For physical bookstores that are rejected by reading habits, libraries, and rents, such an important existence for personal reading and cultivation, how can we compare it with other business and business models, let it be negatively profitable and loses and loses and losses.What about self -reliance?Looking at the countries internationally and readers internationally, there are many countries that are many of us. Bookstores can enjoy special government allowances, or even zero tax rate policies.

After the bookstore is closed, where do you want to quench thirst if you are thirsty?When the bookstore is closed, where are you going to go to a new book that is strange but silently summoning your new book?When the bookstore is closed, how do we still make humanistic input and cultural output?When the bookstore is closed, how can this city be handed out its own cultural business card?When the bookstore is closed, how can this country be self -reliant?

Two stores in bookstores are closed.

Just after the Lantern Festival, the local old -fashioned English bookstore Times cast a shocking bomb and announced the closure of shops in the two department stores.In fact, "shock" is not shocking, because in recent years, the physical bookstore has been heard or even closed.For example, the old -fashioned public bookstore, which originated from the local and has a 99 -year history, was acquired by the Hong Kong Investment Corporation at the end of last year.Books, the new ("Xin") heard, have become the old smells that are repeated, tired or even weak.

But this is a solid "bomb" -the burst of destructive bombs for reading ecology and self -learning environment.Because the English bookstore involved this time, after the English readers were shocked, a wide range of discussions appeared immediately, and it was possible to summarize the rough three reactions.

First of all, it is "for granted the ears" to sigh slightly for the reading of Chinese people.With the developed network, short video domineering, and online TV, traditional reading of traditional words has become an old -fashioned, outdated, and even slow input method.Reading, the hobbies and habits coexisting with our ancestors are about to keep pace with the times and be "dilapidated".The dynamic sound and light stimulation is far better than static strokes. It knows that it is nonsense, non -nutritious short videos on IG, TIKTOK, FB.It is the consumption of mobile phones or laptops.How does a paper book that is silent?

However, according to the investigation and research of Nanyang University of Science and Technology, the locals spend about two hours of reading paper newspapers, magazines, and books during the crown disease.At the same time, the results of the national reading habits survey in 2021 showed that adults who read at least once a week increased from 88%in 2018 to 95%in 2021.In addition, the data of the library shows that the amount of e -book borrowing during the epidemic has increased by doubled year -on -year.Perhaps the above data shows the very state phenomenon during the epidemic, indicating that it is necessary to read in the closed space -time.However, this also shows that we still have to return to the comfort of reading at a time, or we must ask for the liberation method between the lines in the book when suffering.During the blocking measures of the aircraft and the stranded cruise ship, "opening a book and opening a new world" became an unspeakable way out.

Can the library system cooperate with the bookstore?

Second, several friends even proposed that the reason why local bookstores were closed one after another because the library system was too complete."Too much" becomes a paradox here, because which country's reading promotion system will consider you "too much"?In fact, Singapore's National Library, including the Central Library and the community library throughout the neighborhood, has indeed developed a thousand miles a day since independence -the fast of the new book, the public collection, the wide range of data, the comfort of the environment, the comfort of the environment, and the comfort of the environment.And the convenience of the location, etc., really make the library into an important landmark of free borrowing, reassuring warming, and cultural activities, and even the "tourist attraction" of summer and rain, eliminating time, and punch card.In the face of opponents with abundant national resources and such a strong all -round, how should a physical bookstore struggling in the free market be in a fight?

Back again, must the bookstore be the enemy of the library?Why can't the two be accompanied by Wu and friends, promote reading together, make the reading cake bigger and delicious, to cultivate and attract more lovers who are willing to pay time, energy and money for spiritual food and physical books?The library is good at the national culture and education, but from the most practical level, it may not have the most direct economic return for the writer.Book.

Another possibility is the charging method that has evolved to read, just as the online music media platform Spotify has a copyright fee every time it is played. Then whether the reader reads or borrows it once, there will be copyright fees to enter the pocket of the author or bookstore pocket.Woolen cloth?

This is of course a new reading and charging model in the Internet era, but perhaps for the author and bookstore operator who is worried about the writing, it is not a new path for another.

