Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Reporter: Zheng Junkai

Zhu Lilun, chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, announced on the 6th that Huang Fuxing's party department has transformed into a "Veterans Commission", and the Huang Fuxing Party Department integrates with the local party department in various places.Huang Fuxing, who is regarded as the "party party", no longer retains. Scholars of interviewees pointed out that the purpose of reform is to save funds and promote unity.

The Kuomintang was held on the same day. The Central Party Department was integrated through organizing a reform plan, and the second -level departments of each unit were streamlined to adjust the specific business scope.For the Huang Fuxing Party Department, which has a 68 -year history, this reform has reorganized it into the "Veterans Service Working Committee".

Zhu Lilun emphasized that the relevant reform of Huang Fuxing's party department is "organizational transformation rather than tailoring." By reserving the original cadres, it will continue to save the name of "Huang Fuxing" and their party members.

After the Taiwan election in 2000, the defeated Kuomintang canceled various special parties, only Huang Fuxing Party Department.In 2020, the Kuomintang reviewed the defeat of the Party Department of Huang Fuxing, and eventually he still could not help but lack consensus.

Pan Zhaomin, a professor of the Department of Political Department of the Donghai University of Taiwan, said that Huang Fuxing's party department was strongly mobilized and the members were high to the Kuomintang.The problem of the party further intensified, reducing internal conflicts and promoting unity.

A member of Huang Fuxing accounted for nearly a quarter of the Kuomintang Party members. Pan Zhaomin, who is also a member of the local party department of Huang Fuxing, pointed out that despite the large number of members, Huang Fuxing Party Department is in the legislators, county mayors, and even the mayor of the county.The influence of elections such as elections has become increasingly weakened. In addition, when the Kuomintang faces financial difficulties, it must save funds. Huang Fuxing's party department, which costs millions of NT $ each month, must change.

In the 2021 party chairman's election, Zhang Yazhong, a candidate supported by Huang Fuxing's power, brought Zhu Lilun a huge pressure.Pan Zhaomin believes that Huang Fuxing's influence in the Blue Camp is too great. Zhu Lilun decided to reform, and perhaps the consideration of paving the way for the party chairman again in the future.

The aging of party members and supporters is a major crisis of the Kuomintang, and promoting the youth of the party is considered a top priority.Does the Party Department of Huang Fuxing affect the youth of the Kuomintang?Pan Zhaomin believes that Huang Fuxing's existence is not an obstacle to youth, but just like the missionary process of religion, the Kuomintang needs to fight for young votes, so it needs to reform and set up limited resources in critical areas.

learned that Huang Fuxing's party department no longer exists, and many members came forward to express their dissatisfaction.Some local chairman of the Party Department of Huang Fuxing called for the Party Central Committee to personally explain and appease party members.Luo Ruida, deputy chairman of Huang Fuxing's party department, criticized that Zhu Lilun's move was disappointing. If you really want to reform, he should first resign from the position of the party chairman.

Once intentionally revoked the Party Department of Huang Fuxing. Former Kuomintang Chairman Hong Xiuzhu said that after learning about the reform content, the Party Central Committee must do a good job of communication. Do not consider the support and dedication of party members as taken for granted.