Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Zheng Junkai

The Taiwan Legislative Yuan will vote on the "frozen -rising electricity price" proposal on the 29th. Once the voting is approved, the electricity price increase plan for Taiwan Electric Power Corporation (Taipower) will be suspended.According to the Taiwan government, if electricity prices are frozen, Taipower will continue to provide electricity prices below costs and constantly bear losses.

In response to the long -term loss of Taipower, the Taiwan economic department recently announced that it will increase the electricity price from April, with an average increase of 11%. Minsheng's electricity increase has a low increase, and the highest increase in industrial electricity has reached 25%.

The outside world is worried that the increase in electricity bills leads to rising prices. Economic Minister Wang Meihua said that the store should not increase the price on the grounds of electricity prices.Obviously, Wang Meihua's "appeal" is not effective. The Central Bank of Taiwan has taken the lead in announcing interest rate hikes to suppress inflation expectations.

Although people's livelihood and electricity households with less electricity consumption will not face high increases, the high cost of overall electricity prices to the industry will still be transferred to ordinary people.In order to avoid rising prices and increased pain index, the Kuomintang proposed in the Legislative Yuan to "frozen electricity prices", and the Taiwan people's party also proposed similar proposals.

The current Taiwan Legislative Yuan, the blue and green legislators are close, and if the blue and Bai Li Bo committees have more than half of the seats, the "frozen electricity price" proposal is likely to be passed in the voting on the 29th.Zeng Wensheng, the second leader of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taipower Chairman, said that the frozen power price of electricity prices should continue to provide more than cost -effective electricity prices while constantly undertaking losses.

In 2023, Taipower's accumulated losses have exceeded 380 billion yuan (NT $, the same, about S $ 16 billion). As one of the public causes of Taiwan, Taipower requires government expenditure to remedy.The meaning of Zeng Wensheng's words is that if the Legislative Yuan opposes the increase in electricity, the cost of subsidizing Taipower will still be affected by the people of Taiwan.

Rising electricity prices, all things rise; freezing up the price, subsidize Taipower.Regardless of whether the electricity price changes, it is the people of Taiwan who finally pays for the huge losses of Taipower, but it is the DPP's wrong energy policy that has caused the DPP to continue to lose money.

Since Taiwan Cai Yingwen came to power, Taiwan has gradually eliminated cheap nuclear power and changed to use natural gas power generation, solar energy, wind power and other "green energy" power generation. To this end, Taipower must purchase a large number of natural gas."Green Energy" power generation facilities have soared.

Compared with various power generation methods, Wang Langchen, former TOEIC inspection, pointed out that "the only thing that does not lose money now is nuclear power." If Taiwan continues to use nuclear power, so that the three nuclear power stations will be extended, and at least 16,000 can be saved.100 million yuan.

In addition to the surge in power generation costs, unstable green energy power generation and imported natural gas power generation have also led to unstable power supply in Taiwan. Since 2017, there have been four major power outages in Taiwan, and there are countless local power outages.Taipower uses higher costs to generate electricity, but does not provide a better electricity experience for people in Taiwan.

According to Taiwan media reports, the cost of worrying for electricity has further increased. Even if you are in the freezing list of the electricity price amplitude, the school dare not use electricity at will.Taiwan has implemented the "air -conditioning" policy, and most of the classrooms have installed air -conditioning. Students face the high temperature of up to 30 degrees of high temperature to turn on air -conditioning cooling in recent days, but the teacher responded that "summer can only be turned on" and "open air conditioning control".

Taipower's loss is serious. Regardless of the results of the legislature on the 29th, the official price will eventually rise without reviewing the energy policy.Students with wind cooling.