image source, EPA

Ukraine Peace Summit was held in Switzerland for two consecutive days. Russian President Putin proposed a ceasefire conditions on the eve of the summit, requiring Ukraine to withdraw from the four regions of the Russian army's local control in the east and abandoned NATO.Criticize the relevant plan.

The summit issued a draft declaration, reiterating the integrity of Ukraine's territory, and clearly refused to accept any nuclear threat to the country.

More than 90 countries and international institutions attended the summit, the largest meeting since the Ukraine was fully invaded by the Russian army.

Russia has not been invited to attend, and China ’s important ally China China is also absent. Analysis believes that it is difficult to make significant progress at this stage.

image source, EPA

Putin proposed a ceasefire conditions on the eve of the summit, asking the Ukraine army to completely withdraw from four controlled areas, including Donetsk, Lugusk, Hermone and Zapolo, and announced the abandonment of NATO.

Putin said: "As long as Kiev announced that it is ready to make such a decision ... We will immediately order the ceasefire and start negotiation in the same minute."

Ukraine refuses to be related conditions and refers to "violation of common sense". President Zeleiski described this like "ultimatum". "Hitler also said the same thing, he said 'part of the CzechoslovakiaEnd '" The US Minister of Defense Austin responded to Russia's ceasefire conditions that Putin illegally occupied Ukraine's sovereignty territory. "He has no right to order what action to take Ukraine to achieve peace."

At the Peace Summit, Italian Prime Minister Meloni criticized Putin's plan as "political propaganda". "In my opinion, as a negotiating suggestion, it is not particularly effective to tell Ukraine that it must withdraw from Ukraine." British Prime Minister Sonak accused Putin accusing Putin for "building a false statement that he was willing to negotiate" and said that the country that provided weapons for Russia "stands on a historical wrong side."The German Chancellor Salz criticized the scheme "dictatorship".

The Chairman of the European Commission Feng Delin said, "Stopping today's conflict in the case of foreign army occupying Ukraine land is not a solution." "In fact, this laid a foreshadowing for future aggression war."

Andriy Yermak, director of the Ukrainian Presidential Office, reiterated to the BBC: "No compromises will be made on independence, sovereignty or territorial integrity."

Ukraine's view of this summit is diplomatic achievements. President Zerrenzki said that Ukraine hopes to "give diplomacy a chance" and show "joint efforts" to the outside world to stop the war.He said: "I believe that we will witness the creation of history at the summit. May fair and peaceful peace be realized as soon as possible."

Putin has ruled out any peaceful process in accordance with Ukrainian conditions.He hoped that only the four Ukraine regions that Ukraine were withdrawn were occupied by Russia. Russia claimed that it had been annexed in these areas in 2022.The voting process held at the time was condemned in Ukraine and the West, calling it a scam.

The Swiss Summit will officially adopt a draft declaration on Sunday. In addition to reiterating the integrity of Ukrainian territory, it is also required to transit the safety of commercial shipping in Black Sea and Asiashi to ensure global food security. In addition, they will call for the exchange of prisoners of war.

Earlier, the leaders of the Seven Kingdoms (G7) agreed to use Russia's frozen asset interest to provide Ukraine with a $ 50 billion loan.

In February 2022, after Russia invaded Ukraine, the Seven Kingdoms Group and the European Union frozen about $ 325 billion in Russian assets, which generated about $ 3 billion in interest each year.

It is expected that the latest money can only be reached at the end of the year, which means that it has a little impact on the current situation, but this is considered a iconic plan to punish Russia and long -term support for Ukraine.