The Hong Kong Asia Times website published on February 15th, entitled Dragon Year: In response to a multi -world article, the author is the former chairman of the British Conservative Think Tank Bald GroupMorita.Article excerpts as follows:

With the advent of the year of the dragon, China faces both opportunities and challenges.Its geopolitical situation is closely intertwined with global affairs.

The emerging multi -pole world order highlights that the influence of the single -pole mode is declining, and it also shows that the importance of Chinese diplomatic skills to drove through these turbulent waters.

The rise of China, especially its economic growth, has always been an important factor in Sino -US relations.However, the political posture and technical conflict between the two sides began to cause damage.

However, the interdependence between China and the United States enables the control of this group of bilateral relations.After the US election in 2024, no matter who entered the White House, this will not change.

2023 is the 20th anniversary of establishing a comprehensive strategic partnership with China and the European Union, and the total trade in China and Europe has exceeded $ 800 billion.

Although Beijing's economic strength on the European stage has made it a strong partner, the geopolitical tension, the intensification of inadequate trust, and the EU's dissatisfaction with its so -called unfair treatment of trade has also caused trouble.This means that the two sides must have open and independent dialogue to control potential risks and avoid future setbacks.

China's position in the Asia -Pacific region is undeniable, and its influence is growing steadily.As countries in the region seek economic partnership and strategic cooperation, they will turn to Beijing.China has a key role in the economic pattern and stability of the Asia -Pacific region.

China's influence in Africa is growing rapidly.As part of the “Belt and Road” initiative, China ’s investment infrastructure construction in Africa is expected to stimulate economic growth.

The total trade between Beijing and the Middle East has also increased, and energy imports are essential to promote China's economic growth.

In addition, the "Belt and Road" initiative has expanded its influence in the region. China's investment in the Middle East has continued to increase, making the relationship between the two parties not limited to energy.

In addition to economic benefits, China also faces diplomatic challenges to safeguard the stable situation in the Middle East, including response to the conflict of Gaza.

As the conflict continues, China can show its diplomatic skills by acting as a mediation person.

In a complex global relations network, the BRICS countries have become an important participant in shaping the new order of the world.

Given that conflicts that occur in Ukraine and Gasha are still continuing, China's diplomatic skills will be tested.China does not interfere with the principles of other domestic politics and the principles of the BRICS countries. It seek to achieve a balance between supporting friends and maintaining neutrality.

China Dragon has become a powerful force in global affairs, and is projecting the influence of reshaping the international structure with its strength and gesture.However, in order to achieve greater success, while continuing to ignite the fire of economic cooperation, carefully grasp the heat to avoid geopolitical conflicts.(Compilation/Juli)