The information we want to send out is that we must be tenacious and unyielding in the face of aggression and horror.We cannot nor to allow aggression to return in the 21st century; on the contrary, we will mobilize to oppose aggression.

On February 24, 2022, Russia sent hundreds of thousands of troops to Ukraine, marking the beginning of a major geopolitics shock.For two years, Europe has been forced to face the severe reality of the largest aggression war in continental Europe since World War II, as well as the severe reality of comprehensive terrorism.

The actions of Russia are a typical example of the 19th century imperialism and colonial aggression.Ukraine is undergoing suffering that many other countries have suffered in the past.For Russia, the reason for the launch of the war is never the neutralization of Ukraine, NATO eastward expansion, and protecting the Russian nation or any other fabrication.

Russian President Putin has repeatedly claimed that Ukraine is not a country, and Ukraine only has false identities.This war was completely to eliminate an independent country, conquer its territory, and rebuild the dominant position of the nation that had decided to master its destiny.There is no doubt that many countries in the world have previously suffered colonial rule and oppressed, and they are very familiar with this imperial ambition of Russia.

The consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine have far exceeded the European scope.This war affects food security and energy prices, accompanied by large -scale false information and destroying political stability.These shock waves have a real impact on the world.Putin is creating a world where trading is becoming more and more strong.He deployed the Wagner Group in Africa to destroy the stability of other countries with the help of a coup, and to make economic coercion through hunger threats -providing these countries with his own planned land to burn Ukraine's fields, attack warehousing infrastructure, and blocking important maritime exports at sea exportsChannels that become scarce.

Therefore, this war and consequences have something to do with every country.If Russia wins, it will send a very dangerous signal, that is, "power is righteous."All aggressive powers in the world will not help following Russia's footsteps.If the aggression will be rewarded in the end, why do those countries that claims to neighboring countries do not resort to force?This is why Ukraine won the interests of many Asia, Africa and Latin America.

In the final analysis, this war is not "the West against other countries."Supporting Ukraine is not "pro -West", but refusing war and fear.This is to maintain the principle of international relations based on mutual respect and support Ukraine to enjoy the right to safe and freedom.The views of Ukraine and the European Union's international relations in the 21st century are opposite to Russia led by Putin.Our vision is based on international law, respect and mutual benefit, not coercion, bribery and fear.

The EU fully supports Ukraine Peace Plan

No one wants to end the war quickly than we want to restore the European continent.In order to achieve this goal, Ukraine proposed a ten -point peace plan for the European Union completely; it not only envisages to end hostile operations, but also includes strengthening food security, nuclear security, environmental protection, energy security, international justice, human rights, and respect for the United Nations Charter of the United Nations Charter.suggestion.

This solution is the only serious peace suggestion on the desktop.We call on all countries committed to peace to implement them with us.Ukraine is organizing a global Peace Summit in Switzerland, which has received positive support from the European Union.Leaders from all over the world will do their best to achieve an agreement on the common and peaceful common vision of Ukraine on the basis of the UN Charter.At that time, Russia will face a unified position representing most countries around the world, so that it will have no choice but to participate in sincerity.

As the war enters the third year, the information we want to send out is that we must be tenacious in the face of aggression and terror.We cannot nor to allow aggression to return in the 21st century; on the contrary, we will mobilize to oppose aggression.The only way to realize fairness and peace is to double support Ukraine.In recent months, the European Union has done this and will increase assistance in 2024.

Our common goal is to ensure that Ukraine can make the situation of war in the direction that is conducive to its direction, so as to achieve fair peace as soon as possible.World support is essential for achieving this goal.Maintaining international law is in line with the interests of everyone, while cooperation is a top priority.Whether in Europe or in any other region, it must not return to the dark past of military aggression, imperialism and colonialism.

Author DMYTRO Kuleba is Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs; Josep Borrell is a senior representative of EU diplomatic and security policy and vice chairman of the European Commission

English Original: EUROPE and the World Need Ukraine to Prevail

All rights reserved: Project syndicate, 2024.