Singapore is normal.The word "normal", compared with regional conflicts, racial conflicts, values ​​conflicts, political conflicts, gender conflicts, etc., it is a rare treasure in the world.

Twenty or twenty years ago, the star tour of the stars, I needed to go to Bangkok, Hong Kong in Bangkok, Hong Kong, and later moved to Shanghai.At that time, the stars would not take Singapore as a stop. In the minds of the top, Singapore was a small projectile and no influence.

In the past two years, the world's first -class concerts, top competitions, and even the best opera and dance dramas. Singapore people can not go abroad to watch at their doorstep.

Recently, Taylorus (nickname "mold") sang six consecutive games in Singapore, so that neighboring countries have protested, thinking that Singapore "eats solo food" and rolls the money of its country and even Asia to Singapore.This is not just a cultural phenomenon, all involve diplomatic disputes between the country.

The first performance of mold, I was at the scene, and the location was very good. Her unparalleled cosmic long legs turned around in front of me.I am not a fan. I just want to know why a singer can set off a global heat wave, so that everyone is envious, so I spent a lot of money to buy a VIP ticket.

First of all, I have to admire that mold is one of the few real people. This "real" includes strength and heart.The whole performance is uninterrupted 44 songs. She neither chat with you nor invites singer guests. One person jumps and jumps evenly. It has both iron lung and golden voice and more physical fitness.After these three and a half hours, I consumed 1,800 calories in the sidelines or people sitting on the sidelines. Her strength was evident.I have watched many concerts. This is the most worthless fare.There are many singers who are at a certain age, and their bodies enter the attenuation state. In a concert, one -third of the chat expressions, one -third of the invited guests sing, and only one -third of themselves. Such idols can nostalgic memorial service.Your youth will not be able to buy tickets.Mold is different. You and her go in both directions. You love her, and she really treats you. I am willing to pay for the next time because of this concert.This is the charm of storm idols.

But Asia is so big, why is mold in Singapore except Tokyo?When she started, she confessed that her relatives had a deep relationship with Singapore.But I think that more importantly, Singapore is suitable for both top -flow culture and worthy.

I went to Hong Kong last August.Hong Kong is slightly old. Many buildings have been disrepairing for a long time. They look a bit depressed.I was a little sad, because when I first went to Hong Kong in the 1990s, I felt that the prosperous metropolis that I yearn for me to yearn for was in front of my eyes!The kind of vigor and embrace of the current vitality made a little girl who had just entered the society.Now that you let the mold go to Hong Kong to hold a concert. First of all, the Red Cycling Stadium is not big enough. The newly repaired venues have not yet been completed and are in a more embarrassing situation.The same situation is also available in Taipei.Many friends told me that Taipei was as good as it was, and it instantly traveled back to the 1980s when it came to the ground.

Singapore's self -iterative update ability makes me admire. Especially after the epidemic, a group of prosperity, the city's new and neat, governing the world, convenient food, food, housing, and transportation.Essence

It is very expensive here. During the mildew concert, hotels around 200 yuan can be sold more than 600 yuan, but even if the price is expensive, it still attracts a large number of Asian fans to come and watch.You don't have to worry about war, don't worry about stealing, nor the appalling things such as Gaalo waist, children will not encounter street gun battles or drugs when they come here to play.Even if you come out of the stadium late at night, along the direction of the Singapore Ferris wheel, walk all the way, the sea breeze is gentle, and the night view is quiet. A group of people who have the same hobbies as you are dressed in flowers and swaying, humming the familiar tunes on the road,Laughing and singing are accompanied, Singapore makes you feel that it is worthy of everything.

Singapore enters the country to welcome the mold model.The ministers sang mold, and the national leader Facebook praised that all the mandarin background music was changed to the mildew, and the publicity posters on the street mildew greeted the wind.You have a welcome gift at the airport as soon as you get the plane. No matter how many times you come to Singapore, there are enthusiastic and thoughtful locals to serve you to make you happy.This kind of goodwill is from the heart. As soon as you land, you will feel peaceful and joyful here.In addition to the tension of the purse, everything else is relaxed -this is also the meaning of vacation.

Such a event, this month, there are good things such as Matlida musicals and World Table Tennis Professional League (WTT) Singapore Grand Slam events.Regardless of the arts and sports arts and even financial real estate commerce, everything has begun in an orderly and modest environment.

Singapore is normal.The word "normal", compared with regional conflicts, racial conflicts, values ​​conflicts, political conflicts, gender conflicts, etc., it is a rare treasure in the world.

But I still have to propose some places that need to be rectified: Saturday, I was in front of the front row, and felt a great danger. The enthusiastic viewers could not help rushing towards the passage to see the superstar.At first I just couldn't see my mold, a mobile phone in front of me, and later due to the lack of management, more and more people left the seat forward.I immediately asked the security evacuation crowd to enter the place according to the votes, and they would not leave the onlookers. Otherwise, if the stampered occurred, good things were bad, and the comedy would become tragedy.This is unwilling to see whether it is mold or the Singaporean government.Our future is still very long, and the feast of careful preparation should not be buried because of insufficient management.After I had repeatedly asked for the argument, the security guards at the moldy field also found that it was wrong. I put forward evacuation requirements with the organizer. A group of staff were evacuated by the venue, and the concert was appreciated normally.

The alarm bell is long, and the moon can be spent.Bless Singapore!

The author is local screenwriter, writer