Third, return to the most fundamental reality -that is rent.At present, the rent in Singapore bookstores is exactly the same as all other commercial stores; that is, the bookstore is regarded as a business model like any free market mechanism. It is charged with the same rent and has no allowance at all.I asked myself, is the bookstore and supermarket, and is the same as the fast food restaurant, as the brand -name boutique, is the same as Karaoke, etc.?Do we treat the bookstores that provide spiritual food and make up for the head. Is it equivalent to the restaurant business of the belly?

Formulate protection measures through legislation

In the past 60 years of independence in Singapore, the number of bookstores has shrunk year by year. The Chinese bookstore alone has experienced more than 200 in the heyday from the 1950s to the 1970s, reducing less than 20 today.Other Chinese or comprehensive bookstores are roughly the same.In addition, consumers are too used to watching physical books and order online. In order to save the difference between online bookstores and physical bookstores, the physical bookstore that pays expensive rent can only continue to die.In the end, this trend is most likely that all physical bookstores are extinct, and then threatened online bookstores.Today, this "bookstore animal", which is endangered, should not be cared and cherished like other protected animals, and we should even formulate protection measures through legislation!

Singapore's national policies and mechanisms have been impressed by law, dealing with the law in accordance with the law, and even a glance.Of course, such a public affairs publicity is equally, fair, fair, and biased from the front.However, for physical bookstores that are held in the reading habits, libraries, and rents, such an important existence for personal reading and cultivation, how can we compare it with other business and business models, letting them lose their own profit and loss, and die.Intersection

Maom once said, "Reading is a shelter carried with you", and the bookstore is a refuge of all the shelters.If we pay attention to reading, if we affirm the spread of knowledge, if we long for the space of intellectual and culture, then we must firmly believe that physical bookstores have value.If we are sure of the inspiration of knowledge, the cultivation of self -study, and the continuation of the entire knowledge chain, we must act, rather than let the free market's power be closed between the bookstore.

Looking at the international and readers internationally, there are far many countries in us, such as Canada, Britain and Australia. Bookstores can enjoy special government allowances, or even zero tax rates.Another example is that Hong Kong's soil such as gold and house prices are more than we have, and the local government's rent on physical bookstores can also provide subsidies to reduce pressure.In recent years, China has also regarded bookstores as the same important urban cultural infrastructure as libraries and museums. Some cities such as BeijingThe city has invested considerable funds to support the development of physical bookstores.Most of the cultural coins launched in Taiwan are also used in physical bookstores.There are more than 20 countries in the world, including Hungary, Italy, Sweden, Japan, the Netherlands, Ireland, and Austria. The Fixed Book Price is implemented to curb the vicious competition and reduce e -commerce to physical bookstores.The impact.

Our dear Singapore, do you have to wait until the bookstore is closed before caught up?

I have had a mad thinking many years ago, and I also wrote a small article. I look forward to the recommendation of the official from so many groups of the island (yes, even one), or a private enterprise allocatedThe land or architecture has created a tribe with the theme of humanities and culture, so that all human -related companies, organizations, or business, gathered in such a space without enjoying allowances.After years, we will slowly form a cultural and creative industry and ecology that is connected and complementary. It can include but not limited to small exhibition halls, performance venues, and bookstores.It is thought that the 798 art district of Beijing is developed from an abandoned old factory, and we have developed a cultural and creative district with unique South Ocean Wind or Singapore -bookstores will be one of the most important elements in it.

Bookstores are fragile, and bookstores are also powerful.It requires our care, and at the same time give us strength to care for it, and also care for our own soul's needs for bookstores.Perhaps at least, many people have the ability and interest of reading this article because of the bookstore, and even cultivate the patience of reading.Writing and reading this article can be regarded as tiny power, but if these tiny forces can be gathered together to appeal, maintain, support, and affirm our bookstore, then it can change the environment of the physical bookstore and create the environment of the physical bookstore and create the creationMore culture and reading space.

As an important cultural business card in the city, there are urban light bookstores in San Francisco, Shakespeare Bookstore in Paris, Eslite Bookstore in Taipei, and Youth Pioneer Bookstore in Nanjing, and Singapore has _________.Let us do not leave white here.

The author is engaged in Chinese teaching and local cultural research