The British Financial Times website published on February 18 that the victory entitled Russia shakes the world's confidence in the Ukrainian war.Article excerpts as follows:

Twelve months ago, the representatives of the Munich Security Conference in 2023 were optimistic about Ukraine's prospects because West had vowed to support Kiev to fight against Russia, no matter how long.This year, as the battlefield situation began to benefit Moscow, and the confidence in supporting Ukraine in the West has gradually faded, optimism has turned into lingering gloom.

At the three -day Mu'an meeting, the participants agreed that Ukraine urgently needed more weapons and ammunition, and united remarks must now be transformed into action quickly.

At the meeting with political leaders, diplomats, military officials and intelligence departments at this meeting, the Ukrainian war would become the main topic of the meeting because everyone was worried that Russia was occupying the upper hand.

During the

During the meeting, the relevant parties disclosed the news that the Ukrainian army had withdrawn from Afjevca, an important city in the eastern city, and the Kremlin was the first time since the occupation of Bachomite in May last year.

In fact, before the opening of the Mu'an meeting, Ukraine's prospects have begun to deteriorate because the Republicans of the US Congress prevented a package of military assistance against Kiev, which further exacerbated the severe shortage of arms and weakened Ukraine's combat effectivenessEssence

Before the Mu'an Council began, former US President Donald Trump made shocking remarks, saying that Russia could do whatever Russia can do whatever NATO countries with non -defense expenditure.Western leaders have worried that Trump's possibility of being president will have an impact on the future of cross -Atlantic alliances and Western support on Ukraine.Former German Foreign Minister Sigma Gabriel said: "There is a 'Great Elephant' in the room of Munich, his name is Donald."

The atmosphere of Mu'an this year is in stark contrast to the optimism of 2023.Herm Conley, chairman of the Marshall Foundation in Germany, said: "Last year's meeting was a self -celebrating, people have high hopes for Ukraine's counterattacks."

This year, with the reorganization of the Russian army and began to implement war economic policies, Ukraine's prospects have become more and more dull.Conley said: "We will see Ukraine failed on the battlefield, Russia has achieved a major victory, and the Ukraine has no ammunition."

Robbboss, chairman of the NATO Military Commission, acknowledged that Western "estimated to war in 2023 is too optimistic" and believes that "if we provide ammunition and training to Ukraine, they can win."He said that "we must remind ourselves not to be too pessimistic in 2024."

In Munich's speech and public discussion, the problem of how to fill Ukraine's military deficit is full of despair.

Czech President Peter Pavil said: "Russia has learned a lot of lessons, and the ammunition and equipment it produces more than we can provide."

Director of the Institute of International Issue Institute of Stanford University, the Institute of International Issue Institute of International Issues, and former US Ambassador to Moscow Michael McCker, said his Ukrainian friend has a "real frustration".

"We have been heard 'as long as we need', but where is the action?" He said, "The situation is bad now." (Compiled/Pan Xiaoyan Xu Man)