popular ChatGPT last year.

Google, a subsidiary of another technology giant Alphabet, immediately released the artificial intelligence model Gemini 1.5 Pro.The reason why it is powerful is that it can be able to conduct highly complicated understanding and reasoning across modes, which can not only handle and understand long texts, but also understand and analyze image and video content, and then identify and reason relevant specific plots and details.Because it performs well in dealing with a large amount of data and solving complex problems, it is generally believed that this is very valuable in the rare language or professional knowledge field, and even some views are optimistic about Gemini 1.5 Pro as a multifunctional and efficient next -generation artificial intelligence model.potential.

Needless to doubt that once these two artificial intelligence models are widely used, there may be many jobs in the society that will be impacted.Last year, the American Councilor Association, who represented 160,000 Hollywood entertainers, launched a 118 -day strike operation. One of the reasons is that they are dissatisfied with the use of artificial intelligence, but they are afraid they will not expect that artificial intelligence will be the same.Fast.In fact, the rapid progress of artificial intelligence also highlights the tentacles of the US technology giant's business are extending to more social corners, and the dominance of science and technology research and development has also been further established and consolidated.For the U.S. government, supervision of them is undoubtedly urgent, and how to supervise them will inevitably receive high attention.

As far as artificial intelligence is concerned, Biden issued an administrative order last October, requiring various departments to review the potential countries and economic risks of artificial intelligence products, especially for information custody and information in high -risk fields such as employment, insurance and health insurance.use.Each state has also formulated artificial intelligence -related legislation, and the US Copyright Administration has also issued a guidance principle covering the intellectual property category involved in artificial intelligence using data.

However, the dominance of artificial intelligence is controlled by the US folk technology giant, and it has not made a slightest move.Although the call of regulatory technology giants is endless in Washington politics, various information shows that the business of technology giants has not been significantly affected by regulatory.It did not mean that the services they provided were resisted.In fact, as the footsteps of this year's election gradually approached, Trump, who was trying to enter the Palace, seemed to have a sign of increased dependence on technology giants.

The records of the

The Federal Election Commission provided the flow of funds for the full year of the campaign activities of each camp last year.These records show that the two -party camps transport millions of dollars to Silicon Valley, including technology giants to pay digital advertising costs, and they think this is one of the most effective ways to contact voters.Just like ordinary Americans live in daily life, the digital publicity advertising services provided by the technology giants cannot avoid the two -party campaign operator.

Although the Biden government is fighting all aspects with Amazon, Google, and Facebook, it may also be launched against Apple's lawsuits, but his presidential campaign is still visiting these companies.The Federal Trade Commission filed an antitrust lawsuit against Amazon, accusing the science and technology giant using "monopoly power" to raise prices.Biden also had Bezos, the founder and former CEO of Amazon on Twitter in 2022 to call the inflation and corporate tax issues.Biden also often criticized the way Facebook and Google and other ways to deal with crown disease errors. They once said that these platforms are "killing".

On the other hand, the Biden campaign team paid nearly $ 60,000 to Amazon Network Service Company last year to award the other party's hosting website.While launching antitrust efforts, and claiming the integration action of technology giants in other fields, "less and less choices for workers and consumers", Biden still has inextricable cooperative relationships with technology giants.Obviously it will be one of the embarrassing problems he must face in the campaign.

As for Trump, when he criticized the science and technology giants from time to time, he did not necessarily clarify his interests with them. Strictly speaking, his relationship with technology giants would not give up.From time to time, he also mentioned the antitrust issue of science and technology giants, but did not take any action during his term; his criticism of technology giants was more focused on them.For example, he described the other party as a "weird" when he talked about the political differences of Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Meta Platforms, the parent company of Facebook.

However, according to the American News Network Axios, the Trump campaign team paid at least $ 11.5 million last year as the "online advertising" or "placement of the media". In the first few months of last year, in Facebook and GoogleHundreds of thousands of advertisements were put in.The team also purchased more than $ 30,000 office supplies in Amazon.

Considering that the business of technology giants spans multiple fields, no matter who enters the White House, it is not easy to supervise them.Recently, after witnessing that they are dominated by artificial intelligence, they have to doubt that the science and technology giant will become a scientific monster?

(the author is a local current affairs commentator)