Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Li Yanzhou

Recently, a poster that is said to belong to the "Islamic State (IS)" organization has spread on social media, threatening to attack Russia.Just a few days ago, this extremist organization claimed to attack the Moscow's concert hall.Why is the "Islamic State" attacked Russia?What are the grievances between the two sides?

Reported that some social media X users shared poster screenshots.The poster is said to be published by the Azay Media Foundation organized by the "Islamic State".Many people also saw the poster on the Russian "telegram" software.

It is reported that the Russian version of this poster is widely reposted.There is a masked man holding a knife on the screen, as well as the text of the Russian and Russian President Putin.

"Through the 22nd attack, we showed you ... The jihad organized by‘ Islamic State ’can punish your brutal behavior.”

Report also said that the relevant channels of the Russian "telegraph" software shared the poster and said that the organization was "planning another terrorist attack in the Russian Federation."

"Islamic State-K" organization was established in Afghanistan at the end of 2014 and is a branch of the "Islamic State".The organization stated that on the 22nd, the "Fan Red Flower City Hall" concert hall of Moscow was attacked by it. The attack caused 139 deaths and 182 injuries.

What is the grievances of "Islamic State Horosen" with Russia, will it be issued again less than a week after terrorist attack Russia?

In this regard, Zhu Yongbiao, director of the Afghan Research Center of Lanzhou University, said in an interview with a reporter from the Hong Kong News Agency that the "Islamic State" attacked Russia many reasons: First, Russia's military operations in Syria, once killed a lotMembers of "Islamic State"; the second is that they believe that Russia supports the Syrian Assad regime, and the "Islamic State" is anti -Assad regime; the third is that they believe that Russia also supports Afghanistan Taliban; and the other is ""Islamic State" is dissatisfied with Russia's minority policies in Russia.

Zhu Yongbiao explained that the previous impact of "Islamic State Horosen" did not have great influence, but since the United States began to negotiate with Taliban in 2017, especially after the United States withdrew from Afghanistan, it had a certain stimulus to the "Islamic State".It believes that the opportunity to achieve its "political goals" is here, and I hope to get the recognition of major countries, including the international community.The other is the withdrawal of the United States. It does provide a space for the "Islamic State" to survive in Central Asia.Therefore, the efforts of the recruitment are greater than before, and the propaganda offensive is stronger than before.But it has not reached the degree of power in the Middle East in 2013 and 14 years.

Except for the past holidays, historical factors cannot be ignored.

"After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, although the various joining republics were independent, Russia still had a wide range of influence in the region; in addition, the 'Islamic State' is widely recruited in Central Asia."Soviet and anti -Russia" some experts said that these members have always been worried about attacking Afghanistan and Russia's separation of Chechen separation in the Soviet period.In addition, from the perspective of political claims, the national regime in Central Asia, West Asia, and North Africa is the object of the extreme organization "Islamic State". Russia's support for Syria and the crackdown on "Islamic State" has become an opportunity to retaliate against RussiaIncentives.

In fact, "Islamic State Horosen" had previously attacked the Russian Embassy in Kabul, the capital of Russia in Afghanistan in September 2022, and claimed to be responsible for the attack.

"For these terrorist organizations, the opponent's blow revenge is all mentally prepared; at the same time these organizations are relatively scattered and are flat network organizations. Therefore"" Zhu Yongbiao said.