The State Department of the United States said on Friday (April 19) that it was "completely confident" and finalized the new trade exemption of Australia and the United Kingdom Australian Security Agreement (AUKUS) national defense project within 120 days.Although this means that the plan will be delayed, the United States aims to have positive results to fight against China.

Reuters reported that according to the US President Bayeng's 2024 National Defense Authorization Act He must determine whether Australia and the United Kingdom have a "comparable export control system as the United States" within 120 days of legislation, so as to obtain trade exemption.


120 -day period will be on Saturday, which is expired on April 20.

On the eve of the expiration of the U.S. State Department, the State Department issued a statement saying: "In the standard framework shared with Australia and the United Kingdom, our export control system is exempted.Key.

The statement said: "We are completely confident that in the next 120 days, the new trade exemption is finalized according to the opinions of the stakeholders."

The State Department of the United States showed that Biden delayed a positive decision, but he had a 120 -day consideration time.

The British government issued a statement saying that "warm welcome" has "made significant progress" in promoting AUKUS.

Statement said: "The United Kingdom and Australia are expected to meet the requirements of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and benefit from exemption. We believe that by the next 120 days, we will complete the full implementation of the US international weapons.All requirements of the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) "