"China is speeding up their efforts to build a trade structure that is not affected by the United States and centered on developing countries." British FinanceThe Times website said on February 26 in China to reshape the world trade in China.The article said that in this regard, Beijing's main strategy is to use the relationship between the "Belt and Road" initiative and the global south.The investment project launched in 2013 was involved in more than 140 countries and regions such as Asia, Africa, and Latin America.The content of the article is as follows:

Trade experts said that the construction of a trade structure is around a network composed of China -centered and "free trade agreement" in bilateral and regional.Essence

Actively promote free trade

Signing bilateral and regional free trade agreements is one of the primary tasks of China.China is creating a more open and inclusive development environment, and it will expand the network of high -standard free trade zones for the world.

A Chinese trading official who is unwilling to disclose its name said: "China plays a leading role in free trade, and the United States and the European Union are increasingly shifting to protectism."

According to British media statistics, China has made significant progress in this regard.In the 12 months as of the end of October last year, China ’s exports of goods exports to countries and regions in the network of its free trade agreements accounted for about 38%of its global exports.

At the end of 2008, China and Singapore signed a free trade agreement; in 2010, the China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone also launched.However, it was not until the United States excluded China in the negotiations of the cross -Pacific partnership agreement that Beijing really accelerated its free trade agreement plan.

So far, China's biggest success is to promote the regional comprehensive economic partnership Agreement (RCEP) composed of 15 countries. This huge regional free trade agreement takes effect in 2022.The GDP of its members accounts for about one -third of the global total.

But Beijing did not stop at RCEP.According to calculations, China is conducting ten consultations for free trade agreements (excluding upgraded version negotiations on the effective agreement), which will account for about 4.3%of China's exports.At the same time, the feasibility study of eight other free trade agreements is also underway. If it is finalized, it will account for about 2.6%of China's global exports.

Trade gravity begins to turn

Chinese experts said that in the long run, the focus of the Chinese government is to use the relationship between more than 140 countries and regions covered by the “Belt and Road” initiative and sign free trade with these countries under possible circumstances.Agreement, thereby further turning trade to developing countries.

Gao Shuchao, a professor of law at Singapore Management University, said that this trend is in progress.In the year of October 2023, China's exports to the exports of Ten ASEAN (including in the “Belt and Road” initiative) exceeded the export value of the United States.More widely speaking, the trade volume of China and countries along the “Belt and Road” exceeds the sum of trade with the United States, the European Union and Japan.

Michael Ball, an emerging market expert of Jinda Asset Management Company, believes that the commercial exchanges between China and developing countries have proven that the axis of the world is inclined.He said: "As the West tried to decompose with China, other parts of the world are adjusting their own directions -facing China."

One of the manifestations of this change is that the flow of investment is surging in accordance with the topographic diagram of the China Free Trade Agreement.Ball said that China's direct investment in ASEAN climbed from US $ 9 billion before the 2019 epidemic to $ 15.4 billion in 2022, which will help change the region's economic destiny.

Penang in Malaysia has become a semiconductor manufacturing center, and Garriman in Indonesia has become an electric vehicle and electric vehicle battery manufacturing center. These high -tech manufacturing hotspots are only two examples of the climbing technology ladder of ASEAN countries.

help to balance geopolitics

To a large extent, China ’s expansion of free trade agreements is due to the needs of geopolitics.A priority is a free trade agreement with the Gulf Arab National Cooperation Committee (that is, the Seahei Association).Sea -Jianjie is an alliance consisting of Barin, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.This free trade agreement has been in ten rounds of negotiations, and Chinese officials said in 2022 that the negotiations have been in "very late and critical stages."

Seahei will represent China's crucial strategic interests.In the 12 months as of October last year, China exported more than 100 billion US dollars to the region, and about 40%of China's oil imports depended on fossil fuel exporters in the region.In addition, some Chinese technology companies (including Huawei, a telecommunications giant, which have been sanctioned by the United States) are also helping to build infrastructure in several countries in the United States.

Chinese officials said that another important area that China is concerned about is the African continent.In 2018, 44 (currently 54) African countries signed a free trade agreement in the African continent, which brought great opportunities to China.

Although Beijing has not yet expressed its intention to join the agreement, China, as the largest national trading partner in Africa, has promoted the close alliance between China and the organization.According to Chinese officials, China provides financial support for the African Free Trade Agreement Secretariat, and the Ministry of Commerce of China also signed an agreement in 2021 to establish an expert group with the secretariat to cooperate with digital trade, customs clearance procedures, intellectual property rights and other fieldsEssence

China does not want to see the demise of globalization represented by the WTO.On the contrary, China has been a clear beneficiary of trade liberalization for more than 20 years.Since joining the WTO in 2001, China's total trade has increased by more than ten times, far exceeding the global average.(Compilation/Juli)