Austin, US Secretary of Defense, said that a key between China and the United States is communication. As long as it is maintained, it can identify tricky issues. The United States hopes to set up guardrails to ensure that there are no misunderstandings and misjudgment.

Austin's dialogue on Shangri -La on Saturday (June 1) actively evaluated the current communication between the high -level Sino -US military.

He said: "I told Minister Dong (Army) that if he calls for emergency, I will listen to the phone; of course I hope he will do that way."

Austin said that believe that such communication can help promote regional stability and security.

Austin met with Chinese Minister of Defense Dong Jun on Friday. This was the first face -to -face meeting between the two and the Sino -US Defense Minister to meet again after 18 months.

Austin revealed in the question of the participants about the content of the meeting that the two sides discussed a series of substantial issues that are important for each other and will continue to ensure that the communication channels are unobstructed.

Austin said: "I will continue to work with these issues between him, and our staff and subordinates will do this."

When it comes to Sino -US relations, Austin emphasized that the relationship between the United States and China is based on competition, "we do not seek a confrontation relationship."