Sudan's war and related humanitarian disasters are similar to the number of deaths and refugees caused by the Russia -Ukraine War in the same period and the number of refugees caused by the conflict of Harbin.But the attention and rescue you get are extremely incomparable.

Today's world, almost all of them focused on two battles: Russia and Ukraine, Yiha.All countries have also invested huge resources for these two wars, including weapons support, humanitarian rescue, and public opinion.

But the Republic of the Sudan, which is the same as Ukraine, and the same sultan, is another fierce war that has occurred, causing tragic humanitarian disasters, but most of them have been ignored by most people.This is the Sudan civil war that erupted in April 2023, so far.

Sudan is a multi -ethnic and religious country, northern region, including the capital Kagoum, and is a nomadic group that believes in Islam (a deep influence with the Arabs).The central and southern parts of Sudan are the vast majority of native black people who are farming as the main business and belief in local religion and Christianity.The northern Muslims have long been dominated in Sudan, while black non -Muslims in the central and southern parts are suppressed.

Due to religious beliefs, national differences, and interests, the internal war of Sudan is still frequent, and violence conflicts are everywhere.The corruption and authoritarian of the Bahil regime has caused the Sudan people to struggle in poverty and violence for a long time.In 2019, the infamous dictator Bahil stepped down, but Sudan did not usher in the dawn of democracy, but was in the competition of political strong people.Sudan's factions are helpless and not interested in the development of economy and improvement of people's livelihood, but they are keen to fight for power and do not hesitate.

After Bashil stepped down, the Sudan army and the militia were divided into multiple factions. On the one hand, they protested against the people's "returning politics to the people", and on the other hand, they fought with each other.The Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Fast Support Force (RSF) are the two most important military forces in Sudan. The conflict between each other is the most intense and the main participants of the Sudan civil war.The former is close to the West and Israel, while the latter is supported by Russia and some African countries; the two sides also receive some support from some Arab countries.

RSF, which is in the wild position, is trying to expand its power and constantly challenge the authority of SAF, while the latter is constantly targeted at the former.In April 2023, the previous small -scale conflict finally caused a comprehensive war.It lasted for nearly a year, and no one could achieve an absolute advantage.In the battle, Sudan civilians became the biggest victims.Katmoum, which gathered in Sudan national elites, became a battlefield, and many social elites died in war.In Darfur and other areas, RSFs not only slaughter their pro -government, but also kill ethnic minorities and disadvantaged groups like before.Both sides of the war committed the atrocities of rape women.

In the fire, millions of Sudan people were displaced, and some fled to neighboring countries such as Egypt.According to the BBC, many Sudan refugees were plundered by soldiers, lacking medicine and less medicine. They lived in war and death every day, and had to flee, including a large number of women and children.Although the United Nations is trying to rescue, it is still a salary.Because of its own conditions and bureaucracy, Egypt and other countries do not care about refugees.Regardless of the Sudan who are still in the Sudan, or the Sudan refugees who fled abroad, they are struggling in suffering.

According to incomplete statistics, this war has killed nearly 15,000 deaths and 33,000 injuries, and millions of people were displaced and became refugees.

But this tragic war that has lasted 10 months and the earlier and more lasting Sudan humanitarian disaster was seriously ignored by the international community.Sudan's war and related humanitarian disasters are similar to the number of deaths and refugees caused by the Russia -Ukraine War and the conflict of Harbin in the same period.But the attention and rescue you get are extremely incomparable.Even if many women and children in Sudan are extremely painful and dangerous, there are not enough rescue and protection.

Why is this?The reason is not complicated.Regardless of Russia and Ukraine or Ha, it involves the huge interests of the war -related parties, especially the interests and concerns of Western countries.The world of China, India, Japan, and Arabia also cares about the impact of these two wars on its own interests and diplomacy, so it has been put into investment, and public opinion in various countries also pays strong attention.

But the Sudan civil war is less involved in the interests of other countries. Sudan itself is not the core area of ​​the scope of power in all countries. It is difficult to pay attention to attention and investment.This naturally has led to the lack of interest in the Sudan civil war.Humanist assistance and care of various countries are often attached to realistic interests.Sudan does not have the same interests as the Russia -Ukraine and Island, and humanitarian assistance, and humanitarian assistance is different.

Another reason is that discrimination and thickness of the hidden discrimination in different regions and groups internationally.Whether it is war, terrorist attacks, or natural disasters, international public opinion is more concerned about those developed, more right to speak, and are closely related to their own countries and regions, and ignore those countries and regions that are poor and backward, on the edge of the world.For example, terrorist attacks that occur in Europe and the United States, causing several dozens of people to die, will cause world -class attention and have widely discussed the media; and terrorist attacks and political murders that occur in Africa, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Latin America and other places, even if they dieMany, will be relatively ignored.

Although Ukraine and Palestine are not developed countries, because their situation affects the world, they can also get more attention and humanity support when they care about their own interests.But as mentioned above, Sudan is not a major interest in various countries, and there is no treatment between Ukraine and Gaza.Even if they pay more attention to human rights organizations and relatively neutral media, they will unconsciously treat similar humanitarian disasters in different regions.

This reality, people are accustomed to it.But in the final analysis, this is wrong.Regardless of any country, ethnic group, or class, life is equal, and it should be equal respect and care.Due to various objective reasons, such as the imbalance of international political and economic development and the incompetence of the right to speak and the right to speak in various countries, there is an inevitable gap in terms of discourse and influence.If the inequality of different ethnic groups in life, dignity, and discourse has been allowed to indulge the ravage of Darwinism in society, and humans are led to the modern jungle that can obtain eugenics.Even if it is conducive to developed and prosperous countries, the long -term will only make international relations more tense, human society is more upset, and developed countries are difficult to be alone.