When the situation in the South China Sea is tight, Singapore Foreign Minister Vivian reiterates the importance of following international law and hopes that all parties will maintain a smooth communication channel and maintain regional peace and stability.Weiwen also emphasized that leaders' transfer will not change to my country's foreign policy, contribute to Asia, and any changes to further deepening the relationship with the Philippines.

Vivian on Tuesday (April 16) showed the above position during a joint press conference in Manila and the Philippine Foreign Minister Manlo.

On the issue of the situation in the South China Sea, Weiwen reiterated that Singapore is not a country of sovereignty in South China.Channel, maintain regional peace and stability. "

He said: "We safeguard all the rights of navigation and flight freedom, and support the conventions of the United Nations Marine Law in accordance with the recognized international law principles to resolve disputes in a peaceful way."

The sovereignty of the South China Sea has a long history. Mainland China, Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Brunei all voiced all sovereignty or some sovereign rights.

Weiwen also encouraged all parties to actively participate in consultation with the South China Sea Conduct.

A member states of Ya'an and China launched a formal consultation of the South China Sea Conduct in March 2018. In August of the same year, a single consultation text was reached.It is in the third reading stage.