With a large number of first -generation private entrepreneurs, such as Wanxiang Group Lu Guanqiu, Shanshan Group Zheng Yonggang, Wahaha Group Zong Qinghou, have passed away one after another. The era of "everything is possible" has ended.

As soon as the Lunar Lantern Festival of 2024, there was an unfortunate news. Mr. Zong Qinghou, the founder of Hangzhou Wahaha Group, unfortunately died of lung cancer. At the age of 79, all sectors of society expressed condolences.The death of this well -known entrepreneur means that a well -known private enterprise has lost the helm. It is another curtain for the first generation of private entrepreneurs rising after China's reform and opening up.The end of the era of the grass who get rich!

As a post -70s, I ate a lot of Wahaha -produced things when I was a kid, such as nutritional oral liquid and various flavors of eight treasure porridge. Now my son in elementary school also likes to drink AD calcium milk I drank.For decades, so many types of food have not had food safety accidents, nor did they have a bad "technology and harmonious work", which is valuable.Wahaha is a conscience company. Zong Qinghou is an entrepreneur who is a sincere company and has a sense of social responsibility.

The current medical technology is developed, but Zong Qinghou died at the age of 80, while Zhejiang Province's per capita life expectancy was 82 years old in 2021.After the news was announced, a large number of mourning videos quickly appeared on social platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou.At the entrance of the headquarters of Hangzhou Wahaha Group, there are also many people who have spontaneously donated flowers to express their mourning feelings.This response and treatment are similar to Li Keqiang, who died in October last year.This reflects a kind of public opinion: everyone respects entrepreneurs with responsibility and good reputation, although today’s Chinese private entrepreneurs have been stigmatized to some extent, as if they have "original sin", they have been being one after another.It is regarded as a black -hearted capitalist.However, in an interview, Zong Qinghou publicly declared that "I am an entrepreneur and not a capitalist."

Implement "First Fu Drives and Fu"

Zong Qinghou is the first generation of private entrepreneurs who grew up with reform and opening up.When he talked about his company's development, he must strive to drive more people's wealth.He solved the employment problems of tens of thousands of people with his own strength, and took the initiative to raise employee wages to build cheap housing for them in the golden area of ​​Hangzhou.These practices are also in line with Deng Xiaoping's initial conception of reform and opening up, that is, "the rich is driven first."Zong Qinghou resolutely did not consider himself as a capitalist who only benefited, and the ordinary people were indeed like this.

Zong Qinghou's early years of experience was relatively bumpy. He has been engaged in physical work for many years in remote rural farms and tea farms, and he can barely solve food and clothing.Economic constraints. At the age of 35, they get married and have daughters. Even if they are placed today, they are older young people who are properly married late.If you are not fortunate to meet in a good era, take the spring breeze of reform and opening up, and his family background is not good, he may be in the lower level of society for a lifetime, it is difficult to turn over, and it is impossible to be the throne of the richest man in China three times.Successful people.Therefore, Zong Qinghou had publicly stated that he would like to thank Deng Xiaoping.This should be from the heart of the heart!

In the vibrant 1980s and 1990s of the last century, he borrowed money to start a business and started from a small school -run enterprise.Later, when he founded its own factory, the state -owned canned factory that merged and lost money, spent money to advertise on CCTV, Wahaha's nutritional oral solution was hit, and the company has been flourishing since then, and has embarked on a fast -growing fast lane and became a well -known food company in China.All kinds of beverages are produced by tens of billions of bottles a year, and each Chinese can get dozens of bottles.The annual sales of tens of billions of dollars or hundreds of billions of yuan will be paid to the state for billions of taxes.

Wahaha has become an evergreen tree in the industry, Zong Qinghou has also become a grassroots entrepreneur and representative of civilian heroes who have successfully started their business, and they are also idols in the minds of many people.No wonder his death, Alibaba's Ma Yun, Xiaomi Lei Jun and many well -known private entrepreneurs have expressed their mourning feelings.In particular, Ma Yun, even presented a couplet, "Forty life fighting, the pioneer spirit; entrepreneurship for new nights to seek new nights, entrepreneurial nature", the evaluation can be described as appropriate, deserved!In this, there are both Zhejiang businessmen, respecting and condolences of fellow villagers and predecessors, and also implied the sorrow of the era of free and openness.

With a large number of first -generation private entrepreneurs, such as Wanxiang Group Lu Guanqiu, Shan Shan Group Zheng Yonggang, Wahaha Group Zong Qinghou, have passed away, the era of "everything is possible" has ended.

Many people's condolences to Zong Qinghou have taken the opportunity to express a memories of a good era at the beginning of reform and opening up.Not long ago, the flowers of TV series caused heated discussion, and many people missed Shanghai in the 1990s.Although the economy was not now developed and material was not rich now, at that time full of opportunities and hope, people had light in their eyes, and they had hope in their hearts.Everyone thinks that society is developing forward, business is a good thing to create wealth, and their own efforts are rewarded, and they can flow to the upper class.

In recent years, a Chinese society has blown up a wind of private enterprises, and some theory believes that the historical mission of private enterprises has been completed.In the meaning of words, capital is evil, and private enterprises should withdraw from the stage of history.Therefore, there are many fields in many fields, and the sky -high price fines that are tens of millions, hundreds of millions, or even tens of billions of dollars are shocked.Is it really a pig and fat. Should I kill meat?

The situation of private enterprises is becoming increasingly difficult. Many private entrepreneurs have no sense of security. They either become low -key or retreat from rivers and lakes, or simply "moisturize" abroad.In the long run, it is not a good thing.

China's economy must be developed, the market must be active, and the financial surplus must be solved. To solve the employment problems of tens of millions of college students who graduate each year, private enterprises are inseparable.Especially now, the domestic economy is downturn and the external environment is not good. It is also facing the risk of "discounted chain". It is also necessary to cultivate "internal skills".Zong Qinghou once said that state -owned enterprises are mainly responsible for "national Qiang", while private enterprises are responsible for "people rich".If you want to be "strong and rich in the country", the two are indispensable!

The author is Yunnan teacher