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According to the China Youth Daily, a few days ago, Huo Qigang, a representative of the National People's Congress and a member of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, plans to submit a suggestion on implementing and improving working hours and paid annual leave systems to promote the national economic cycle and enhance people's happiness.He suggested for mandatory implementation of relevant policies for salary annual leave, improving the provisions of corporate violations of legal responsibility, strengthening the restrictions on the implementation of the annual vacation of the enterprise, and the amendment of the regulations on the number of annual vacation days on the number of annual vacation regulations on the annual vacation regulations.The number of days of salary and annual vacation in the working age -The cumulative work of employees has been less than one year and less than 10 years. The first two years will be 5 days each year.

In short, it is to solve the problems of many young people who have no fakes, unable to rest, and dare not to rest, increase the number of young people's annual leave, forced the implementation of paid annual fake policies, so that "fighting workers" can haveMore opportunities for peace of mind.

As Huo Qigang said, "The overall population structure of our country shows an aging trend. The labor force of young people with a working age of less than 10 years is playing a more important role.The annual vacation cannot protect its full rest.In reality, many young people are suffering from greater work pressure in their daily basis, and they are extremely eager to leave in their hearts. However, because vacation may affect work, they cannot receive salary during vacation, and they will face the dissatisfaction of leadership.Some rights.Some young people have not only seriously affected the mood and efficiency of the work because of the long -term "consecutive axis", but also harmed their physical and mental health.

Huo Qigang's proposal can attract high attention and a lot of discussion of public opinion is the key to the problem, which has resonated with people.However, in the constraints of all kinds of reality, many people know that their rights and interests are damaged, and they can only bear to swallow and silently bear the pressure and damage in work.Therefore, it is necessary to strictly protect the right to vacation from the level of institutional and regulations.

On the one hand, this is of great benefit to protecting the rest of the labor and physical and mental health, and helps to enhance the sense of happiness and gain of the people; on the other hand, this move also helps promote consumption and active tourism market.

In fact, because many people can only use a few statutory holidays such as Labor Day and National Day to take a long vacation, which leads to people when they go out to travel, they often encounter crowded traffic and high travel costs.This is not conducive to carrying out daily tourism economy activities in various places, which has led to the differentiation of "usual indifference and occasionally hot" tourism market in many regions.This is not good for people's travel experience and the balanced development of the tourism market.It is obviously a better choice if you can "spread out" the holiday travel throughout the year, instead of concentrated in some special periods.

In reality, some employers from the perspective of "improving performance" to hinder employees' vacation is actually an upside -down approach.The best way to improve employees 'work efficiency is not to not let people rest, but to give employees sufficient dignity and protection, try to improve employees' treatment as much as possible, and increase their enthusiasm for work.

From the perspective of employees, there is a very simple way to verify whether a employer is reliable is to see if it can consciously abide by labor regulations and respect the employee's rest.Companies that can consciously maintain employees' rest and vacation treatment can naturally win recognition.And those companies that do not respect the basic rights and interests of employees also have the risk of violating regulations and being punished by regulatory authorities.

However, in reality, some employers have less supervision, and the penalties are light, which is not enough to feel "meat pain".In this sense, the "relevant departments need to increase law enforcement inspection efforts in relevant departments, and the implementation of the salary annual vacation system as the key content of labor security supervision" is also very practical significance.Only with the law enforcement and supervision of relevant departments have sufficient deterrence, can some employers respect and guarantee the rest of the rest of the employees.