"The United States has deployed the five of all 11 aircraft carriers in the Western Pacific Ocean unprecedentedly, showing the strength to China" -This report from the Hong Kong and American media has recently attracted attention.The national interest websites even made a title "The U.S. Navy will soon deploy 5 aircraft carriers in the backyard of China."The analysis of the Hong Kong South China Morning Post quoted the analysis of the analysts that the United States unprecedentedly enhanced the naval power in the region to send signals to the allies and opponents in Washington, especially Beijing: Although Ukraine and the Middle East are conflicting, the United States still focuses on the Indo -Pacific region.A reporter from the Global Times interviewed several experts on the 19th to verify and analyze relevant reports.Military expert Zhang Junsha said that the US military's deployment of five aircraft carriers in the same area is indeed rare. Even during the Gulf War, the U.S. military only mobilized 6 aircraft carriers to participate in the battle in the "desert storm" military operations implemented by Iraq.However, it can be found that the five US aircraft carrier formations have not been deployed in the Western Region for a long time.Another military expert who reluctant to be named believes that foreign media reports are suspected of "title party".However, in the short term, there are many US aircraft carriers appearing in the West Pacific region. The United States may use this opportunity to speculate, hold exercises, and show muscles.

"Containing China as the primary task"

The South China Morning Post said on February 14 that analysts believe that nearly half of the aircraft carriers in the United States this year may be deployed in the Western Pacific to send signals to deter China and North Korea.It is reported that the three U.S. aircraft carriers have been operating in the Western Pacific and two are about to arrive."Their arrival will marked that five aircraft carriers in the United States will perform their tasks at the same time in the area for the first time."

The above reports stated that on February 5 this year, the aircraft carrier "Lincoln", a U.S. Pacific Fleet, was found to leave the Pacific Pacific Port of San Diego from California to the Western Pacific.The U.S. Navy also confirmed that the "Washington" aircraft carrier, which has been maintained, will return to Japan's Yokosuka Base this year to replace the "Reagan" aircraft carrier and become the core of the seventh fleet aircraft carrier strike group.The Reagan will leave Japan and return to the United States for maintenance.It is worth noting that the "Reagan" aircraft carrier is in the stage of "lying down" and has not existed in Hong Kong for many months.

"These deployments marked the first time in modern history that five U.S. aircraft carriers performed their mission in the Western Pacific at the same time, showing the strength of the United States." The US "Maritime Observation" website said on the 15th that American aircraft carriers have recently participated in the region many times in the region many timesMilitary exercises.According to a national interest website reported on February 14, at present, the carrier of "Karl Vinson" and "Roosevelt" and their respective aircraft carrier formations are in the Western Pacific.At the end of January, the two aircraft carriers held large -scale joint exercises with the Japanese Maritime Self -Defense Force in the Philippines. It is expected that they will continue to stay in the Western Pacific region in the next few months.

The South China Morning Post quoted the associate professor of the University of Malaysia in the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom, saying that the deployment of the U.S. forces aims to show that even if a war is currently in Europe and the Middle East, the Indo -Pacific region is still in the primary position of strategic attention in the United States.The expert also said that the move also showed that even if the US -China relations recently heated up, curbing China in the region to curb China is still the first priority of the United States.

"Nearly half of the U.S. aircraft carriers roared unprecedentedly in China, surpassing the three carrier that had recorded records before."The United States attempts to deliver strength.When the United States deployed three aircraft carriers to the region earlier this year, experts pointed out that the United States is seeking to strengthen its strategic positioning in the Western Pacific.The British Daily Telecom said on the 16th that the United States will deploy half of the aircraft carrier to "the door of China".The latest military balance report released by the Institute of International Strategy of the British Think Tank states that Western countries are trying to balance their attention to the Ukrainian war and the Asian strategic interests that are mainly driven by trade.At the same time, China is also strengthening its navy capacity. In the next few years, the Chinese Navy will conduct intensive tests on its third and most advanced carrier Fujian ship.

