Liu Wenda serves as Secretary -General of the China National Hong Kong and Macau Resea
Liu Wenda serves as Secretary -General of the China National Hong Kong and Macau Resea
Liu Wenda, deputy director of the Liaison Department of the former Hong Kong and Macau Office, served as Secretary -General of the National Hong Kong and Macau Research Society. According to the website of the National Hong Kong and Macau R...
2024-07-21 21:05:53
Chen Maobo's visit to France encourages enterprises to create business opportunit
Chen Maobo's visit to France encourages enterprises to create business opportunit
When Chen Maobo, director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, interviewed in France, introduced to the local business and financial community to complete the business environment of Hong Kong after the legislation of the Basic Law, promot...
2024-07-21 21:05:50
Hong Kong female police officer is reported to be selected as an expert in the prepara
Hong Kong female police officer is reported to be selected as an expert in the prepara
Hong Kong media reported that the aerospace officer selected in Hong Kong for the first time was a Hong Kong female police officer. The Hong Kong Media Star island Daily South China Morning Post reported on Friday (May 24) that the Governor...
2024-07-21 21:05:48
Ye Yongyu, chairman of the "National" Weightlifting Jianli Federation, resigned twi
Ye Yongyu, chairman of the "National" Weightlifting Jianli Federation, resigned twi
The Hong Kong Weightlifting Jianli Federation, the chairman of the Hong Kong Weightlifting Jianli Federation, resigned during public speeches. Comprehensive Hong Kong News and online media "Hong Kong 01" reported that the Weightlifting Jian...
2024-07-21 21:05:45
Hong Kong officials urge Britain to publicly assist Hong Kong to collect intelligence
Hong Kong officials urge Britain to publicly assist Hong Kong to collect intelligence
Qiu Yinghua, director of the Hong Kong Business and Economic Development Bureau, met with representatives of the British Consul General and urged Britain to disclose the details of the British defendant Trikt's death in Hong Kong to collect...
2024-07-21 21:05:43
Hong Kong officials see high -level EU: attach great importance to improving Hong Kong
Hong Kong officials see high -level EU: attach great importance to improving Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Innovation Technology and Industrial Bureau, the director of the Hong Kong Innovation Technology and Industry Bureau, met with members of the EU Commission, said that the meeting was the first meeting with the main officials o...
2024-07-21 21:05:40
Xi Jinping inspected and investigated in Shandong to visit Rizhao Port and other place
Xi Jinping inspected and investigated in Shandong to visit Rizhao Port and other place
Chinese President Xi Jinping went to Rizhao City, Shandong Province to investigate and investigate to learn about the local promotion of the intelligent green construction of the port. According to Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping came to Riz...
2024-07-21 21:05:38
"Prince of Dubai" visited Hong Kong at the end of the month?Li Bin Affairs Director
"Prince of Dubai" visited Hong Kong at the end of the month?Li Bin Affairs Director
"Prince of Dubai", Eleanor Jane Mak, chief executive officer of the family office, said that Prince Ali will go to Hong Kong at the end of May, or it may be in the end of June.However, Prince Ali refuted the statement in the ritual affairs...
2024-07-21 21:05:36
Suspecting to help Hong Kong collects intelligence in the British defendant, the Briti
Suspecting to help Hong Kong collects intelligence in the British defendant, the Briti
The British police sued the three people earlier suspected to assist Hong Kong intelligence agencies to collect intelligence. One of the white men Matthew Trickett was recently discovered a park in a corpse. The cause of death is unknown.Ca...
2024-07-21 21:05:33
Hong Kong Councilor called for the 100th anniversary of the State University Strike of
Hong Kong Councilor called for the 100th anniversary of the State University Strike of
The "Provincial and Hong Kong University Strikes" that broke out in 1925, the 100th anniversary of next year, Huang Guo, the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Federation of Industry and Industry, asked a written inquiry to ask the Patrio...
2024-07-21 21:05:30
The annual expenses of the head of the Zhengjian Office of the former head of Hong Kon
The annual expenses of the head of the Zhengjian Office of the former head of Hong Kon
After the former Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e left in Hong Kong, due to the full amount of the former Chief Executive's Office, the Hong Kong Government needs to rent the office in the Golden Bell Swipe Plaza for Lin Zheng Yue'e, with an...
2024-07-21 19:45:52
The Hong Kong Government Research changed the surrounding city of Kowloon City into a
The Hong Kong Government Research changed the surrounding city of Kowloon City into a
The siege of the movie Kowloon City was released in Cannes. The Hong Kong government has studied the film setting into a long -term exhibition to attract tourists. Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported...
2024-07-21 19:45:50
Li Jiachao: Pay attention to the Hong Kong platform no longer shows the videos of will
Li Jiachao: Pay attention to the Hong Kong platform no longer shows the videos of will
Google's video platform YouTube stated that it would comply with the ban on the Hong Kong Video, and the Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said that he noticed that the Hong Kong network platform will no longer show his willingness to sh...
2024-07-21 19:45:48
China is reported to consider reducing the dividend tax for individual investors to in
China is reported to consider reducing the dividend tax for individual investors to in
China is reported to consider reducing and exemption from personal investors in mainland China to invest in listed companies in Hong Kong through Hong Kong Stock Connect, and 20%of income tax required for dividend dividends to avoid repeate...
2024-07-21 19:45:45
Hong Kong will vigorously develop a grand event economy in the second half of the year
Hong Kong will vigorously develop a grand event economy in the second half of the year
In order to revitalize the tourism industry this year and vigorously develop the event economy, more than 100 events will be held in the second half of the year, which is equivalent to at least one item every two days.Officials expect that...
2024-07-21 19:45:42