Personally, I don't like Trump very much, but I am more optimistic about Trump, or I hope he can win, because only he can rectify the United States.

If the United States has two sides, Trump represents the other side of the United States, conservative, isolated, rude, selfish, and lacking responsibility.But this is not the new face of the United States. Isn't the United States before World War II?The atrocities of Hitler and Japan were disappeared, and I just wanted to get closer to my own little life.Perhaps that is the Utopia of Americans.But in the end, the United States discovered that in a world full of bastards, he could not be alone.But if the United States has conscience, why did his conscience really awaken until the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor?It is better to say that the United States has saved the world, and it is better to say that the United States has saved itself and by the way saved the world.

To a large extent, this is determined by the selfish background of human nature, and the United States is no exception.

Therefore, selfishness and isolation in the United States are not a problem. The decline and weakness of the United States is the problem.

From this perspective, Trump, what else is so worried? Trump is obviously not here to save the world, but he is here to save the United States.Having said that, I still go back to the actual level to talk about specific issues.

What is the biggest problem in the United States today?Obviously, it was neither the Russian and Ukraine War nor the conflict of Harbin, but the immigration crisis.The first two contradictions were external contradictions. The Russian and Ukraine War was mainly spent money, and the conflict with Harbin basically could save money. It only needed a political attitude.By the way, even Trump is elected, it will not break the funding assistance of Ukraine and political support for Israel.But on the issue of immigration, Trump and Biden, or the Republican and Democratic Party, can be described as impossible.

According to statistics, except for illegal immigrants influing the United States in other countries and regions, nearly 2 million Mexicans illegally enter the United States each year. Most of these illegal immigrants have neither academic qualifications nor work skills, and they cannot truly integrate into American society.Criminal problems and resource consumption problems are the heavy drag of the United States.From October 2022 to September 2023, the border police controlled a total of 2.4 million people, which was basically the same as the number of people in the previous year.169 of them were included in the "Terrorist Surveillance List". Nearly 2 million people were considered to be the object that requires special attention to the US intelligence department.Representatives of Republican elections are generally worried that potential terrorists will penetrate through the border of vulnerabilities.

Everyone still remembers the Border Wall of the American -Mexico border that Trump has built a lot of money.Some people sarcastically say that spending the border wall built by tens of billions of dollars, you can easily turn over as long as you spend $ 5 to buy a ladder.Therefore, the Republican owner's Dhaxus state conflicts with the federal government because of immigration issues, so that some fool audiences are looking forward to a new civil war.This is not just a topic of making anxiety, it is not an exaggeration to say that it shakes the United States.Therefore, this problem is the key to determining the final result of the US election.

But on this issue, the Democratic Party cannot expect.Today's US Democratic Party is a typical Bai left elite. It is large, aggressive and incompetent. Even the transgender and anti -Semitism on campus in the advanced era are unable to deal with it.change.Can the big camel be able to withstand such a toss?Simply say that these are indulgent from the Democratic Party.From Obama to Biden, he only reads the scriptures: freedom, equality, and fraternity, thinking that as long as he reads the scriptures, he will be peaceful.

When the development of diverse development is useful, is it useful to read the scriptures?Can you save the United States when you read the scriptures?

But Trump is not the same. His iron wrist can really solve the problem.During his period of illegal immigration, he need not say more. He withdrew from NATO in one sentence, so that the European powers who had been eating for many years bought a meal ticket.The meal ticket here refers to the requirement of 2%of the GDP (GDP) of military expenditures, which is Trump's request.If Trump wins this time, rice tickets may still increase the price.But what is wrong with Europe to pay for your own safety?

Also, Trump has indeed made many American companies and even returned many non -American multinational companies to the United States. This has made the American people feel the same in employment and GDP.If he confronts Biden again, the consideration of voters will become very simple. Is this presidential or the Virgin?

Of course, in the final analysis, Americans are choosing presidents. They have their own demands and their own calculations. They will definitely take responsibility for themselves and choose a real US president.

For those who have not even seen votes, it is wishful thinking that the United States is going to decline or great again.The United States is important, but if you are not an American, you can't hold your fate in your own hands, but you will expect the United States to Bynden or Trump. It is really unreliable.

The author is Shanghai practice lawyer