The New York Times website was published on February 29th. At the moment of anxiety, Putin issued a new nuclear threat article, the author is David Sange.Article excerpts as follows:

President Putin has threatened to use Russia's nuclear arsenal in the past two years: once the war against Ukraine two years ago, once when the Russian festival was defeated, once this weekFour.Because he felt heakened Ukraine's defense and the determination of the United States.

In each of the above cases, the threat of force has achieved the same basic purpose.Putin knew that the opponent headed by President Biden was the most worried about the conflict upgrade.Even if it is just about the clamor of the nuclear weapon, many opponents in Putin are forcing him to be too risky.

Dan's lecture on Putin's National Love Consultation also contains some unique new elements.The speech clearly stated that he had no intention of re -negotiating the last major military control treaty with the United States -the treaty will expire in less than two years -unless the new agreement can determine the fate of Ukraine, most of whichThe content will be controlled by Russia.

Some people call it "nuclear recruitment", and others call it "nuclear blackmail".These comments from Putin emphasized the unique and most disturbing aspect of the Ukraine War.His senior officers and strategists discussed again and again that if their conventional troops were proven to be insufficient on the battlefield, or if they need to scare the Western interference, the use of nuclear weapons is a logical next step.

This strategy is in line with Russia's military theory.In the early days of the Ukrainian war, this obviously panicked the Bayeng government and its NATO allies in Europe, making them hesitant to provide remote missiles, tanks and fighters to Ukraine, worried that this would trigger a nuclear reaction or lead to Russia's crackdown on NATO territory in NATO territory.Essence

In October 2022, Russia may use the second panic of nuclear weapons not only from Putin, but also from the American Intelligence Report. This report hinted that Russia might use nuclear weapons for Ukrainian military bases.After a few weeks of tension, the crisis was relieved.

For a year and a half, Biden and his allies gradually became more confident that he did not want to compete with NATO and his army despite Putin's loud scary.But whenever the Russian leader mentioned his nuclear force, he would always cause a wave of fear. Worried that if he was forced to be too hard, Putin might really seek to show his willingness to use nuclear weapons to make his opponentReturn.

Putin may have realized that it is now a particularly mature time to test Western anxiety.Former US President Trump recently declared that Russia could "do whatever he wanted" to a NATO country that did not make full contributions to the collective defense of the alliance, and he would not respond, which caused a strong response throughout Europe.The same effect is that the US Congress has still refused to provide more weapons to Ukraine so far.

No matter what causes Putin to make such remarks, the information he conveyed is clear: his victory in Ukraine is regarded as a struggle for life and death.The core of the plan.Once a battle is regarded as a battle of survival rather than a choice, the obstacles to discuss the use of nuclear weapons are very small.

His betting is that the United States is moving in another direction, becoming more isolated, and even more reluctant to fight against Russia's threat.

Onest Monestz, who is the CEO of the former Energy Minister and the current CEO of the Nuclear Threats Initiative Association, said on the 29th: "Whenever Russia resorted to the nuclear war, it shows that they still realize that they still do not have any presenceThey think they have the conventional military capabilities. "

"But this means that they rely more and more seriously to rely on the nuclear situation," he said, "this will amplify risks." (Compilation/Xu Man)