Since the outbreak of the Harbin War, although it is far away, the impact has increasingly penetrated into local society.First, the Ministry of Education added a conflict of conflict in the character and citizen education course to ensure that students in the school were not negatively affected by the conflict between religion and ethnic groups outside the territory, but the content caused several parents' complaints.The incident was not interesting, and it was reported that the incident in the toilet of Nanyang Institute of Technology was posted in the toilet of Nanyang University of Science and Technology.This poster has obvious anti -colors, claiming that the school "funded" the Israeli war with tuition fees.It can be seen that the conflict outside the domain may still have a certain impact on the stable life of the local people.

Harbin conflict has a small impact on Singapore, because we are a country of diverse races and religion, and such conflicts outside the realm will inevitably cause cracks in the existing fault lines.In addition, with the continuation of the conflict, the diplomatic pressures faced by Singapore are increasing.In addition to the surrounding Muslim countries, international pressure from the supporters of Evi is also increasing day by day.Therefore, no matter what kind of position in Singapore holds, even if the position comes from the needs of the domestic government and the respect for international law, it will still put tremendous pressure on Singapore's diplomatic relations with international diplomatic relations in the region.

Conflicts in the Middle East have also affected global stability, especially the security of the Red Sea Channel.Therefore, this conflict has impacted the world's energy prices and supply chain security, which will cause potential threats to the Singapore economy that highly depends on imported energy and raw materials.What is even more vigilant is that this conflict may be used by terrorism as an excuse for mobilization; Singapore, which is an international financial and transportation hub, is also increasing that the danger of becoming a potential terrorist attack target is also increasing.Therefore, it is extremely necessary to strengthen national education and strengthen Chinese people.

Help students get the correct information

At the beginning of the outbreak of Harbin conflict, Singapore adhered to its consistent fair foreign policy and supported global security and peaceful development.Therefore, Singapore has not only condemned Hamas's terrorist acts on civilians, but also was deeply worried about the number of casualties that the Gaza Strip's civilians continued to rise.The Singapore government has also urged Israel to protect innocent civilians and perform humanitarian obligations stipulated in international law.

Recently, some readers contributed to the Morning Post, questioning the need to add Harbin conflict in the student course.Ask the children in the first hospital in the first school, and learned that at least in her school, there were very few discussions with organizations in the school.Correspondingly, students are mainly randomly obtained from the Internet.In the hearts of these children with unconventional thoughts, there is a big difference in opinion.At least it proves that how to allow students to obtain the correct information in the complicated information jungle is very important.If the government does not provide correct values ​​and education to children, in the current situation of information overflow, they are likely to lose their direction in the online ocean.

The conflict of the Harbin conflict itself is right and wrong. I am forgive me that even in our religious academic circle, there are different speakers and different views.However, from the perspective of education, the primary information that local education institutions can pass on may be "adherence to Singapore's standard."In other words, the principle of conflicting conflict in the Harbin should be combined with the actual needs of Singapore, and it should also start from the interests of Singapore itself, rather than any multinational religion and ethnic interests.

Local ethnic groups and religious issues should hold this position. For example, Malays and Chinese in Singapore should resist the positions of pan -Malaysia and Pan -Chineseism; Buddhists and Muslims should also resist the tendency to pan -religiousism.Both Indian and Eurasians should be the case.All these cross -borderism have the long -term interests of the country in Singapore. Only with strict resistance can we not introduce religion and political position outside the region to Singapore, causing possible damage to the local stability situation.

The younger generation should also be sober. This world is becoming increasingly turbulent, and Singapore can maintain today's stability.Even if Singapore holds an impartial foreign policy, it has faced left and right attacks like stepping on steel wires.Huang Xuncai, the Vice Premier and Minister of Finance, pointed out that since the conflict of the Harbin, the malicious remarks and extremism threats on Singapore have been on the Internet.At this time, the problems and troubles of other countries are introduced into Singapore. No matter what support, it will inevitably create a tense situation within Singapore. This is not a wise move.

Singapore's unique position in religion and race mainly comes from respect for international law and zero tolerance for hatred remarks and terrorism.As for the people themselves, they should cherish the spirit of mutual trust and unity between local communities.We should continue to build a common identity of national identity, accept and respect diverse views, rather than strengthening the differences between races and religion, so that we can maintain the cohesion of local society for a long time.

The author is a local literary and historical enthusiast and religious researcher