Faced with the climate crisis, everyone did not feel the pressure and anxiety, and it was difficult to treat it with a warning mentality.Perhaps the physical discomfort given by high temperature for a month or two can stimulate our "frogs", and the water starts to heat up.

Due to the increase in burning burn, air pollution in northern Thailand continued to deteriorate.Two weeks ago, when I wanted to settle in Qinglai, the haze situation, a colleague who was familiar with the situation in Thailand reminded: must wear a mask, otherwise the lungs will be "burned".

Colleagues are exaggerated, but when they arrived in Qinglai and Geng's Qingli, the air was indeed very unhealthy every day. The mobile phone recorded the concentration of suspended particles (PM2.5) in the air, which often severely exceeded the safety level.When we looked at the Laos Blip -saving on the other side of the Golden Triangle, we couldn't see anything clearly, and it was gray.

I endured the hot weather and unclean air in Thailand. After returning to the island country Singapore a week later, it continued to face the high temperature that made people feel at the high -grilled oven, which was really impatient.In the past, I have always insisted that I do n’t install an air -conditioner (originally a home life that was accustomed to air -conditioned, and I felt that it was not necessary to install it. Later, I thought it was environmentally friendly). I did not expect that a family meeting a few days ago discussed whether to "surrender", Install a air conditioner.

我们的讨论仍未有结论,但上述不管是旅行的经历或居家生活的描述,都显示环境问题与气候暖化,如今都不再是遥远抽象的议题;从舒适程度、情绪心情到Labor productivity may be effectively affected.If the endless hot weather makes everyone feel anxious, or even depressed, it is reasonable according to the scientific basis.High -temperature weather hurts the body, and it will also be "sad".

In the environmental field, the understanding of the so -called "Planetary Health" is actually more popular in the past four or five years.The core of this new field focuses on the connection between human beings and the health of the earth. The core is to recognize that if we want to protect and improve human health, the root cause of the damage to the earth's ecosystem must be resolved at the same time.

In addition, the concept of "Earth Health" has attracted much attention during the period of crown disease.At that time, many analysts and experts suggested to learn from the crisis to learn from the crisis. In order to cope with the "black swan incident" that affects the public health medical system like an epidemic, we will reshape the governance system, supply chain and economic operation model.This also includes long -term issues such as climate warming. Especially climate risk is more frequent than expected in recent years, and the disaster brings is more serious.

However, some scholars around me also told me that this positive and excited mood has now subsided a lot. They look forward to seeing the reform, and many of them have not been implemented.The economic system seems to be a night.These scholars also seem to have been working hard to remind them in order to make politics and corporate leaders and ordinary people face up to environmental and climate issues.

Last week, the Research Center of the National University Yang Lingya Medical College specially studied the survey of high -temperature weather response, which further pointed out that continuous high temperature will cause huge economic losses.The research team predicts that in Singapore, by 2035, the working hours losses caused by high temperature will increase to 14%, and economic loss will reach 2.220 million yuan.

In addition to economic losses, the research team also found that long -term at a high temperature environment may lead to a decline in the number and quality of male sperm. Among them, men aged 25 to 35 will be lower than the sperm quality of other ages.For Singapore, which attaches importance to economic development and efficiency and at the same time, it is a significant result for this study, which is a sign of a wake -up clock.

Remember that when an interviewed by Associate Professor Li Jiawei at the beginning of this year, he also mentioned that extreme high -temperature weather may affect the growth and development of the fetus and new babies, and the learning ability of children.It will cause other health conditions, such as myopia, obesity and psychological problems.

The research center led by Li Jiawei has been commissioned by the Global Health Information Network to become a stronghold in Southeast Asia and high -temperature weather related research. Study focuses on the situation of employees from all parts of Southeast Asia, suchFactory employees and other response to high temperature weather.He pointed out that, especially in Vietnam and Cambodia, because the ventilation equipment of some factory production facilities is not perfect, even the health of workers working indoors will be affected.

Li Jiawei also described that we are in Southeast Asia, which is very similar to the frogs boiled by warm water, that is, different society will adapt to the new situation brought about by environmental destruction or climate warming.You can hide in the air -conditioning space to avoid the heat, and the reduction of outdoor time will also indirectly affect health), but there is no fundamental solution to the problem. The consequences may be unimaginable. When you want to jump out of a pot of hot water, it may be too late.He reminded that the pollution problem and high temperature of the city must be faced together.

Of course, the psychological operation of human beings is very strange. The crown disease epidemic is like drinking as a head. It makes many policy reform and implementation gears easily move; but a crisis like climate warmingWhat they see or believe is much more serious, or they have moved out of many research results, but they may not have any effects.

During the epidemic, the public tracked news, paid attention to daily press conferences, and supervised and examined government response measures. However, in the face of climate crisis, everyone did not feel the pressure and anxiety, and it was difficult to treat it with a warning attitude.Perhaps the physical discomfort given by high temperature for a month or two can stimulate our "frogs", and the water starts to heat up.

The author is the deputy director of the editorial department of Eco-Business, the editorial department of regional environmental media and consulting companies.