Following the increase in the legal retirement age and re -employment age in July 2022, Dr. Chen Shilong, the Minister of Human Man and Second Minister of Trade and Industry, announced on Monday (March 4) that the three parties of the labor and capital and politics have reached a consensus.From July of the year, the legal retirement age and the re -employment age have been extended from the existing 63 and 68 years, respectively to 64 and 69 years old.

Singapore is facing a severe challenge of aging population. In 2026, it will enter a super -aging society, and one of each of them will be over 65 years old.Raising the legal retirement age is a strategy to respond to the shortage of labor force and ensure retirement savings.More and more countries around the world have adopted similar policies to alleviate the pressure on labor and social security, and Japan has achieved certain results in this regard.The Japanese government amended the Employment Stability Law in 2021, stipulating that enterprises have obliged to continue to provide employment opportunities for elderly people under 70 years of age, allowing employees to work to 70 -year -old Japanese companies, which increased by 1.8 from 2023 a year ago.A percentage point to 29.7%.

The employment rate of local elderly employees has continued to rise, and the ratio of the workplace workers from 65 to 69 is still in the workplace workers, from 43.8%in 2018 to 48.3%in 2023.According to a survey by the National Employees' Federation last year, 8.5 of each 10 respondents expressed that they hope to continue to work after the legal retirement age of 63 years old.These people may not have enough retirement savings, or they just want to have a sustenance in life. Regardless of the reason, the retirement age and the age limit of re -employment are the opportunity to continue their work.However, some elderly people have different needs and willingness: some people are healthy, some are weak and sick; some want to work only for a few hours a day, and some are willing to work full -time.In addition, the nature of some elderly people is not the same, some need physical labor, and some need skills and professional knowledge.

It is necessary for employers to prepare for more years of employees in the future, implement a more afford working environment for elderly people, redesign the jobs of older employees, formulate flexible work arrangements, and enhance their trainingplan.In recent years, the government has adopted positive steps to encourage enterprises to hire senior employees by promoting different plans. Last year, 90,000 employers hired more than 400,000 employees who were 60 years old, and obtained 31,100 million yuan issued by the government "Employment subsidies for older employees.In addition, the government issued an extended version of the "partial time employee re -employment allowance" last year to encourage employers to provide more flexible work options for elderly employees. As of December last year, more than 6300 employers promised to provide part -time job opportunities.

The government has also invested huge sums of money to improve the skills of local labor teams, and began to focus on employees with deeper annual capitals. The SkillSFUTURE Level-Up Programmers launched by 40 years of skills will be placed.It can help Chinese people to prepare for extension of retirement age.Education Minister Chen Zhensheng said on Friday (March 1) in the Budget of the Ministry of Education of the Ministry of Education that starting in May, Singapore citizens who are 40 years old will receive an additional 4,000 yuan skill creation training subsidy, which can be used to study about 7,000 courses.Essence

Considering that the government's goal is to raise the legal retirement age to 65 years by 2030, and increase the re -employment age to 70 years old.Road, so we should make full use of training subsidies to continue to study, master the latest knowledge and skills and time, and prepare for the second spring of the cause, not be eliminated by the times.

In addition to continuously strengthening the training and career development of elderly employees, social concepts must also be changed, and the elderly should not be regarded as a burden, especially in workplace.Enterprises usually tend to hire young people with lighter qualifications and relatively low wages. Some people who transfer or return to the workplace may face challenges, not to mention the elderly who have retired.Extending the legal retirement age is an important policy for Singapore to actively respond to aging society. As long as individuals are willing and healthy, society should create conditions for elderly people to continue to work, contribute to the economy, and help promote the physical and mental health of the elderly and create the creationA vibrant aging society.