The United States began a new round of hunting and robbery against Tiktok.The US House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Commission passed a legislative proposal on March 7, local time, and beat a "two -choice" choice to the Chinese company bytes: either the control of TIKTOK within 165 days after the bill takes effect; eitherIt is actually equivalent to persecuted bytes to choose one bottle among the two bottles of poison.Reuters said that the result of this voting was "the most violent suppression" after the Trump administration tried to ban Tiktok in 2020.Moreover, compared to the previous refusal to publish the bill, the White House press secretary praised the proposal on the day of the vote, which was considered to be the White House attitude "a step forward."

The US House of Representatives will vote for the proposal on March 11, local time. Many analysts believe that this year's "difficulty" wants to pass it this year.However, this "law" can be proposed to this matter itself, and it releases a very disturbing signal, indicating that some politicians will unchanged the will of business issues.In fact, TIKTOK has been reviewed and investigated in various forms of the United States for some time. During this time, Tiktok's CEO Zhou was funded twice to accept public inquiries from the US Congress.In response to the spread of the world through social media, the image of freedom of speech and the rule of law in the United States has broken one place, and the latest proposal has stepped on the slag.

In recent years, American politicians' uninterrupted robbery on TIKTOK attempts to do the consensus and coexistence of some American political elites on this issue regardless of party and government meetings.The complex chaos atmosphere caused by the election year has become the cause and cover of Washington's "political robbery".Learn the previous "experience" and "lessons". This time, I made some strategies and packaging on Tiktok's robbery, but there was no change in essence.The excuse is still the "national security threat" of Wanjin Oil, and it is still an unnecessary "guilty presumption", and it is still a complete violation of the principle of market economy and fair competition.

Objectively speaking, they also thought about "civilization" and look reasonable in the program.To this end, they pre -determined that Tiktok was "guilty", and then took a microscope to find Tiktok's "crime certificate", and eventually found nothing; they called Zhou's capital to the US Congress like the criminals, but they became a joke.After some tossing, it proves that Tiktok is legally operating in the United States and has not violated US law. This forced them to "civilized" to snatch, so they had to hardly rob the fire.

Tiktok currently has 170 million users in the United States, accounting for about half of the total population of the United States. Even the Bayidon's campaign team opened an account on Tiktok not long ago.Tiktok's success in the United States is not only because of its successful business model, but also because of its outstanding compliance, it is even stricter than many American companies' self -requirements.All the companies operating in the United States have a scale in their hearts, and they cannot pay attention to the fate of Tiktok.Today's TIKTOK is similar to a line of defense. If the line of defense is lost, many foreign companies behind the defense line and consumers in the United States are exposed to the risk of "looting" at any time.

According to reports, Cagregel, chairman of the Anti -China member of this bill and chairman of the "US -China Strategic Competition Special Committee" of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress, claims that this proposal can be regarded as "surgery designed to remove tumors" to save patients.In fact, the most removal is the US hegemony and robbers' thinking tumors represented by these politicians. Only in this way can it help the country and social health in the United States.At present, every pair of Tiktok issues a threat and intimidation of robbery, and the US business environment and international image will fall down.Even the Singaporean ambassador to the United States couldn't help saying that a series of inquiries of Zhou's capital contributed "too much" may "damage the image of the United States."

We have also stared at the mainstream American media in China in the past. Instead, they "do not comment" in TIKTOK, but this does not mean that American society has no right and wrong.In the past two days, the telephone number of the US Congress office is said to have been exploded by the supporters of Tiktok.The United States not only claims to be the most mature rule of law, but also uses world leaders, but many things they do are to fight their faces, violate the principles of rule of law and market laws, and also destroy their international integrity.This is self -degeneration in the United States in the process of losing global leadership.In a certain level, the legal rights and interests of the American people to maintain Tiktok are fundamentally safeguarding the international image and reputation of the United States.This is very clear.