Top News Client on February 19th. According to a report by Hunan Daily on February 18, the Hunan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a notice that it will carry out discussion activities in emancipating the mind throughout the province.

A number of relevant government officials in Hunan confirmed to reporters that they are starting to arrange related landing plans.

Zhang Xixian, a professor at the Central Party School In an interview with a reporter, The central government encouraged local party committees to innovate.At present, it is necessary to emancipate the mind all over the country. In fact, Hunan actually launched the first shot.

Is the discussion of the big discussion?

From the history of development in China, the weight of emancipating the mind is undoubtedly major.

"In the beginning of each era in our country, a great liberation of thought is needed to do a good job of various tasks in this era." Zhang Xixian told reporters that from Marxism to China, my country has been liberating many times.At present, towards the second century -old journey, China's development situation has changed. It should not be nostalgic for the past development mode, and it should be a great liberation of thoughts.

The aforementioned the notice of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China on the major discussion activities of carrying out the minds of emancipating ideology in the province, mentioning that the development history of Hunan's reform and opening up for more than 40 years shows that when emancipating the mind, daring to try, bold innovation, development will be good to develop again.Fast; when the thoughts are conservative, fearful, and the rules of Mo Su, the development is slow.

Hunan Daily's media "Hunan Companion" stated that all the changes have begun to emancipate the mind.

Is the big discussion of the emancipation of Hunan Province, will it be a big change?

Zhang Xixian believes that the big reform needs to start a brand new situation on the basis of everyone's mind preparation.At least for Hunan Province, it may be a prelude to great changes.At the same time, for the major changes in the development of the whole party in the country, Hunan made a signal gun.

The former dean of the Henan Academy of Social Sciences and the dean of the Henan Central Plains Innovation and Development Research Institute, Yu Xin'an In an interview with reporters, from the current information of The call issued by the central government is just issued by Hunan Province and should not be over -interpreted.

Yu Xin'an said that in Hunan Province, it may be a signal of reform.

"Discussion" is in full swing in Hunan, will it be pushed to the country?

According to the aforementioned notice arrangement, this "big discussion" started in early February 2024, and it was basically ended in late March.

On February 18, a number of people in Hunan Province confirmed to reporters that they had received the notice and settled in the relevant landing plan.

A person in charge of a propaganda department in a district in Changsha City said that the specific implementation of the "big discussion of emancipating the mind" in the district is still planning and arrangement."We must plan in detail according to the deployment of the file, but I have not received a specific plan in my hand."

The person in charge believes that it can feel that the development of Hunan Province this year will be very large.

The reporter contacted a number of relevant experts from the Hunan Academy of Social Sciences and Party School.Many experts said that today (February 18), the documents issued by the Provincial Party Committee have not yet studied and studied in depth, and they declined the interview with reporters.

"The central government encourages the innovation of local party committees. It is normal for the party's work to score the first shot by each province. Then according to the influence, it may be guided in a timely manner." The Central Government willParty school professor Zhang Xixian believes.

Some experts believe that from the current signs, it is impossible to conclude that Hunan Province's arrangement is a national pilot.The follow -up effects and affected surfaces need to be observed.

The reporter added WeChat on February 18 to add a person in charge of the Persons of the Propaganda Department of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and did not respond.

From the public information, "big discussion" has been in full swing in Hunan.Local media reported that "party organizations at all levels in the province, the majority of party members and cadres, and the masses must actively respond to the call of the Provincial Party Committee, act immediately, and quickly set off a wave of discussion of emancipating the mind."

It is reported that on the first day of the Spring Festival work, the "Emancipating Thought Discussion" has become the key word for departments at all levels.

At 9 am, the Party Committee of the Hunan Provincial SASAC used the analysis of the case of inertia thinking, and opened the "Discussion on Emancipating the Thought" by the provincial party committee to open the deployment of the provincial party committee.

The first meeting of the Party Group of the Hunan Provincial Disabled Persons' Federation is to hold a discussion activity and the current key work deployment meeting.

The Shimen County Party Committee held the second collective (enlarged) study in the theoretical learning center group in 2024, actively responding to the province's emancipating the mind of the province ...

What problems will "big discussion" solve?Why do you take it above the county level?

Hunan Province proposed that through in -depth study and discussion, solve the problems of lack of confidence in development, lack of mission awareness, and insufficient spirit of responsibility from the deep ideas to solve the achievements of the real achievements, what kind of achievements, what trees rely on what trees,The issue of political achievements.

In terms of the main tasks of the reporter's discussion, the province proposed 10 "reversers" that directly hit the key.Including:

Fundamental reversal simply uses the speed complex of heroes with GDP growth;

Shocking the development mode that does not actively transforms the development method, and is unwilling to bear the shift anxiety of transformation pain;

Turning a fake impulse to "find ways" and "achieve performance" on the data;

Turn on the path dependence on the risk of raising debt, blindly follow the trend, and the good fortune shop;

Turning up the "only" thinking of "only" of the "only" thinking of "only" of the "only" of the "only" of the "only" of the "only" of the "only" of the "only" thinking of "only";

Turning up the extensive mode of stimulating economic development by relying on resources to stimulate economic development;

Reverse obsessed with the utilitarian tendency of "making potential for a while" rather than "benefiting one party";

Turning up the decision "Drawing Cake" and implementing the tossing method of "turning the cake";

The "ostrich mentality" that deliberately escapes, cover up contradictions and problems;

Turning up the "lying" thought of "lying down" for "not going to happen, rather than a person, would rather not be a person,".

From the perspective of Zhang Xixian, a professor at the Central Party School, these tasks highlight the problem -oriented."From the past decades of reform and opening up, to a new journey, a series of outstanding issues we have exposed. How to move towards the new journey is first to adhere to the problem orientation."

Yu Xin'an is concerned that the emancipating thought proposed by Hunan has strong pertinence.He believes that the current "cadres dare not take responsibility and do not dare to act" are lying flat and half -lying.The mental state and real development needs of cadres are uncomfortable, and cadres need to be liberated from this state.

"At present, my country is facing a complex development environment, and it is meaningful to put forward ideological liberation." Yu Xin'an said that except for cadres, the governors of party committees and governments at all levels are particularly important.

The reporter's discussion activity was mainly concentrated in units above the county level.

Zhang Xixian said that cadres at or above the county level are governing backbone power.The key to solving China's problems is leading cadres at or above the county level.It has important times significance to liberate their thoughts.