Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Huang Xuan

On the 29th, the first day of the Easter holiday, Hong Kong people squeezed all kinds of traffic in north.Among them, there are reasons for visiting relatives and travel, and there are many strong demands for consumption in Shenzhen due to the obvious difference in the price of the two places.

Eat and take a lot of money, cheap and good quality, and play the fare (transportation fee), Hong Kong people are not happy.Consumption in the north, eating various Chinese food, and shopping for large and small stores. Several foreign stores are concentrated.

Costco (Kaishi, also known as Good City) in large US -scale storage supermarkets (Kaishi) has attracted many Hong Kong people to go in Shenzhen in January this year.However, many customers have recently said that it is difficult to find what they want in shopping in the store.Unexpectedly, this is not actually "displaying chaos", but Costco intentionally.

Sam Member Store and Costco are all storage supermarkets from the United States. The former is the first to enter the Chinese market and has more branches in mainland China.Recently, some consumers shared their feelings about the two supermarkets, saying that Costco shopping is difficult to find what they want, and there is a large category name in each large shelf in each of Sam, which is convenient for finding things.Those are more familiar.

Different from most stores, there is no guided logo or store map in the Costco store to help customers shop quickly.At the same time, the shelf channel is simply marked with digital marks, and the store will also regularly change the location of the product and replace it with new products.Therefore, consumers must shuttle between the shelf channels to find the products they need.In the process, it is easy to be attracted by other products and generates additional consumption.

So, what are the thoughts behind such a design?In fact, it is a loyal supporter of retail psychology using "treasure hunt".A few years ago, according to the insider news report of the US news program, Thad Kleszcz, the general manager of Costco California's Calfa City Store, explained the layout strategy of the store -the layout of the store was designed as a maze, which encouraged customers to walk more in the store.This also explains why Costco has no aisle logos that are not in the grocery stores and supermarkets -it just wants you to "find a way".

The general manager also revealed that Costco is not designed for fast shopping, it is completely opposite.Because employees often move the location of related products and replace new products in front of the store.In this way, every time consumers visit Costco, they have different feelings, which can promote them to buy things, and even look forward to seeing what changes are next time.The Wall Street Journal also reported, "Adjusting the location of the product is just to make shopping interesting. If the container has always been displayed, consumers may feel bored and do not often come."

However, complaining about Costco on the Internet is difficult to find the essay of target products, and there are all parts of the world.Some foreign members once pleaded: "Don't move the goods anymore. I shouldn't go through every aisle to find something I bought many times before."Exhibit is not suitable for people who go straight to the target for "buying"; consider shopping in supermarkets as a purpose of consumption. It is not interesting to spend too much time looking for products.

Even so, Costco insists not to change.Of course, its layout is not completely disrupted. Those valuable, high -value products are usually placed at the entrance of the store.For example, in Chinese stores, brand -name handbags, Maotai wine, and foreign brand phones are displayed in a conspicuous position.

There is a saying in China: "The essence of buying is not as good as selling." The great core concept behind Costco's treasure hunting strategy is to encourage consumers to explore and ensure that there have been novel and interesting products, so that consumers will spend more in the end moreStay for time, buy more things.After this wave of heat passed, what is the future prospect of the United States' "wholesale" shopping in China is worthy of attention; whether the consumption of Hong Kong people can adapt to this model also needs to be observed.