With the lack of ammunition, the Ukrainian army was forced to abandon the Eastern Strategic Town of Afdeca, and the Russian and Ukraine War may have a psychological change time.NATO countries' concerns about worsening warfare and questioning the security commitment and ability of the United States to protect the security of European allies have caused them to start imagining the worst plans to directly confront Russia and make responses.NATO members of NATO, Germany, will be forced to follow up.Former US President Trump, who advocates "U.S. Priority" and opposed to international affairs, may return to the White House to exacerbate the sense of crisis of NATO.The efforts of the whole country's entire army are easy to fall into the trap of "self -realization prediction".

The German Army Chief of Staff, Broyer, said in an interview with the German Sunday World News that Germany must strengthen military preparation to prepare for the war that may erupt in Russia in the next five years.He urged to improve deterrence as soon as possible. In addition to personnel and materials preparation, he also needed a "change of mentality."German Defense Minister Pestous revealed at a Munich Security Conference on February 17 that Germany may increase military expenditure to 3.5%of economic output.NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg insisted in an interview with the Sunday World News that Europe must accelerate the reorganization and expand the military industry foundation to accelerate the assistance of Ukraine and supplement Europe's own inventory."Confrontation".

Ukraine abandoned Afdeka with strategic value, described by Russian President Putin as the "major victory" of the Russian army.The US President Biden was blamed on the US Congress for emergency assistance to Ukraine.Although the U.S. Senate approved the US $ 95 billion (about S $ 128 billion) in early February, the Ambassador of Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, the Republican House of Representatives announced a vacation and refused to vote.The Republican Party insists that they will not consider assisting foreign countries unless the Bayeng government first solves the influx of illegal immigrants in the southern border.

At a campaign rally on February 10, Trump criticized NATO member states that he did not invest enough funds to meet the national defense expenditure that accounted for more than 2%of the GDP (GDP).He also showed that the United States would not protect those NATO countries that did not fulfill their obligations, causing the European allies to shock and condemn.Bloomberg reported on February 19 that NATO allies in the United States are privately discussed in private the situation of Russia's attack on one of the NATO countries, and deemed the danger of urgent response because they are increasingly doubting that the United States will continue to play a traditional role in protecting NATO.They worry that Russia's success in the Ukrainian battlefield and the ambiguous attitude of Trump will make Moscow more bold.

Afdifka's losers reflects the serious dependence of Ukraine's support for NATO military; the Russian army's victory will inevitably hit Ukraine's morale and indirectly impact the security of NATO European members, which may meanThe confrontation makes the war a long time.Coupled with the possibility of Trump's re -governing, forcing NATO countries must increase the self -protection and military support Ukraine of defense budgets, and psychological expectations for the intensity of war and upgrade.The Institute of International Strategy of the British Military Tank warned on February 13 that the Gaza War, the Russian and Ukraine War, and the increasingly tense situation of the Pacific and Africa in India indicate that the world is entering a more dangerous 10 years.

Outside the Russian and Ukraine War, Israel has continued to strengthen its attack on Hamas, and the Red Sea Shipping Crisis has not disappeared.The probability of walking on fire increases.Pyongyang has continued to test long -range missiles recently, and the transformation of South Korean strategic stance has caused people's concerns.North Korean leader Kim Jong -un, when inspecting the army in early January, reiterated that South Korea has been committed to overthrowing the North Korean regime and system. Now it is necessary to regard South Korea as the most hostile country in North Korea.

Singapore leaders are also not optimistic about the international and regional security situation. Dr. Huang Yonghong, the Minister of Defense, who participated in the Munich Safety Conference, emphasized on February 17 that they must avoid conflicts in Asia at all costs because the world cannot withstand such conflicts.Vice Premier and Minister of Finance, Huang Xuncai, also warned in the fiscal budget speech on February 16 that we are in a world that will be more violent, split and more difficult to predict in the future.The evolution of the situation of the Russian and Ukraine war has the impact on the mentality of the world or entering a critical moment, indicating that the world is really increasingly unrestrained.