Herbert Marcuse, a German -American philosopher, published the most realistic and influential philosophical work in the field of critical theory in 1964 -unidirectional people: developed industry: developed industrySocial ideology research, he criticized the ideological control in the developed industrial society at the time in the book.

The strong technologies of highly developed industrial society, coupled with the huge development of productivity, have made existing power more reasonable to the rule of society.This rationality will make the public agree with existing social reality in terms of language, art, and lifestyle.This identity is different from the early social identity of feudal rule or the development of capitalist development, because the material resources provided by developed industrial society have surpassed any times in the past.

The negation and criticism of the real society due to scarcity and suffering in the past will be difficult to appear again, and the recognition of the real society will in turn strengthen the rule of society that dominates the dominance.The developed industrial society enters a state of stagnation. Any kind of real progress will be considered by the established society as an abnormal, pathological existence, and must be removed. The society enters an ultra -stable state.

For the sake of society to fall into a ultra -stable, stagnant, conservative one -way society, people who live in it must dare to think critically, criticize, negative, and transcend it, and put thinking practice, and to practice thinking practiceEssenceThe criticism of Malgassy's one -way industrial society provided important theoretical support for the vigorous student movement in the 1960s, and promoted the change of modern Western political society to some extent.

距离马尔库塞那本经典批判理论著作首次出版,已经过去60年,现代社会有了巨大发展,工业技术已经逐渐被人工智能技术所取代,成为人类社会发展的新增长点,随着ChatGPT officially released in 2022, burst into fire in 2023, and Sora, which caused heated discussion in the world in 2024. This world can be said to enter a new era -the era of artificial intelligence.

If the industrial era brings to the liberation of physical labor with modern industrial machines, the era of artificial intelligence will promote the liberation of brain labor.If we think further along Malkase's thoughts: In the prospects of physical strength and brain power, will our society and our "people" as part of society part be truly liberated?From a reality, it seems difficult to get a positive answer.Now, the most appearing in international news is still war and conflict. The war between Russia and Ukraine, the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the Chinese cards in the United States election and the racial issues caused by the Russian cards and immigration issues. These problems are the same.Is there any essential difference between the problems in the era of Malcuscean?

The contradiction between

The current neo -liberalism and the "National Conservatism" represented by Trumpism and the Western society, which is essentially a contradiction between the status quo and backwardness.It is not a contradiction of progress.On February 17th, the competitive measures provided by economists for neo -liberalism were just the principle of calling for new liberalism to achieve it, and there was no progress.

Where does the real progress come from?Maybe it is too late to return to the tradition of criticism.Artificial intelligence is a transcendence of technology in the industrial era, but society's thinking may still stay in a developed industrial era. Therefore, seeking new ideological liberation, need to transcend the thinking, and surpass the rules and regulations set by the established social reality for our thoughts.

Of course, this transcendence is extremely slow for social development, as if the main contradictions in the current Western society are still new liberalism and national conservativeism, but if there is no third choice, 10, 10After the year and 20 years, the thoughts in society in the era of highly developed artificial intelligence still only stayed in the ideas of highly developed industrial society.Turning again.

The author is an assistant researcher at Chengdu Sendong Research Institute