The competition between China and the United States is neither a fighting battle between the ancient Greek city -states. It is far more than the contradiction friction between the sovereign countries, but also the trade war between the United States, Europe / the United States and Japan.If it is insisted to apply a historical ratio, it may be closer to the dispute between the Greek and Persians, the Qin and the Six Kingdoms in the Chinese world, and the dispute between the Song and Yuan dynasties in the Chinese world, and the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union and even the Second World War.

Is it a zero -sum game in China and the United States?(Lianhe Zaobao February 13th Edition) Mention that China and the United States seem to have no fundamental conflict, and economic and cultural exchanges are highly complementary and mutually beneficial, but it has launched a wide rangeGame.The official announcements of both sides seem to have determined that the competition or struggle is "dead", which is related to survival.The two largest economies in the world go to you to die, and it will inevitably affect the world, so it is necessary to observe it.

The behavior of human individuals and groups is determined by interest demand, value specifications, and capacity situations, while different social and political systems are a basic variable that forms the difference between these factors.Such as nomadic tribes, farming villages, authoritarian emperors, and democracy and rule of law, all have their own different value concepts and behavioral norms.Different world political order determines the different destiny of the entire world: the world empires with unified power such as Chinese order and the Inca Empire, international relations with decentralization, such as the League of the Yuanyuan and the Westporia systemIt has brought other different achievements to their entire "world".

The popular "East and West Diversion" in the historical world said that it discussed the very different historical development and achievements at both ends of Eurasia and the East East East and West after the 15th century.In fact, this so -called diversion is mainly the different consequences of two different world order.The different cultures of human behavior of regulating human behavior are just the precipitation and internalization of different political systems and world order.

Uniform international relations are more desirable

Fortunately, human beings have always lived in international relations (or several world empires separated from parallel), and have not yet appeared a real global world political unity.The most bad world order has created a brilliant modern human civilization, but it is by no means eternal.The world's unification of the world is actually more common and more natural. Theoretically, it is often known as the desirable and ideal ideal; but from the actual record, inconsistent international relations are more world order.In the 17th century, Western European international relations, namely Westpulia, covered the world through blood and fire colonialism and non -colonized movements.For more than a hundred years, it has experienced two expensive tests of World War I and a Global Cold War.

Under the current world order, various independent sovereignty countries, especially large powers, have to carry out comprehensive and continuous international comparison and competition with similar categories to safeguard survival safety and strive for rights.This competition forces countries to study, imitate, adjust, and change, optimize the system specifications and resource allocation, and trigger endless exploration and innovation efforts, accelerate the global flow utilization and communication of knowledge technology, manpower, resources, and capital, and constantly excel it.Win.This may be why humans have achieved the main secrets that have not achieved many years before in the past few centuries.Taking the United States as an example, since the founding of the People's Republic of China, it has been prosperous in the competition with other countries; the same is true of Lian and the watch relatives next door: not only troubled territorial disputes, but also to trade war; about environmental protection, foreign policies and social culture,The contradictions and disputes between the United States and Canada have been constantly.

Maintaining good and beneficial international competition is not easy.On the one hand, we must overcome the "nature" of human preference authoritarian politics and the world, tolerate the sovereignty and equality of other countries, and continuously abandon the norms accumulated in the internalization of their ancestors, or the cultural traditions, to change, strengthen, and work hard to compete.EssenceThis is even more uncomfortable for some large, ambitious, and unique and superior powers.On the other hand, international competition will indeed bring a long or even long -term relative gain, causing the relative rise and fall of a country's economy and national strength, bringing the population and capital to move in, endangering the stability and existence of a specific rule and even "culture".

There is no one country for more than a hundred years.

A country, as an independent unit of sovereignty, will even disappear because of the failure of international competition and is stunned by other countries.However, under the international relations system of legal writing, the so -called "dead kingdom" has almost never been before in the past 100 years.None of those internationally competitive countries, from the German -Japanese Niki, the Soviet Union, the Khmer Rouge to Somalia, none of them really died.Like bankruptcy companies, after their leadership team stepped down and even disappeared, the people and land property were reorganized (although reorganization did not always mean optimization); only a certain regime, a political map, and a social and political system wereEssenceAs long as the Westparian system is not replaced by the World Empire, various sovereign countries will inevitably have a loss, loss, or loss, but the independent national character should be basically safe.

In short, the comparison and competition between the two major powers of China and the United States is the normal state of international relations; it is normal, unavoidable, and beneficial to encouragement.However, the two countries have a huge volume and are unique in the world. The behavior has a significant and systematic impact.There are still many non -zero places in China and the United States. For example, you chase me in science and technology research and development and international donations, forcing both parties to do their best to do better in the internal affairs and diplomacy.Leyi.

However, there is no one to repeat but it is extremely important that Beijing and Washington are significantly different in the domestic political system and value specifications.For example, the author's article in the United States, the World Empire, and the World Order (Lianhe Zaobao January 10th Edition) briefly described it, and the current leadership of the world or the United States, which is enjoying hegemony, has always been well maintained for its own reasons.It is not to change the international relations system that is divided into divisions in various countries.

Since 1949, it has also been for its own reasons. It is mainly the unique needs of political security. It has been actively seeking world leadership.It is reflected in the two major slogans on the building of Tiananmen City: the world's people's unity.

The specific interpretation of this magnificent goal has different transformations. From the world's communism, Dongfeng overwhelming Western wind, anti -imperial hegemony, new international order, to the community of human destiny, but all of them are ideal unity of world politics or the world.To realize the grand Chinese dream of "the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation / civilization", it is unknown about which era to revive.But according to the author's understanding, it should be the great Chinese world empire of the Han and Tang dynasties.This is said to be the world's big change in the world of "no hundred years" or even "once every four hundred years", so it means that China and the United States are pursuing the opposite opposite of opposite and compatible world order.This makes the Sino -US game trend and close to zero, if it is not completely zero -sum.As a result, it will not only determine which different political systems and value specifications will become the leading and examples of various countries, and it will also maintain or change the entire current world order.

From this point of view, the competition between China and the United States is not a fighting battle between the ancient Greek city -states, and it is far more than the contradiction friction between the sovereign countries, but also the trade war between the United States, Europe, and the United States and Japan.If it is insisted to apply a historical ratio, it may be closer to the dispute between the Greek and Persians, the Qin and the Six Kingdoms in the Chinese world, and the dispute between the Song and Yuan dynasties in the Chinese world, and the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union and even the Second World War.With this basic attribute, people's management and even transformation and optimization of Sino -US competition may have a solid foundation.

The author is a professor at the School of International Affairs of Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States