Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Li Yanzhou

French President Macron urged Western allies to support Ukraine on the 5th, and once again mentioned his controversial remarks last week, that is, he did not rule out sending Western forces to Ukraine.Earlier, Macron's "dispatching theory" caused a stir in the Western world. The United States and some European countries have expressed their states that they have a distance from related claims.

Macron said when visiting the Czech Republic that day: "There is no doubt that Europe is approaching a moment. When this moment comes, we must no longer be weak."

In response to Macron's latest statement, German Defense Minister Boris Pestorius responded on the 5th that Macron's declaration of courage was not helpful to resolve the current Russian and Ukraine conflict.

The White House in the United States said on the 5th that Ukraine never sought Western dispatch troops.

Why did Macron propose to Ukraine, and was it explicitly rejected in other NATO countries?

In this regard, Tian Dewen, an expert in European Academy of Social Sciences, said in an interview with the Hong Kong News Agency that when Macron first made the statement, everyone was still surprised at the time because France conflict in Russia and Ukraine in Russia and Ukraine.Throughout the process, it has always been more rational and more "pigeons".Now the interpretation of his statement is that Macron is actually "excited". He first raised this topic, but except for France, no other countries followed up, but the NATO cards were brightened.It is equivalent to the "tacit understanding" between NATO and Russia.This should be said to help promote the conflict of Russia and Ukraine to political solution. This is an interpretation.

Another interpretation is when the entire war situation in Ukraine is not good. If NATO will not help in place, Ukraine will become more and more passive on the battlefield. It can be said that the defeat is almost determined.

NATO said in public that he would not send troops to Ukraine in public, fearing that the Russian -Ukraine conflict would be upgraded to a conflict between NATO and Russia.However, many Western countries provide a large number of advanced weapons and equipment to Ukraine, and train Ukraine soldiers, as well as mercenaries in Western countries to fight in Ukraine.

Tian Dewen then explained that NATO countries, including the United States, have clearly rejected (Macron's troops). In this case, it continues to call for this matter within NATO.NATO is embarrassed.Moreover, the army of NATO's army entered the Russian and Ukraine Battlefield, which should be said to be a public secret.What does Macron say that the ground forces that sent to Ukraine mean?He did not make it clear that he was going to be a crew of troops to conduct a full range of crackdown on Russia?Or other ways?He also said it was unclear.

It is reported that some French officials said that they can send people to Ukraine to perform tasks such as minesweeper instead of directly fighting against the Russian army.

In addition, some media said that the tension between France and Germany is increasing because of the Russian -Ukraine conflict.France has long been frustrated by Germany's relationship with Washington as the cornerstone of European security, while Germany is angry with Macron's self -proclaimed "war leader", especially in the case of more weapons provided to Ukraine in Berlin than Paris.Down.