The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting held in January this year, the five -day agenda is the so -called "most complicated geopolitical context of the geopolitical background" of the forum chairman Burend, so he chose "rebuilding trust" as the theme of this conference.In fact, in recent years, the Davos Forum has penetrated the theme of "trust", including 2020 "condensing global forces, achieving sustainable development", "grasping the critical year, rebuilding the trust of all parties" in 2021, 2022 "Historical turning point: government policy and business strategy "and 2023" strengthening cooperation in the division world ", etc.," trust "has been repeatedly mentioned, which also means that it has always been a problem.

The trust between countries around the world and the people is increasing or decreasing. It has always been a suspicious issue. At least from the perspective of famous polls such as Gallopp, the people of some key countries are being alienated.Or hostile, including between China and the United States, the United States, Russia, and Russia.From the perspective of the results and trends of the election and the upcoming election, the right -wing forces are obtaining unprecedented support, and their basic claims are usually excluding, and the trust of outsiders will be abandoned.Maybe the world is slowly moving towards the "showdown era" (see the author's joint Zaobao commented that the world is moving towards the "showdown era"?), Everyone has a strong motivation to eliminate accumulated contradictions in a short period of time, instead of considering trust in trustAfter all, the "rebuilding trust" is by no means results.

This is an era of trusted downward.Trust is a kind of feelings in the heart. According to the explanation of psychology, whether it is trust or suspicion, there will be a process of self -realization and self -enhancement, that is, the relationship between trust and suspicion will become stronger and stronger.Being destroyed will go further and further on the opposite road.In today's world, the psychological psychology of mutual trust is constantly weakening. The decline in trust between opponents is the crux of the contradiction between the United States and Russia. One party wants to expand the north to the east, and the other side must move forward, and the Ukraine War broke out.The trust between allies is also declining. When facing a public crisis such as global warming, countries around the world should stand on the same front. Unfortunately, developed countries have not made sincerity on the issue of climate change fund.Some trust based on obedience is equally dangerous. The trust of the "Teacher Grandpa" -style trust that has no equality will bring more doubts and opportunities; the key is that once the trust is destroyed, it will enter the vicious cycle.The passage, unless there is a new shocking inflection point.

This is a difficult era.The more difficult it is, the more people tend to get rid of their own difficulties, and ignore the interests of others. Trust will let the dedication of survival. The so -called "the difficulty of flying is flying", and it is more difficult to build trust during difficulties.From the economic perspective, the world economy may be in the worst five -year cycle of nearly 30 years.The latest forecast data of the World Bank Global Economic Outlook shows that global economic growth will slow down for the third consecutive year, from 2.6%in 2023 to 2.4%in 2024. This will make the growth rate of the global economy from 2020 to 2024 in 30 years.The slowest five years.Coupled with the US dollar interest rate hikes, most of them are self -rescue behaviors that harm people and self -benefit; the Red Sea Shipping Crisis has led to a great increase in global trade costs; the WTO appealed agencies have been lacking for a long time, and the Security Council has very few actions against major events.EssenceThis scene could not help reminding the human crisis of a century ago, and the small circle of "US dollars", "British Group", "Mark Group", and "Farang Group" appeared worldwide.war.

This is an era that lacks communication.The communication in the information society is more frequent and more convenient, but it does not see that it has a more frank and trustworthy communication effect. Just like everyone chats with others across the screen, but the real friends who can really make a lot of heart have not increased.After the outbreak of the Harbin conflict, the world suddenly discovered that although Israel is powerful, it knows very little about Hamas; Hamas is brutal and stubborn, but how can it be forbearing to the "moth flutter the fire"Neighbors may not know each other completely.Many commentary articles analyze Hamas's actions from the perspective of interests and rationality, and recently Israel's rejection of the "two countries", but this is likely to fundamentally ignore or disintegrate Hamas and many Palestinian people.The motivation for behavior may be "resistance" itself is the mission that many people have identified in their hearts, and there is no need to lose and the future.How many people have such people in Gaza and even the Middle East. At that time, Hamas won the election in Gaza.Now we are still using our own standards to measure the actions of others. This is the greatest sadness in the information age and the most terrible part of lack of communication.The standards are inconsistent, and the trust will rise from.

This is an era of rapid change.The development of the world will not slow down because everyone wants to seek trust. The climate change has intensified, economic development is bumpy, geopolitical turbulence, and scientific and technological challenges are approaching. So many changes will intensify because humans have no common actions.It is one of the most important reasons for human beings.The outside world cannot know the true development of artificial intelligence, but everyone is turbulent from the high -level turbulence of Open AI to see their internal anxiety, which involves the trust between people and people and artificial intelligence behind this;It is that if humans cannot trust each other, one day they must be forced to accept infinite trust in artificial intelligence. Regardless of whether the result is good or bad, responsibility will bear themselves.Compared with the challenge of artificial intelligence, the revenge of nature's revenge on human beings does not know which one will come faster.

This can revisit the wisdom of Confucius in ancient Chinese, and in the Analects of Confucius Yan Yuan: Zigong asked politics.Zi said: "Full of food, foot soldiers, people's trust." Zigong said: "There must be no last resort, why is the three of the three?" Said: "Go to the soldiers." Zi Gong said: "What is the two in the two? "Said:" Go to eat.The ancients believed that it was the first option to resolve the crisis to welcome the future. Unfortunately, to this day, many people have completely disrupted the order between the three, or they completely lost the most important one.It is really a situation that cannot be assured.

The author is Yangzhou current affairs commentator