"Title Party" or "Show off the force"

The three experts interviewed by the Global Times on the 19th believe that foreign media said exaggerated ingredients.Zhang Junshe said that the relevant reports show that the "Washington" is to replace the "Reagan", and the "Lincoln" aircraft carrier is likely to rotate the "Carl Vinson" to ensure that the United States has 3 aircraft carriers in the Asia -Pacific region in the Asia -Pacific regiondeploy.In recent years, the US military has deployed three aircraft carriers at the same time in the Western Pacific. This is an important manifestation of the "Asia -Pacific Balance" strategy.Based on this strategy, the United States emphasized that 60%of its naval troops should be deployed to the Asia -Pacific region.After the implementation of the so -called "Indo -Pacific Strategy" in February 2022, the United States has often deployed 2 to 3 aircraft carriers in the Western Pacific region.

Military expert Zhang Xuefeng told the Global Times on the 19th that the "unprecedented" of the five American aircraft carriers "unprecedented" gathered in the West Pacific is a saying that it is not a normal deployment. It can only be said that 5 aircraft carriers may be short.Time also appears in Xitai, but these aircraft carriers are scattered in huge sea areas, thousands of kilometers apart, each performs tasks in the region, some are "passing by", some are handover, not a real strategic deployment.However, the Asia -Pacific region is currently the most concerned area of ​​the U.S. military. It is an indisputable fact that it will have more military power to invest in Asia Pacific.

Zhang Junshe believes that the US military's move is undoubtedly showing to the world that its strategic focus is still in the Asia -Pacific region; secondly, the situation in Northeast Asia has been upgraded recently.And achieve deterrent purpose.Of course, it does not rule out the possibility of the US aircraft carrier formation entering the South China Sea for drills to show off the force."But according to the past situation, the U.S. military attempts to achieve the intention of the potential opponent by showing force and deterrence, but it will incite the tension in the entire region to upgrade."

At the end of 2023, the tension in the Middle East was upgraded at the end of 2023. The United States once deployed two aircraft carrier combat groups in the Middle East: "Eisenhower" and "Ford", but the latter left the Mediterranean in January this year.According to experts, 3 to 5 of the 11 aircraft carriers in the United States are deployed overseas, of which one of the European Command and the Central Command is 1, 1 to 3 in the Western Pacific, and 1 to 3The ship carrier is trained near the mother port.However, the then US Secretary of Defense Mattis publicly stated that in order to deal with the "big country competition", confuse opponents, and make significant adjustments to the US Navy's deployment of aircraft carriers, making it more and more flexible.If you have a down -time, the maintenance capacity has decreased, and the maintenance time of ships is often postponed. As a result, the maintenance time of the aircraft carrier is repeatedly dragged.

The US -Japan reporter boarded the US aircraft carrier

Nikkei Asia News Network reported in early February of February provides another statement.According to the report, in order to deter China and North Korea, the U.S. military deployed three aircraft carriers in the Western Pacific: the "Karl Vinson", "Roosevelt" and the "Reagan" that was stationed in Yokosuka, Japan.According to the U.S. Navy Academy, this seems to be the first time that three U.S. aircraft carriers have been deployed near the so -called "first island chain" connected to Okinawa, Taiwan Island and the Philippines in the past two years.

All signs show that the United States has tried to expand the influence of its actions through various ways.According to Asia, in November last year, the U.S. Navy issued an invitation to observe its aircraft carrier exercises in the Philippines, showing that it seemed to seek more public attention.On January 31st this year, the U.S. Navy allowed several media reporters including Nikkei Asia to board the "Carl Vinson" aircraft carrier to perform military exercises with Japanese ships in the Philippines.A U.S. Navy official also told reporters that during the exercise, a Chinese naval reconnaissance ship was found to be 5 to 10 miles from the "Carl Vinson", which was believed to be collecting information about the United States and Japan.

"Ascending the US aircraft carrier, the Philippine waters have become the forefront of tension between the United States and China".Under close attention, Chinese aircraft carriers, ships, and military aircraft also held exercises.

For the Philippines recentlyThe United States involved in the South China Sea affairs, and a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense Zhang Xiaogang stated at a press conference on January 12 that we have always advocated that defense cooperation between the country must not harm the interests of third parties and must not undermine regional peace and security.The Philippines attracts the so -called "joint cruise" in the South China Sea. It is just to use external forces to disturb the situation in the South China Sea with the help of external forces. It will only push the tension in the South China Sea and destroy regional peace and stability.The Chinese army will maintain a high degree of warning, continue to take all necessary measures, and resolutely defend national sovereign security and marine rights.