Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Reporter: Guan Xiuying

On the 5th local time, the preliminary voting of the President of the United States "Super Tuesday" was over. The current President Biden and former President Trump swept many states to win.Experts pointed out that "Super Tuesday" will further establish Biden and Trump's duel on the November 5th election to repeat the drama four years ago.Whoever wins the two, and it will depend on the attitude of the middle voters in the future.

Zhang Bohui, a professor at the Department of International Affairs of Lingnan University in Hong Kong, said in an interview with a reporter from the Hong Kong News Agency on the 6th that after the duel of "Super Tuesday", Bayeng and Trump laid it in the general election beforeDuel.As for whoever wins, it is not allowed for the time being.The two of them have their own disadvantages: Bayiden is old, and all public opinion investigations are behind Trump, and the public does not support him high; Trump is a lawsuit, but this is also his advantage. Whether he is convicted will be convicted, will he be convicted and will be guilty.It directly affects the voting intention of middle voters.

The day before the super election came, nine judges of the Supreme Court of the United States agreed to restore Trump's qualifications to participate in the presidential election in Colorado in Colorado.The ruling overthrowing the ruling made by Trump from the Supreme Court of Colorado from participating in the state's preliminary election, and at the same time terminated similar attempts to Trump's prohibition of Trump to prohibit Trump from Elinois and Maine.

Zhang Bohui said that on the 4th, the ruling opened a straight path to the presidential election for Trump. In addition, he easily won the primary election in Colorado on the 5th. There is no doubt that he can participate in the presidential election.

The latest polls in the United States Cable News Network shows that Biden's support is about 46%, which is 2 percentage points behind Trump.Many polls in the United States show that Biden's support is slightly behind Trump. Does the incident reflect that Trump has a lot of opportunities?

In this regard, Zhang Bohui did not agree.He said that it is March, and there is still some time before the November election. Whoever wins or who can be negative can't be said too early. As a result, it can be said to be "dynamic" depending on the performance of the two.He said: "Biden's term of office is still a few months. Whether he is effective during his tenure will reduce the high inflation and increase the economy significantly, which will increase the public's goodness of Biden.In the face of multiple debates, the performance of the debate will directly affect the orientation of the middle voters.It proves that his age does not affect his ability and can be competent as president, then these can make Bayen reverse the disadvantages.

As for Trump, Zhang Bohui pointed out that although he is currently in lawsuits, he describes these as the Democratic Party's "political persecution" in his "sympathy".The middle voters who determined the victory and defeat also stated in the poll that whether to vote to Trump depends on whether he was convicted.Once he was convicted, these middle voters would not vote to Trump.

Is the judgment of the "cover fee" case on the 25th of this month affect Trump?Zhang Bohui believed that the impact was not great. He said: "Because this is the" old case ", when he participated in the presidential election, he faced the same problem when he participated in the presidential election, but did he not win the election?The riots' judgment, but can the trial of this case rush to judge before the election?