Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Zhang Mingzhen

The latest fiscal budget in Hong Kong announced that the Travel Development Bureau will hold fireworks and drone performances in Victoria Harbor monthly, but the valid time will not be determined.The industry pointed out that whether it can develop a "Hong Kong version of the Firefire Conference" depends on the benefits of this year.

The bright fireworks of Victoria Harbor Night Sky, and the special water fireworks on the waters of Wan Chai and the West Kowloon Cultural District last year, are well received by citizens and tourists; they attract more than 340,000 and 479,000 appreciation, respectively, and strongly drive the tourism -related industriesBenefits, the industry reflects positive.

This time, the official decided to add vitality to the tourism industry in the short term and boost consumption. It is expected that the firefighting costs each time is only about 1 million Hong Kong dollars (about S $ 170,000).In order to maximize the benefits, it will also choose the appropriate location at Victoria Harbor, and introduce commercial facilities such as catering, retail and entertainment in a pilot method, bringing convenience and better experience to tourists.At the same time, re -create the "Magic Wing Xiangjiang" lighting music show.

Cui Dingbang, the director of the Hong Kong Tourism Promotion Association, told reporters that after the news was announced, the industry reported that it was also very supportive.In the past two large -scale fireworks performances, many mainland Chinese and foreign passengers came to Hong Kong. The industry's feedback performance was very good.At present, Hong Kong needs a little more program after traveling to Hong Kong, which also allows local people in Hong Kong to stay in Hong Kong during the holidays.

He pointed out that Hong Kong needs more special activities to make guests want to come every month.Some guests cannot come here on New Year's Day and now provide them with more choice arrangements.The government is not just letting fireworks, but also with the corresponding activities. I believe that people who want to go to Japan to watch fireworks will be pulled to Hong Kong.

There is a voice that the fireworks are too dense every month and worried that there is no freshness.In fact, it can be seen from the Japan Firefire Conference that the activity has the opportunity to develop a long -term characteristics and has a low cost and high return tourism industry chain.

Japan is more attractive for winter tourism. Skiing, hot spring, Mount Fuji, etc. all have local characteristics, and the flower fire conference is a Japanese summer tourist signboard.After the epidemic was unsealed, in the Kanto area in 2023, there were 16 fireworks conferences within three weeks from July 22 to August 12, and 5 days on August 5th. A total of 85,000 fireworks were launched.

Flower Fire Conference and bring huge economic benefits to Japan.Taking the Changliangchuan Firefire Conference in August last year, according to statistics from local market research institutions, the number of visitors was about 450,000; in addition to local residents, there were 280,000 passengers overnight, accounting for more than 60%.The calculation of tourism consumption, including all tourist transportation, catering and souvenirs, the economic benefits of the fireworks conference are about 3 billion yen (about S $ 27 million).

The 46th Sumida Sichuan Fire Fire Conference held at the end of July last year attracted about 1.03 million audiences to participate.86%of the visitors visiting Mutian District are one -day tour, and each person spends about 290 Hong Kong dollars; 14%are overnight tourists, and each person spends about 550 Hong Kong dollars.If other non -direct income is calculated, a Sumida Sichuan Firefire Conference brings a total of 15.768 billion yen in the country and a economic chain reaction of about 853 million Hong Kong dollars.However, the administrative expenditure of the conference was only about 46.7 million yen, which was equivalent to 337 times the return on investment.

The Hong Kong Tourism and Development Agency will allocate resources from the government's budget to handle the related costs of fireworks. Most of Japan will be obtained through donations and sponsorship, including the cruise ship industry and hotel catering industry that benefit from the event.

Cui Dingbang believes that Hong Kong is fully capable of developing into a Hong Kong version of the Fireworks Conference, and the charm of Victoria Harbor is well -known in the world.If you want to develop a growth period, it will definitely be transformed into a business behavior. There is no problem with the government's payment in the early stage.At present, the government's primary purpose is to consider attracting passengers to Hong Kong in the short term and stimulate consumption.Whether it can develop into long -term special activities may depend on the benefits of this year.