The Hong Kong South China Morning Post website published on February 16th, entitled "Global Southern" to show articles that are ready to challenge US leadership.Associate researcher Zhang Tiancai.Article excerpts as follows:

With the weakening of soft power, the United States is determined to use hard power to maintain its dominant position.At the same time, "Global South" is determined to change the current world order through peaceful ways.

In the International Court, South Africa accused Israel in Gaza to implement "racial extinction".The UN's highest judicial institution made a decision on the case last month. It did not call for a ceasefire, but ordered Israel to take measures to prevent any massacre.

Although South Africa failed to ensure the ceasefire, it was an important moment in Hague that filed a lawsuit against Israel.This shows that the "Global South" is preparing to challenge the existing international order that it considers unfair Western.

In January this year, the representatives of the 77th National Group gathered Uganda and proposed the reform of the global governance system.They believe that the system must better reflect today's world reality.UN Secretary -General Gutres made a speech at the third summit of the "77th and China", saying that the current international system "is out of date, is out of time, and cannot keep up with the situation.Many of your countries are still suffering from colonial rule. "

At that summit, Uganda President Joisse Musivani urged developing countries to "work together to ensure that we can achieve a fair and fair international political and economic order."

77 National Group's degeneration reflects the continuous trajectory opened by China's rise from one side, promotes the social and economic development of "Global Southern", and gradually shifts the global economic focus from the West.


Gama crisis, especially South Africa's lawsuit against Israel, is another major reorganization in the geopolitical field -that is, gradually replacing the United States as a major "regulator" as a global peacekeeper.

The role of Campra and Bertelia highlights two very different aspects in the current continuous reconstruction of world order.Although China is often depicted as the primary leader, the claims of the 77th National Group Summit and South Africa in the international court show that other countries are also eager to reshape the order of the United States.

However, the United States has not passively accepted these reorganizations.In response to its relative decline in the economic field, the United States is launching a extensive trade and technological war to curb China's rise.

There is no doubt that the United States still maintains its military advantage even under the decline of economic and geopolitical status.Biden's military response to the continuously upgraded Middle East crisis shows that despite the continuous weakening of soft power in the United States, the United States is still determined to use its hard power to maintain a global dominant position.

"Global Southern" must use the momentum of the 77th National Group's summit to persevere in the existing world order centered on the west, making it more fair, and everything is achieved through peaceful means.(Compiled/Xu Yanhong)