Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Zhuang Husheng

On the first working day after the Chinese Lunar New Year, Shanghai held a conference to optimize the business environment and released the Shanghai Municipality to continue to build an international first -class business environment action plan (hereinafter referred to as the "action plan").This is the seventh consecutive year in Shanghai to start the annual journey with "optimizing the business environment". This seems to have become "normalized". At the moment when the global economic recovery is slow, it is meaningful.

First of all, the current world economy is still facing uncertain threats such as constant geopolitical contradictions and global economic fragmentation. Global trade challenges have become a constraint of economic recovery.As a global economic hub and China's economic town, Shanghai naturally assumes the responsibility of opening up cooperation and promoting global trade flow. It is necessary to become a "blessing place" for global enterprises under the "open" background.The meaning of the title.

The biggest feature of the "Shanghai version" business environmental policy is that it is always international standards for benchmarking.The action plan issued last year in Shanghai has been fully targeted at the new "suitable business environment" evaluation system that the World Bank officially implemented since January 2023.This time the 7.0 action plan, the full life cycle service emphasized by the affiliated environment is "details", and continued to continue to enter market access, service trade, business disputes, financial services, market competition, etc.The recognized and commercial environmental reform difficulties have proposed specific measures to make every effort to promote the facilitation of international trade.

Secondly, digital technology represented by artificial intelligence has become a powerful engine of global economic development, and the huge value of scientific and technological innovation has been constantly prominent.The one -year version of Shanghai continues to optimize the business environment. One of the highlights is the policy inclusive reform for small, medium and micro enterprises, and continuously stores energy from technology to industrial innovation.

The 7.0 action plan is optimized from multiple dimensions such as building a fair and fair market environment, emphasizing effective supervision under legal construction, and paying more attention to corporate feelings. It not only focuses on the supervision of the new industry and new formats, but also specialIn terms of market access, financial services, market competition, credit repair, bankruptcy protection, etc., it creates a strong atmosphere for enterprises to "dare to do, dare to break, and dares to invest."

Once again, in the World Bank business environment evaluation system, Shanghai is one of the two sample cities in Mainland China, and occupies 55%of weight. To some extent, Shanghai's business environment is regarded as a mainland business business.The epitome of the environment.At the same time, as the pioneer of the reform of the mainland business environment, the reform experience of the benchmark city in Shanghai and the demonstration effect of the "head geese" are also particularly important.

In addition, although more than 1,000 specific measures have been introduced in Shanghai for seven years, it has been listed in the top ten economies with the largest and fastest improvement of the global optimized business environment for two consecutive years.Investment convenience, government service, element supply, livable environment, legal guarantee and other fields still have a lot of room for improvement.These are important causes of Shanghai's optimized business environment.

In fact, the current business environment of Shanghai is further optimizing that it is facing a difficult challenge involving the "deep water zone".First, the new indicator of the "suitable business environment" of the World Bank is compared to the previous business environment indicators, and more than 73%of the evaluation points are new content, of which 74 items have no job basis, which means that Shanghai must continue to expand the business environmentThe scope of reform, set up new standards to find new paths.

The second is the reform of the business environment for many years, which has greatly improved "convenience, simplification, and time -saving". The marginal benefits optimized in this regard are very limited. It must be open at a high level of institutional types from more dimensions.EssenceTherefore, exploring the fair market access, state -owned enterprise reforms, etc., is exactly the "hard bone" that Shanghai, which is an open bridgehead, a gathering place for foreign companies and state -owned enterprises.

Third, how to really "spring wind and rain" to benefit enterprises in a large number of business environment optimization policies, and eventually open up the "nerve endings" that policies empowerment are still difficult.Some experts pointed out that the actions of the action plan and the "small step fast running" have ensured the stability of the policy to a certain extent and left room for the penetration of the policy of policy.

Experts also remind that optimizing the business environment also means that it is necessary to allow market entities to run freely and independently. When the reform enters the tackling period, it may be possibleRelated policies of the subject, reduce the cost of acquisition of enterprise policy, and enhance their subjective initiative.

With the continuous optimization of the business environment, by the end of 2023, the total number of Shanghai companies has reached 2.892 million, and the density ranks among the top China.At the beginning of the "14th Five -Year Plan" key year, Shanghai took the lead in the reform of the business environmental system reform, and the results of the future are worth looking forward to.