From 2018, I have visited the Taiwan National History Museum many times to check the decryption file.As a Buddhist scholar, my attention is of course the Buddhist archives of the National Government.However, every few days in a consecutive days of checking the files in Xindian, Taipei, they also occasionally read some fun files to relax.I remember that I had tested a lot of Singapore files in the 1920s and 40s, and found that at that time, countries extended the tentacles of the spy to Xingzhou. There was even a famous overseas Chinese leader who was active in the local Zongxiang and charitable institutions.At that time, the identity of the senior management of the National Government's military uniform was expelled from British colonial officials on the grounds of anti -British.In fact, he is also related to the Chinese government's peripheral organization in Singapore, the Chinese Pioneer Pioneer.The point is that his identity, regarding him as a supporting assistant, was covered in the drum from beginning to end.

At that time, the reason why the political forces of all parties regarded Singapore as the center of the spy activity was first related to special geographical location.Singapore is located in Southeast Asia and is a gathering point for east -west culture.Since the opening of the port, it has been deeply open and international. Political and economic control are relatively free. In addition, they are extremely diverse ethnic and religious culture.It provides convenience for each spy organization to carry out activities locally.Singapore has always developed the prosperous business economy and high -level material life, which has also attracted all parties to appear.

In recent years, with the rapid rise in the international status of Southeast Asia, the intensification of the Sino -US game, especially during the period of the crown disease, due to the strong tendency of politicization of epidemic prevention, countries have strengthened the local information collection and political influence.Investment.This foreign influence also led to several immigration groups based on the guidance of the public opinion of the mother country to interfere with Singapore's independent and independent epidemic prevention policy.This not only exacerbates the complexity of the local epidemic prevention situation, but also weakens valuable mutual trust between Singapore's ethnic groups and between the courts and the field.

Therefore, in 2021, the Singapore government has timely by preventing foreign intervention laws (FICA) in a timely manner to resist information promotion of foreign forces or trying to interfere with the internal affairs of Singapore by agents.The decree had taken effect at the end of last year, which greatly strengthened the ability of the internal affairs team to control foreign forces to reduce the impact of regional political activities on local political and economic situation.

Singapore is a vulnerable country formed by the collection of foreign civilization. From a historical point of view, in addition to a very small number of orpi people, few Singaporeans can connect themselves with the destiny of this country and trace back to before the port opening.EssenceWhether it is Chinese, or Malay, India, or Eurasia, the ancestors are mostly from other exotic countries.Therefore, whether it is new and old immigrants, especially the first generation of new immigrants, even if the mother country does not take the initiative and organizes the tentacles to the local area, the political and cultural influence of the ancestral country in Singapore is a long -term fact.Local religion, ethnic groups and business community organizations, more connects with institutions outside the region and society outside the region, or tightly linked or tightly, which also provides great convenience for political intervention outside the region.If there are foreign countries, some organizations and plans to strengthen the intervention of the people's exterior people to build a cultural and institutional identity, then the claims advocated by Prime Minister Li Xianlong's "roots from fallen leaves to landing" are completely different from the north.Essence

In 2015, the Chinese Pavilion of Singapore held an academic seminar to study new overseas immigrant society, exploring many related issues, including the extremely subtle and complex relationship between the Chinese new immigrant group and the country's native country and the country.Of course, foreign immigrants in Singapore are not limited to Chinese people, but overseas Chinese society is one of the largest and most widely distributed immigrant discrete communities in the world.

Since China's reform and opening up, more than 8 million Chinese have left the mainland and spread all over the world.This group has several universal characteristics, such as the "introverted type" constructed by the new immigrant community, that is, tend to be relatively concentrated in living and commercial districts.Ability and motivation, and have a strong connection with the state of the ancestors.This weakness of integration will sometimes lead to the marginalization of the initial immigrants in the local area, and in turn promotes the political and cultural identity of the ancestral country, thereby forming a vicious closed loop of integration.

In all parts of the world, the influence of Chinese new immigrants on local communities and culture is still positive.This group is not only left after being shifted to the country after screening. Therefore, regardless of education, economic conditions, and ability levels, they are in the middle or above of a specific society.Positive promotion effect.However, the introduction of new immigrants from various countries often lacks education on local systems and cultural identity, especially for immigrants who have significantly different social systems from their ancestors.

In recent years, many problems in European and American immigrants are one of the symptoms in the political and religious identity of the new immigrants and the political and religious identity of the new immigrants and the country.From the perspective of local conditions, of course, the motivation for new immigrants to settle in Singapore is different, but if you cannot agree with the local basic political system and multi -ethnic, religious and cultural systems, it is just a good living, education and business environment, etc.After all, it is easy to be controlled by overseas political forces or ideology, which has become an irresistible factor in the local community.