Cambodia and the United States agree to restore the Ministry of Defense and high -level communication mechanisms of the two countries, including restoring joint military exercises in Cambodia.However, Cambodia called on the United States not to incorporate Phnom Penh into the geopolitical strategy of the United States, let alone Cambodia as a pawn in a geopolitical game.

Interviewed analysts believe that Cambodia is in an important strategic location of geopolitics. It is difficult for the United States to cut off the connection with Cambodia and must cooperate to benefit and benefit.Cambodia is good at playing a balanced game, so Austin's visit is unlikely to shake or affect the relationship between Cambodia and China.

The former Prime Minister of Cambodia and the Speaker of the Senate, Hun Sen, on Tuesday (June 4), met with the visit to the U.S. Defense Austin, who visited the capital in the capital, and both sides agreed to rebuild each other's trust.

Hun Sen pointed out that Cambodia and the United States had misunderstood and controversial due to lack of communication and trust. Therefore, the priority was to carry out dialogue, especially in the field of defense to eliminate mutual suspicion.

Austin responded that the United States will resume the joint exercises with Cambodia's dialogue in the field of military, humanitarian rescue and disaster management, and continuing training in the field of mine -sweeping and unprepared ammunition to establish more trust between each other.He also announced that the United States will regain Cambodian students to study in the West Point Military Academy in the United States.

Austin said: "Although we still have some problems, we can sit down and work together to improve the relationship between the two countries."

Austin also held talks with Cambodia Prime Minister Hongma Na on the same day, and expressed his appreciation of Hamane's firm commitment to improving the anti -affairs relations between Cambodia and the United States.In the talks of Hongma, the United States requested the United States to restart military cooperation with Cambodia, including joint exercises and military officers and trainees.

Cambodia canceled the joint military exercises of Cambodia and the United States in 2017, and has become closer and closer in recent years.In May of this year, the Chinese and Cambodia troops held the "Golden Dragon-20124" military exercise. This is the largest joint sea and land exercise in Cambodia since 2016.

Scholars: U.S. -Cambodia cooperation focuses on humanitarian difficulties to produce military results

Austin's visit to Cambodia is deemed to repair US -Cambodia relations to prevent China from continuing to expand its influence in Cambodia and regions.In this regard, Chanrith Ngin, a senior researcher at the Cambodian Institute of Development Resources, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that the United States and Cambodia cooperation focuses on humanitarianism, such as exercises to deal with natural disasters, and these are more superficial and symbols.Significant cooperation will not produce too many military results, so China does not have to worry.

Zhanlit Ying said: "Cambodia is good at playing balanced games and knows how to meet the different requirements of both parties. China should also know this very well. Therefore, China -Cambodia relations are unlikely to be affected by the recovery of US -Cambodia relations."

He also said that Cambodia needs a good relationship with the United States to maintain Cambodian goods into the US market, especially clothing products.

Lin Weicai, a visiting researcher at the Royal University Southeast Asian Research Center of Cambodia, told the United Zard that the current government of Cambodia is promoting a diversified foreign policy, and restoring military cooperation with the United States is the beginning; this can be Cambodia and other allies in the United States, especially in the United States, especially the United StatesThe diplomatic relations of European countries have more positive and positive influence.