Source: China News Agency

In the past few days, in a cheongsam shop in Yongquan Town, Linhai City, Taizhou, Zhejiang, Feng Yanjun, the person in charge, received a number of customers from Hangzhou, Suzhou and other places.Entering the door of the store, the design, version of the version, cutting, hot, nailing and other clothing processing processes are clearly visible.The exhibition hall on the second floor exhibits the darling of "new Chinese wear" such as the new cheongsam and horse noodle skirts.

"We resumed work on the sixth (February 15th) on the sixth day of the first month, and so far there are orders from many customers." Feng Yanjun said in an interview that after the Spring Festival of the Dragon, customers ran for horse noodle skirts and new Chinese -style Chinese -style Chinese -styleThe cheongsam comes, March is the peak sales season of cheongsam. They are producing horsepower to meet market demand.

With the rapid rise of the "new national tide", cheongsam and horse -noodle skirts follow the trend and frequently out of the circle, becoming a "tide product" that is not allowed to let it go.Behind the "national tide fever", the low -key "cheongsam town" of Yongquan Town has "fire" again.

On March 7, the town held the first cheongsam culture and art ceremony -the 100 cheongsam exhibition booths were full of dazzling cheongsam products, attracting cheongsam merchants from all over the country to buy.

Yongquan Town has prevailed embroidery since the Qing Dynasty. Since the founding of New China, it has been the key township of embroidery and processing in Taizhou.In the 1980s, there were more than 10 large and small embroidery factories, and the embroidery industry became one of the main industries.

"Production follows consumption, and with 'Chinese style' blown into this century -old embroidered town, the cheongsam is 'fire'." Yin Xiaobo, the local cheongsam brand "歖 歖", said that in 2012Over the past, more and more operating entities have used new Chinese cheongsam as the main production direction, and Linhai has a long history of mulberry planting history and comprehensive clothing industry chain, which has further promoted the development of the embroidered cheongsam industry.

A set of survey data in Yongquan Town shows that in terms of production and sales, the total output of Yongquan cheongsam accounts for more than 40%of China. Yongquan merchants have 50%of China's cheongsam wholesale sales channels."When it comes to cheongsam and silk, the first reaction is Suzhou and Hangzhou. But in fact, many cheongsam shops in Suzhou are run by Yongquan businessmen, and most of them are enterprises with one production and sales." Feng Yanjun said.

As of May 2023, there were 828 operators in cheongsam in Yongquan Town, driving more than 8,000 employment.At present, the annual output value of cheongsam in the town is nearly 1.2 billion yuan.How can the local "national tide style" that is more and more prosperous, how can the local area be caught "the wealth of the sky"?

"New Chinese cheongsam, as a new costume, is integrating tradition and fashion to interpret the unique Oriental aesthetic charm and gradually become the new favorite of the fashion industry.", But develop new cheongsam within the framework of traditional silk culture.

In Yin Xiaobo's view, cheongsam represents more than just beauty, but also traditional culture. The national style flower type, Chinese -style buckle and silk fabric are all indispensable traditional elements of cheongsam. "The integration of resources. Nowadays, the Internet is developed. We can contact designers from Shenzhen, Shanghai and other places to design cooperation together.

Today, the cheongsam industry in Yongquan Town is also facing "the troubles of development" -the original design is the core of the cheongsam, but currently only a few locally has a small number of cheongsam companies that have independent version of the design.

In this context, since 2022, Linhai City has continuously promoted the construction of the professional market for the embroidery cheongsam industry -it is expected that in July this year, Yongquan Cheongsam Industrial Park opened, which will provide a customization, experience customization for the cheongsam industry, Online and offline sales to the integration platform for industrial incubation.