The audience's view of news content depends on its own political position and related knowledge reserves.It is stipulated that the audience can only look at anything and not to see. This is the "patent" of the dictatorship of the totalitarian state, but now it has become the law of the American left.

On February 8th, the famous American media person Tucker Kalson published a video of the Russian President Putin in Moscow, which was published. In two days, the click -through rate of up to 190 million (excluding a version attached to Russian and Chinese subtitles).This trip is tantamount to casting a giant "bomb" in Western society in the entire "terrorist Russia": White House official John Kobe said that Americans should not believe in Putin's interview in Karson.Almost all the media expressed their anger, and even politicians believed that Karson was "a traitor to the United States."The world knows that the first amendment to the United States is freedom of remarks. The protection of the freedom of speech in the United States is not only to protect the correct remarks, but to protect everyone's right to say their own opinions, including the right to express incorrect views.The reporter interviewed the "American Enemies". This precedent was the CBS name host Mike Wallace. After retiring in August 2006, he interviewed Iranian President Qide, and also won the 21st Emmy Award.

The United States has been free to look at the world with freedom of news and speech

The world understands the freedom of news in the United States, starting with the story of "Muckraker".There is a well -known "dung campaign" in the history of American journalism, saying that the vigorous shadow exposure movement in the 10 years from 1903 to 1912, the participating subjects were journalists and the public media.At that time, American society was in a state of high corruption, and the trading of power and money was rampant. The whole society was deeply involved. The overall social morality was corrupted. Various social contradictions were very sharp and had endangered the stability of society.This group of journalists who were ordered by the "dung" were rescued from the abyss of corruption through this movement.

Since then, reveal the truth, directly criticize various social darkness, and become the career pride of American journalists.In the process, some rules are formed: the fact is the only one, the comments can be free; to interview the parties of all parties and report their views; all facts must be repeatedly verified.This is also the basic evaluation principle at the beginning of the establishment of the U.S. Pulitzer.

The legislative protection of the United States in freedom of speech is indeed the first in the world.That kind of protection is not only to protect the correct remarks, but that everyone has the right to speak of their own views, including the right to express incorrect views.American cultural elites have always been proud of the freedom of press.NOAM Chomsky, who is called the American left ancestor, is known for hate the United States and maintains friendship with socialist dictators such as Cuban heads of state, Fidel Castro, and some people ask him why he still lives in the United States in the United StatesHis explanation is: "The comprehensive comprehensiveness between the country has no meaning, and I will not compare it. However, the United States has some achievements, especially the leading position in the past few centuries in terms of freedom of speech."

The principles pursued by the above -mentioned journalism were correctly eroded by politics, and after Obama became president, it was a process of boiling frogs in warm water.Cancel Culture has been abolished since May 2020, and many reporters and cultural celebrities have been "canceled" for their dislike remarks.On February 13 this year, Colombia Broadcasting Corporation fired a highly award -winning senior journalist Catherine Herridge, because she reported the story of Hunter Biden's laptop.Through these cases, the international community saw a completely different United States that was completely different from 2020.

The era of the three American journalists and their destiny

1. Mike Wallace, the American -era product that advocates freedom of press.

From 1968 to 2006, Wallace took the 60 -minute host of the CBS ace TV news section and won numerous awards in his life.Wallace visited world celebrities in the 20th century. Among them, there were national political leaders, and many "American enemies", such as Alafa, Homene, Castro, Saddam, Putin, etc.In the interview, he was famous for his sharp and strong questioning style and deep investigation reports. In 1979, his interview with Iran's supreme leader Homene at the time became the industry classic.The reason why he has achieved this is that he is in the glory of the United States to advocate freedom of news.

Now, his son Chris Wallace has forgotten the achievement of his father's life and the right to the freedom of interviewing the reporter at the freedom of press, in his CNN program Chris Wallace ShowA lot of bad words to Karson said that in the interview, it was like a "eager puppy", which was a "useful idiot" for Putin.

2. SEYMour Hryh, who experienced freedom to politics.

Hesh was born in 1937 and was born 15 years later than Wallace. At the same time with the highlights of his career, at the same time with Wallace, because he likes to make and write high -quality exposure investigation reports with the US government.honor.In 1969, he won the 1970 Pulitzer Award in the Vietnam War of the Vietnam War -before the Obama era, the highest honor award in the American press symbolizing the most responsible writing of the United States.In 1969, 1973, 1974, 1981, and 2004, he won the George Polk Award five times.All his reports are obsessed with one thing -looking for the truth covered by the government.His integrity and responsible writing are praised by the industry as "he is the truth."

In his later years, Hesh was in the era of extreme left. He had surveyed the largest mystery in September 2022 Beixi No. 2, and published a long article on February 8, 2023 on his personal blog.The investigation of how the United States destroyed the Beixi No. 2 pipeline and pointed out that the operation that the Bayeng government planned was one of the "most stupid decisions of the United States."Unfortunately, when the mainstream American media became the interests of political parties, he was regarded by the mainstream media of the United States as a "conspiracy theory" because of this article that exposed the truth of Beixi 2 and said that the authenticity of the article has always been full.His questioned, Hush's writing this article has always been trying to "retaliate against the US government."

The senior journalist who combines various American news prizes in one of them has been attacked for this report, which itself proves the absurdity of the extreme left era in the United States.

Three, Tucker Carlson

Calson has hosted the Political Act Karson tonight on the Fox News Channel since 2016. Because of her bold and sharp criticism and the courage to dare to look directly at the truth, the show has become the ratings in the American news program from July 2021 and became the viewing of American news programs.Leading the champion, up to 3 million per night.The Washington Post criticized Karson's incorrect politics, saying that he "used various ambiguous languages" from time to time to express some "views of racism and gender discrimination."

In April 2023, Calrson was fired because Karlson accused Domini electronic voting system, which caused Fox News to pay high settlement compensation.On December 11 of the same year, he announced the establishment of the Tucker Callson News Network to provide various forms of programs, including interviews, short videos and monologue, becoming the most popular self -media in the United States.

He breaks the political taboos set by the leftist to interview Putin, which will become a major event in the history of world journalism, but it will also bring him a lot of political trouble. There are even rumors that he will be arrested for the crime of rebellion -thisThere are rumors that the freedom of speech in the United States has been severely eroded.Before Karson, Olivod Ston, who won the Oscar Best Director Award twice from 2015 to 2017, wasJing has made many in -depth interviews and completed the four -hour TV documentary Putin interview. It is trying to let Americans understand Putin's ideas and eliminate misunderstandings between the United States and Russia to prevent these two powerful powers falling into war.

In fact, the audience's view of news content depends on its own political position and related knowledge reserves.It is stipulated that the audience can only look at anything and not to see. This is the "patent" of the dictatorship of the totalitarian state, but now it has become the law of the American left.The former Democratic Vice President Gore attended the speech of the climate change meeting of the 28th parties in Dubai last December. It was summarized as "the threat to democracy for Americans to obtain information from mainstream media" and spread on the Internet.

The original words of Goror are: the operation of democracy depends on the "sharing knowledge foundation as the basis of collective reasoning", but "social media led by algorithms breaks this balance, citizens no longer obtain the same printing news(Publicity), the government's unable to control social media algorithms allows people to obtain information outside the source of mainstream media. This is a threat to democracy, and social media algorithms should be prohibited. "

Chinese people who have experienced the Mao Zedong era know that "reading the same printing news" is a serious deprivation of the right to know the people.It will become the past.

The author is a Chinese economist in the United States