An announcement of a paper diplomatic statement alone is not enough to play a role of balanced diplomacy.The "balanced diplomacy" that is not practiced may be the same as the "ride of the wall". For example, the neutral and balanced status of the small Nordic nations will automatically fail after launching the Ukrainian war in Russia.

Singapore's disputes between big powers are not selected, and the implementation of balanced diplomacy is also a difficult diplomatic art, because balanced diplomacy is likely to be regarded as a wall.The US -China strategic confrontation, Singapore has close relationships with both sides. In the United States and China relations, Singapore is also a stakeholder. The Foreign Stock Exchange is challenged by challenges, and even the internal affairs are more or less implicated.

Liu Jianchao answered : The question of cultural identity is a respectful question, all kinds of civilizations in the world, the world's various civilizationsIt is very exciting and great with culture. You must maintain the uniqueness of all nations and cultural groups, but from the perspective of national identity, which country you are, which country you are, you should be loyal to that country.

But Liu also used his experience in the past to make the Philippines and Indonesia that in addition to loyalty to the country, the Chinese people there also had the recognition of the "ancestral country" to strengthen cooperation with China and achieve mutual benefit and win -win.It is also a contribution to the Chinese in Southeast Asia.

Liu Jianchao's problem of overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese from the perspective of China ’s interests cannot be fully drawn by China and them.

China has re -emerged in the fields of economy, technology, and military today, and it still needs the goodwill of overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese.Faced with the American science and technology enclosure and strategic copy, China ’s goodwill for Chinese and overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia attaches more importance than before.Therefore, Liu Jianchao reiterated the loyalty of overseas Chinese to the country, and did not forget to emphasize the feelings of the Chinese "ancestral country" feelings in a positive tone.

For Singapore, the test of balanced diplomacy is that on the one hand, it is "comprehensive, substantial and forward -looking" with China's development, and on the other hand, grasping the size so as not to fall into the population (who is true, it is self -evident)Essence

In terms of geopolitics in the Middle East, Singapore's balanced diplomacy has also been tested.Due to our diverse and diverse religious attributes, Singapore has always been cautious when dealing with bilateral relations with Israel and Arab countries.When Israel was assaulted by Hamas, Singapore's definition was condemned as a terrorist attack, which was in line with Singapore's consistent counter -terrorism position.When Israel's retaliated attack on the Gaza Strip has aroused a serious humanitarian crisis that has widespread concern around the world, Singapore also expresses deep attention.

A new round of conflict between Israel and Palestine's radical organization Hamas triggered a wide "spill effect" in the world, and the anti -Jewish and anti -Palestinian camp split society.Even with the government's close attention and reminding, the emotions of Singaporeans are still inevitable. For example, some people outside the Israeli embassy placed "liberating Palestine" and "ceasefire" and "completely stopped with Israeli trade" protest slogans.

In addition, the Israeli embassy in Singapore posted on Facebook on March 24, saying that the word "Israel" appeared many times in the Kulan scriptures, but never mentioned "Palestine", causing uneasiness and dissatisfaction of the local Messenger community.Singapore's Minister of the Interior and Minister of Justice Shang Morgan immediately made a voice saying that this post was wrong in many aspects, and tried to rewrite history. It may also destroy Singapore's security and harmony./Story20240326-3214573 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _blank> It's completely unacceptable ".

The Israeli Embassy immediately cooperated with the Singapore government's request to delete the post, and pointed out that the post was issued without approval.

This kind of sporadic incident seems to be a trivial matter, but it hides the root of the scourge and touches the nerves of the Singapore government. You must quickly extinguish it when you see the spark.

Singapore not only issued a statement on the issue of Pakistan to express his views, but also resorted to diplomatic actions. Singapore Foreign Minister Venwen actively ran between Afghanistan.

Earlier this month, Two-day shuttle visits on the itinerary, the itinerary includes Qatar, Arabia, Arabia, ArabThe United Emirates, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, West Coast and Israeli met with many key leaders, including Palestinian Prime Minister Ashtiya, Musta, and Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu.Wei Wen concluded the results of this trip saying: "Every Middle East country has its own strategic calculations and national interests to be maintained, and not all countries' opinions are completely consistent."

With the assistance of the Jordan Military, the Singapore Armed Forces in the northern part of Gaza, the airdrop humid aid supplies.This historic direct participation also shows that Singapore has obtained Israel's goodwill understanding.

To ensure the safety of Singapore's land and avoid becoming the target of the attack of terrorists, the counter -terrorism front has been pulled to the diplomatic front.It is not enough to play a role in balanced diplomacy alone.The "balanced diplomacy" that is not practiced may be the same as the "ride of the wall". For example, the neutral and balanced status of the small Nordic nations will automatically fail after launching the Ukrainian war in Russia.

The Middle East affairs are like hot potato in the Western power. As a small country, and Singapore, which is far from far away, it is so enthusiastic about interfering in the geopolitical Middle East politics.Singapore's internal harmony and security complicated issues are a little bit more understandable, and Singapore's national interests are more guaranteed.