"You should go to CityWalk."

When traveling in Shanghai in early March, he walked into a trendy clothing store on Huahai Middle Road.In addition to continuously introducing the latest season of clothes in the store, the enthusiastic clerk has also been chatting with me.After learning that my colleagues and my friends were foreign tourists, the clerk immediately proposed to experience the most popular way of travel in Shanghai: CityWalk.

Citywalk is composed of two English words, cities and walking, can be understood as cities stroll.The clerk said that after Citywalk became popular last year, many streets in Shanghai emerged every weekend. "Everyone will make an appointment with two or three friends to see the architecture, visit the small shop, order coffee, or taste food."

At first glance, isn't this strolling on the street?When did you change your body and get a fashion name?

In search of the Xiaohongshu search, it was found that nearly 3.2 million notes labeled with CityWalk, and the topic browsing was more than 1 billion times.Observe carefully, Citywalk is roughly divided into three types, which are aimless roaming, theme walking with route planning, and toll guidance.However, in Xiaohongshu, most of the posts are related to the citywalk, which is free and casual, without clearing the destination.

CityWalk is not a new concept.Chinese media reports that there are two sayings of the origin of this name. One is from London, England, originally called "London Walks" (London Walk); the other is that this concept was born in France in the 19th century.The word is "Flaneur".

In any case, I am interested in why Citywalk will become popular in China.It is estimated that the shopkeeper in his early 20s is not clear about the reason, but he believes that it is indispensable for online cultural blessings and social platforms."Xiaohongshu is posing, it is difficult for everyone to follow the trend."

Chinese expert analysis is related to the changes in travel preferences in Chinese young people in recent years.After China canceled severe epidemic prevention measures the previous year, the outside world expects the economy to rebound vigorously from the demand for suppressed.However, with the disappointment of various economic data and the deterioration of the real estate crisis, many people are beginning to worry about throwing off their jobs or corporate operations.Under such collective anxiety, people start to pay attention to cost -effectiveness.Without spending too much money, you can get the citywalk of the travel experience, which is naturally favored.

Another analysis mentioned that due to the rise in the unemployment rate of youth and the pressure of the "inner volume" of the market and society, more young people chose the "Buddhist Department" and turned to pursue a lifestyle that was safe.This coincides with the concept of citywalk to a certain extent.Some netizens said that long -distance travel during the epidemic situation is limited, letting more people start to discover the "little luck" around them and pay attention to the urban space.

The day before leaving Shanghai, my friends and I recommended by the shopkeeper's "Giant Fulu Road, Fumin Road, Changle Road) CITYWALK.In this area where Shanghai young people are the strongest, almost all they see are fashionable young men and women.They drank coffee and snacks in the cafe by the roadside, talked warmly in the tavern, drinking special cocktails, or smoking under the bare sycamore trees while playing with pets.

The pleasant and comfortable atmosphere, with the turbulent world situation today, various uncertainty permeated everywhere, forming a huge contrast.Citywalk will fire, maybe because this is the only thing that young people can grasp and determine when facing many uncertainty.