Indonesia under the rule of Plabovo is expected to become a mild, diverse and civilized force, and will be enjoyed by Singapore because this indicates the peace and stability of the region.

As the famous Indonesian observers predicted by many Indonesian observers, Prabowo has won the presidential election, although it has not yet been officially announced.However, it was unexpected that he would win in the first round of voting.For many people who closely pay attention to Indonesia's elections in Singapore, one of the most direct problems is: How do we expect the relationship between Indonesia and Singapore after Plabovo's presidency?

Plaboor is a good friend in Singapore, especially during his time as the Minister of Defense in Indonesia. This indicates that the relationship between Indonesia and Singapore will remain stable.Plabovo has advocated to continue many domestic policies of Zoko during the election, so we can make reasonable decisions that he will continue most of the Indonesian foreign policy when Zoko's policies, including bilateral relations with Singapore.

After meeting with the Singapore's highest political leadership and awarded the Honorary Medal by the Singapore Government, Plabovo has established sufficient political trust and diplomatic tacit understanding with Singapore leaders.This in turn indicates the continuous stability of the bilateral relations between Indonesia and Singapore.

Even Plabovo's campaign partner, vice presidential candidate and Zoko's son Giblan will be kind to Singapore.This is mainly because he had studied at the Singapore School of Management and Development (MDIS), and his father as president also attended his 2014 graduation ceremony.

For Singapore, this is two "gains": Plaboopo and Zoko (through his son Giblan).The factors of Zoko are important for Singapore, because the brotherhood established between Prime Minister Zoko and Li Xianlong is the key to achieving a bilateral relationship that is symbiotic and stable.This also helps to alleviate Indonesia's mentality to Singapore's "big brother" and think of Singapore as a "little red dot". Bilateral equality status is essential for ensuring the sustainable future of Indonesia's relationship with Singapore.

Personally play a key role in effective bilateral diplomacy, which is also important for Plabowo.It can be expected that he will do this, and Huang Xuncai, Premier Li and the next Singapore Prime Minister, will continue to maintain this brotherhood.

From a personal level, Plabovo and Giblan will be warmly welcomed by Singapore's political leadership.Prime Minister Li congratulated Plaboor for his achievements in the election, and also congratulated Zoko to the successful and successful presidential election to reflect this.

As the Indonesian people give a clear commission to Plabowo, we can expect that Indonesian politics will maintain stability after the election, which is important to Singapore because it is the main investor and trading partner of Indonesia.Because Plabovo is a member of the Zoko government, and Zoko's son is the next vice president of Indonesia, we can expect trade and investment in relations between Indonesia and Singapore, as well as national defense and security to maintain policy continuity.

Indonesia's goal is to replace Jakarta with Nusantara in 2024 as the new capital of the country.Plabovo may continue Zoko's approach and treat Singapore as the main source of investment in this huge project.This is not surprising, because Singapore has been the largest foreign investor in Indonesia since 2014.While visiting Singapore in 2023, Zoko revealed that at least 20 Singaporean companies signed a letter of intent to invest in Nushan Dala.Given that foreign investment is crucial to the success of the Nushan Dala project, Singapore's investor role will play a key role in the sustainability of Nushan Dala as the sustainability of the new capital.The focus is on the strategic goal of Singapore to invest in Singapore's investment outside Jakarta.

The "Wawasan Nusantara", which has played an effective geopolitical role, has become the cornerstone of Indonesia's foreign policy.Using the new capital project, Nushan Dala diplomatic aims to enhance Indonesia's self -image in foreign relations, while also inspiring the nationalist spirit of domestic people.It is through Nushan Dala's diplomatic prism that Indonesia, led by Plabovo, will conduct bilateral contacts with other countries in Southeast Asia, so that Singapore can further enlarge the economic interests of trade and investment in the wave of Nushan Dala.During the presidential presidential Plaboor, the bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and Singapore will further develop in the regional structure of Southeast Asia. The practice of Nushan Dala diplomacy in Indonesia's foreign policy is indispensable.

Indonesia under the governance of Plabowo is expected to become a mild, diverse and civilized force, and will be happy to be seen in Singapore because this indicates the peace and stability of this area.Plabovo is expected to attach importance to civilized dialogue and cultural diversity, especially at the folk level, which will further consolidate the solid foundation of the relationship between Indonesia and Singapore, especially as countermeasures against extremism, violence and radicals. These are all these.The disasters of the two countries repeatedly occurred.

Singapore wants to see a stable Indonesia, which is not only for bilateral reasons, but also for multilateral needs.Plabovo's president is conducive to regional stability, because he will ensure that Indonesia continues to support the important multilateral organizations of Southeast Asian affairs in the Indian Ocean -Pacific geopolitical development.As a secular and medium -sized power with Muslim, Probowo is also expected to consolidate Indonesia as a good international citizen.Continue to find a balanced Asianan country in the United States and China may welcome this role of Indonesia.

The bilateral relations between Indonesia and Singapore have leaned off the peak, making Zoko a veteran politician in Southeast Asian diplomatic history.There is no doubt that he will be remembered by Singapore as a reliable good friend.That's why he established a strategic partnership established by Giblan and Plabovo, which may ensure that Plabovo will maintain a friendly relationship with Singapore in the Houzo era after serving as the president.

Plaboor's major test is whether he can prevent the existing cooperation fields between Indonesia and Singapore in the process of seeking re -election in the political process of re -election.This is especially true in Indonesia. Singapore is often speculated by Indonesian politicians as air cylinders.Of course, the potential tensions around cross -border haze and other issues will still exist.During the president, he continued to get friendly solution.

Although Plabowo expects not to disturb the relationship between Indonesia and Singapore, he may choose to manage this relationship in a way that is different from Zoko, and at the same time, he still "independence and positive" with Indonesia's foreign policy (independent and positive "(independent and positive" (independent and positive "(The long -term principles of Bebas Dan Aktif are consistent.Just as Plabovo will seek to distinguish between domestic governance and Zoko, he will also seek this in the country's foreign policy.However, Plabovo will not disturb the situation, and it is more inclined to maintain the status quo, rather than disturbing the current situation.

Although bilateral relations occasionally twists and turns, the good news is that we will continue to see that the pragmatic partnership between Indonesia and Singapore is becoming more mature.Both the new generation of leaders of the two countries seem to recognize the mutual benefit brought by sincere cooperation.Therefore, even if the leadership of the two countries is re -elected, this trend is likely to continue.

The author is a senior analyst at the Singapore Think Tank and Consulting Company Solaris Strategies.

Golden Shun Translation