The modern European diplomatic website published on March 28, an article entitled to the quiet and peaceful yearning for peace. The author is the assistant researcher of the University of Islamic, Indonesia, Gufelong Gazeli.Article excerpts as follows:

The conflict between Israel and Hamas has not resolved.Israel's attack on Gasha has caused a tragedy of tens of thousands of Palestinians.The total population of Gaza was 2.3 million, 85%of them were forced to be refugee.Earlier, the Security Council has repeatedly tried to pass the ceasefire resolution and has been rejected by the United States.South Africa filed a lawsuit against the International Court, accusing Israel's implementation of racial extinction against the Palestinian people.

In contrast to the US Western position, China has proposed interesting solutions.From the beginning of the conflict, China has always advocated the "two countries' plans."China positions itself as a conflict mediation person, trying to solve the conflict, or at least create favorable conditions for the ceasefire.

In March 2024, during the National Two Sessions of China, Chinese government officials expressed their support for Palestinian to become a formal member of the United Nations, and urged individual member states of the Security Council not to set up obstacles for this.This statement highlights the courage of China's determination and challenging the status quo by solving problems peacefully.

As a country that has suffered colonial suffering, many countries in China and the Middle East, especially Palestine, have a lot of similarity.Since the founding of New China, China has firmly supported the anti -imperialist struggle, and this position has not changed.

China's position is not limited to resolving Pakistani conflict.China's mediation between Saudi Arabia and Iran in 2023 played an important role in promoting the reconciliation of both parties.According to the results of the German Institute of Merkato China, from 2013 to 2018, China played an important role in resolving nine conflicts, including the conflict between South Sudan, Afghanistan and Myanmar.

China's diplomatic policy can be traced back to the "five principles of peace coexistence".By adhering to these principles, China has successfully established an important position of its global conflict mediation.This highlights China's determination to promote global peace and stability, and highlights its effectiveness as an international conflict mediation person.

China is not only a medium, but also a visible country to provide innovative ideas and ideas for the global stage.Chinese leaders have proposed an innovative concept called "Global Security Initiative". Its primary goal is to establish a fair global structure, which is deeply rooted in China's unique ideas and values.

Global security initiative emphasizes that political solutions are better than legal mechanisms and international norms, and advocate direct dialogue and forums as the most effective solution.

The global security initiative is consistent with the global development initiative proposed in 2021.The global development initiative takes "security" as the prerequisite for development. In turn, development is the cornerstone of security.This symbiotic relationship can be summarized by "realizing peace" by development.

China's foreign policy is the reflection of its strategic keenness and planning.By its huge attractiveness and ability, China is promoting the active evolution of the international structure.The main goal is to promote the resolution of conflict through diplomatic means to avoid aggression or confrontation.

China acknowledge its international influence is a powerful tool for resolving conflicts.Therefore, China is committed to using this influence as effective as possible.

For China, the road to security exists in the common development vision of all parties, and development is a pirate cricket that responds to various challenges.(Compilation/Pan Xiaoyan)