Maintaining the internal cohesion, becoming more and more critical in the international environment where the external pressure is getting larger.The generation of cohesion, in addition to the peace and career pursuit of all ethnic groups, must also have spiritual elements that transcend material considerations, including cognition and feelings of local history.

Zhang Zhixian, Minister of State and Politics and National Security Coordinating Minister, during March 26 at the perennial dinner and promotion ceremony of administrative services on March 26, Use three D to describe the international environment that Singapore will face in the future: disconnect, discuption, and pision.He also uses five C to summarize the principles of success in Singapore: ConnectisS, Creativity, Cohesion, Courage, and Courage.

Zhang Zhixian's judgment on the international situation is credible. The current Russia -Ukraine War and the conflict of Yhami are just the appearance of the three D.And the other signs of the Taiwan Strait may lead to more serious military conflicts.This also highlights the importance of five C, because the castle is always broken from the inside.Whether a country can overcome external challenges depends entirely on internal toughness and unity.

The foundation of Singapore's success should be said to be based on the free trade port built by the British.The emergence of modern Singapore first has nothing to do with a strong motivation to get rich.Regardless of whether it is trafficked or voluntarily left the country, different people gathered from China, India, and even around the world are to create a better future for themselves and future generations.For the same purpose, everyone changed from strangers to neighbors, and finally became compatriots, but the original motivation was consistent -the landing was rooted, and the branches were scattered.

Therefore, the elites of the Singapore Chinese News Agency are different from the original hometown of China. They are not a gentleman doctors who are responsible for inheriting cultural traditions, but businessmen who have long -sleeved good dance and random response.Since the opening of the port, the most lofty group of the Singapore Chinese Society is the China General Chamber of Commerce, and the leaders of the community have also been the businessmen of Le Shan.Although these Chinese business leaders have also set up schools and set up newspapers to contribute to the cultural undertakings, compared with the literati doctors who are responsible for the cultural responsibility of "the world as their own responsibility", there is still a gap in ideas and feelings.

Unlike other European colonists, the British are most concerned about doing buying and selling. As long as they do not hinder this purpose, they usually follow the spirit of freedom and let go.Not very interested.As a result, Singapore will form a social structure of diverse races, language and religion.The reason why the rule of law is regarded by the British as a sanctuary, because free trade pays attention to the spirit of the contract, and the fairness of the law reduces the risks brought by the uncertainty that the businessman hates the most.After the founding of Singapore, this important tradition, and in the face of the law behind,, the equal social genes of everyone may be one of the secrets of prosperity to this day.

This social gene, coupled with the principles of the governance of the separation of the separation of political and religion, has continued, laying the foundation of a diverse social and peaceful coexistence after Singapore's independence.In addition to the war in human history, in addition to the plundering of land, population, wealth, and resources, it is mainly because of the psychological fear of "non -ethnic groups, their hearts must be different".Therefore, people with different civilizations are adjacent to each other without the turmoil of the struggle, and they need to allow everyone to surpass the specifications of nothing; according to the logic of equality emphasized by the spirit of the rule of law., Allowing Singapore to make good use of diversified richness and maximize the fairness of free competition.

From time to time, local public opinion emerges whether non -Chinese can serve as the prime minister. As far as the primitive psychology of human identity is concerned, in the free election system of one person and one vote, the potential left and right forces of skin tone, language, and faith are still difficult to ignore.However, in the non -political field that emphasizes professional ability, non -Chinese leaders are everywhere. For example-Da-shun "rel = nofollow target = _blank> Meida Shun has been in office since 2012;Meng Wenneng, director of the Singapore Financial Authority, who retired, is the longest -term director of the HKMA, representing another obvious example.There are reasons to believe that with the increasingly mature identity of the Singaporeans, non -Chinese leaders in politics are not unimaginable. At least, Bi Danxing, the leader of the Congress opposition and the secretary -general of the worker party, is symbolic.

After enjoying the Cold War A few years after the Cold War Dividends, the world seems to have returned to the norm of neighbors from the long river of history from the tributary of global cooperation.Minister of Defense Huang Yonghong warned in Congress on February 28 that the possibility of regional or even international war in the next 10 years is not zero.This echoes Zhang Zhixian's international situation judgment.As a small country, Singapore is facing increasing external challenges, and even transmits to the internal social harmony and unity.The decree to prevent foreign intervention (corresponding measures) in December last year is exactly the auction of this challenge.The strong emotions provoked by the local launching community are provoked, so that the government must adjust the diplomatic position, which reflects the new geopolitical reality.

Maintaining internal cohesion is becoming more and more critical in the international environment where the external pressure is getting larger.The generation of cohesion, in addition to the peace and career pursuit of all ethnic groups, must also have spiritual elements that transcend material considerations, including cognition and feelings of local history.After the founding of the founding of the country and the first generation, I believe that many local families have buried at least one or two generations of loved ones on this land and pierced their roots in physics.The roots constitute another test.

The common identity of the Singaporeans is still unprecedented political trials.The historical fate of the city -state countries has always been so many. How can a diverse society "regardless of race, speech, religion, unity" when the difficulties come.It is always a difficult problem to be solved, especially in this new era that is becoming increasingly unrestrained.