Today's West, from the academic world to the political community, there are many Russian -made great rightists, and Carrson is one of them.Western pro -Russia is often a firm anti -Chinese.China should pay special attention to preventing the outbreak of the Second Korean War.

On February 8th, Tucker Carlson, the former host of the US Fox News, interviewed Russian President Putin.The two -hour lengthy interview, the content summary is three points: First, the history of Ukraine is part of Russia, Russia has the right to get back Ukraine; second, Russia is not an enemy of the West, Russia really wants to integrate into the West; 3. Remind the West,China is the enemy.

The first point is actually Putin's historical logic.Putin's logic is the territory that once belonged to Russia in history, and it should be returned to Russia.According to this logic, should Russia return the territory except Moscow to the neighbors?Should I return the territory of Northeast and Sakhalin to China in accordance with the Nibuchia Treaty?Should the United States return all the land to the Indians?Even Crimea, before Yekaterina II, did not belong to Russia. Should Russia belong to the original owner?

Even if Ukraine belongs to Russia and brothers with Russia, is there no right to independence today in Ukraine?The United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand used to be a British colony. From the perspective of language and culture, it is a family. Shouldn't the United States and Canada be independent?

Ukraine's independence is based on the international treaty signed by Russia itself.In 1991, 11 former Soviet franchise leaders including Russia and Ukraine jointly signed the Aramu Declaration in Kazakhstan, which clearly expressed its recognition of the existing border and respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the contract.As a sovereign independent country, Ukraine has the right to independently decide its own internal and external policies.Ukraine is like the ex -wife of Russia. After marriage, the woman wants to be alone, who wants to marry, and wants to be the United States. The ex -husband has no right to interfere.

Regarding the second point, Putin complained that the West does not accept Russia.Why can't Russia integrate into the West?The Russian history has been ruled by the Golden Examination State for more than 240 years. It is deeply influenced by the Mongolians in many aspects of human ideas and culture, and is known as the white skin.Although Russia has a similar political and economic system similar to the West, it is essentially far from the West.

Almost all oppositions in Russia died of misconduct, which is unacceptable in Western countries.The West is actually a US leader. With Russia's national character and huge volume, it obviously does not accept US leadership.Taking the spirit of the contract that the West cherishes as an example, Russia is particularly lacking. This is the deepest of Chinese entrepreneurs who have business in Russia.The launch of the Ukrainian war itself is Russia's words such as the international treaty such as the Altos signed by Russia.Therefore, do not innocently believe that after the signing of the China -Russia border treaty, the Sino -Russian border will be good in the future.The Eurasian theory of Alexandr Dugin shows that the Russians still have the dream of the Eurasian Empire.Russia can be described as the Mongolian Empire. From a certain perspective, Chinese history is the history of the Central Plains farming nation against the nomadic nomads.Only Chinese strength is above Russia can China -Russia friendship.

The United States invited China to join NATO and was rejected

Putin once again criticized NATO east expansion in the interview.Regarding whether NATO has promised to Russia to expand, the two parties have their own words.However, NATO and Russia have never signed an international treaty that NATO is not eastward, but it is an indisputable fact.Instead of entangled whether the United States promises to overpower NATO, you may wish to see the problem from another angle.Joining NATO is the application system. The premise of east expansion is that Eastern European countries have taken the initiative to apply. It is impossible for the West to force Eastern European countries to join NATO.In 1980, the United States proposed seductive preferential conditions, hoping that China would join NATO and was rejected by Deng Xiaoping.Historically, Russia had too much violations of Europe, especially Eastern European countries. Eastern European countries were afraid of Russia, and heating with NATO was the main reason for them to join NATO.

Why did Eastern European countries and even brothers Ukraine go to the West?The fundamental reason is that the West is rich, and Russia is relatively poor.Deng Xiaoping once said that the country running with the Soviet Union was poor.After the Eastern European countries joined the Western camp, they became developed countries. Can Ukraine, the poorest country in Europe?It is the common sense of poor and rich.The fundamental reason for the disintegration of the Soviet Union was that the economy did not go up.If you are the boss, you do n’t have money in your pocket, you ca n’t be beneficial to the brothers. In the past, he often hit his younger brother. It was strange that the brothers did n’t run away.

The third point is the east of scourge.The Ukrainian war has deteriorated Sino -Western relations; Carlson is also a well -known conservative media person in the United States.Today in the West, from academia to the political community, there are many Russian -Russian -made great rightists, and Carrson is one of them.Western pro -Russia is often a firm anti -Chinese.China should pay special attention to preventing the outbreak of the Second Korean War.

The media person Qiu Zhenhai said Putin is a amateur historian.Putin criticized Lenin, saying that Lenin's biggest mistake was to transform a unified country into a national alliance. These franchisees have also given the right to leave the alliance and buried the hidden dangers of the Soviet separationism.In fact, Lenin's right to withdraw from the Soviet Union in the Soviet Constitution was the product of political compromise in a specific historical period at that time.Before and after the October Revolution, Russia defeated in the Japan -Russian War and the Crimean War. A heavy losses in World War I could be described as internal and foreign.During the difficult period, Lenin did this to appease the people who were annexed by Tsarist Russia, hoping that they would stay in the Soviet framework.In the Stalin period, the "rights of the republics with the Soviet Union" in the Soviet Constitution had already died.

It is necessary to specifically explain that the territory that once belonged to a country in history may not be returned to the original country, let alone become an excuse to invade other countries, otherwise the world will be chaotic.If it is true in historical issues, Mongolian independence's legitimacy will have a big problem.According to the memoirs of the National Government Observer of the National Government, the independent referendum in Outer Mongolia in October 1945 was held under the Soviet bayonet.The referendum uses a recorded vote.The voters need to sign the Soviet face. Who dares to sign in the opposition column?Before the referendum, the Soviets wrote the names of all the voters directly on the voting book and compiled the number.If you come, you have to agree, and those who do not vote will be replaced by the personnel, and the name is signed by the agreed column.The referendum has no discard option. The most weird is that the result of the 700,000 referendum is that the vote is 0.

If the content of the above -mentioned Rayfa chapter memoirs is true, the referendum completely loses the significance of expressing the wishes of the people of Outer Mongolia; from the perspective of the international law, it is completely fake referendum, and the result is naturally invalid.From 1945 to the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Soviet Union in the past half of the century was stationed in Mongolia, and Mongolia essentially became the 16th joining republic of the Soviet Union.Should China learn from Putin and take it back to Mongolia?Obviously, China has chosen to respect the reality.It is precisely because China does not entangle historical issues with Russia that there is a normal and friendly Sino -Russian relations today.

The author is a professor at Renmin University of China